apostolicrevelation.blogspot.com is one of the world's fast growing popular Bible study websites, attracting thousands of visitors daily from all around the world. We follow a unique revelatory apostolic seer writing from the Scripture with Rapture taking place any time after Mid-Point but before Great Tribulation begins through Antichrist, we use dispensational interpretation of Scripture and believe the Bible teaches salvation by grace through faith alone, and the eternal security of believers. We will focus mainly on apostolic teaching that will edify, equip and empower the saints to reach their full potential in Christ Jesus. Our goal is the edification, evangelism and empowerment of the last day Church that the Lord Jesus Christ is raising up before His triumphant return!
Have Any Questions? Ask A Apostolic Bible Teacher!
►Please Fill Your Email And Name For My Answers To Reach You — Abraham Israel◄
Abraham Israel is the President and Founder of this WEBSITE : www.apostolicrevelation.blogspot.com. Abraham Israel is a Apostle, Bible Teacher, Pastor and a Preacher of the Word of God who loves to dig out the truths of the Bible and bring it out in a revelatory and inspired way. He loves to write under the Anointing of the Holy Spirit, and his only desire is to see people enter in to the Kingdom of God and shine forth as the stars that are in the sky for the Glory of God, in this final season of the end time harvest before the Second Coming of Jesus Christ!! This Apostolic Revelation website through which the Apostolic Articles for Kingdom Living is birthed from, is based on the vision of a True Apostolic Church that God has given Abraham Israel to establish, called Household of Faith Church and World Outreach. This trans-denominational Parachurch organisation will focus mainly on apostolic teaching that will empower and equip the saints to reach their full potential in Christ Jesus. Our vision statement is: Bless the city, Reach the nation, Arise and shine to the nations! Our goal is the edification, evangelism and empowerment of the last day Church the Lord Jesus Christ is raising up, before His triumphant return! Please feel free to email the author if you have any questions or comments or any prayer requests you may have to :
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Duplication and re-transmission of this writing is permitted provided that complete source and website information for the Ministries of Abraham Israel are included, unless the article is an excerpt from a book by another publisher. If so, please contact the cited publisher for reprint permission. Finally, material may not be taken out of context to slander or defame this ministry. The Author and Founder of this Website, (i.e.) Abraham Israel wants people to compare his answers with Scripture, and accept or reject what he publishes based on that comparison. His intention in doing this ministry is to make the people of God turn to the Bible for all questions regarding this life and for the life to come, and therefore find God's authenticated answers which when believed leads to Eternal and Abundant life of heaven to be experienced on earth through the Word of God. In short, he wants to promote the Word of God because he says that he knows its power and blessings!
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