Thursday, April 25, 2024

RE: Canaan Was Noah's Grandson Or His Son Through Ham's Incest?

Did Ham Sin Against His Father Noah Through Incest That Brought God's Curse Upon His Son?

Question: It was Canaan Noah cursed not Ham. Canaan was Noah's grandson And Hams son.

How Canaan came about was because Ham slept with His own mother and Impregnated her and gave birth to Canaan.

This is what the Bible calls, uncovering your father's nakedness... By either sleeping with your mother or your father's concubines.

What is your opinion and take on it? How do you see it?

Answer: Greetings in Jesus wonderful name!

Please note it was not in that angle as Noah's wife the mother of Ham was a godly woman (1 Pet 3:20), and this was the only time Noah's was told to be drunk and lost his spiritual balance. The Bible never hides the weakness of people, instead in exposes to all the readers so that we can learn from it and avoid the same sin which brings curse in the lives of people. And the most important thing that we should learn from this story is, both the other brothers of Ham came backward and covered his fathers nakedness with respect and honor, which clearly shows that Ham seeing the nakedness of his father was a physical act, and not a incestuous event.

While Ham failed to do this, Ham son was prophesied how the rebellion in him will affect the life of his son Canaan to lead them in to more rebellion against God and idolatry. For example, Abraham told a half lie (Gen 12:13), Isaac told a full lie (Gen 26:7), and Jacob the grandchild of Abraham became a liar and deceiver from the womb of his mother (Gen 25:26).

The Bible portray God as "visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children (Exodus 20:5-6; 34:6-7; Numbers 14:18). So this is nothing new, but rather what happened within the heart of Ham and stayed there was brought out in to open by God because of the disrespect and dishonor Ham on that particular day revealed out of him towards his godly Father Noah, who was his spiritual Father too from his childhood. The children should cover their father's nakedness, instead of uncovering and exposing it. 

If Ham has done incestuous indulgence, he would have been thrown out of the home of Noah, but rather it was God who saw what was exhibited by Ham and He showed him in a vision of the evil thoughts, works and talks of Ham to Noah supernaturally.

Waking up from his sleep Noah realized by the eyes of God, what has happened to him in his inebriated condition. This whatever curse from Noah the patriarch is a prophetic word that was uttered upon the descendants of Canaan, and also not even upon Canaan directly. So on one should take the Scriptures out of context to pull meaning like exaggerating Ham's sin of rebellion to be wrongly said as incestuous relationship of exposing his mother's nakedness, which is totally taken out of contextual meaning and is completely wrong (Lev 20:11-21).

May God help us all to repent of the rebellion we have inside us like in the same way, so that it may not affect our children the same way it affected Canaan. If we confess our sins, God is faithful and just, to cleanse us from all unrighteousness so that we can be free and victorious over the evil old nature of sin that works now and then in us (1 John 1:7, 9). We should not allow it to overcome us (Gen 4:7), but rather through God's help must destroy even the trace of it, so that we might be blessed purely by faith for generations after generations by the grace of God (1 John 3:8-9; 4:4; 5:4). For those of his children who repent for their sins and bad habits to come to the Heavenly Father through confessing it, great mercy and grace God shows to them, that they will be blessed for thousand generation without a trace of the bad habit or curse that followed them through Genes and DNA (Exo 20:4, 5, 6).

Hallelujah! GLORY TO GOD!

Much Blessings....


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