Friday, December 29, 2023

Does 2 Thessalonians 2:3 Complement Dan 9:27, Or Contradict Each Other?

Does Deception Of The End Time Start With The Confirmation Of The Covenant of Peace With All Nations By Antichrist?

Question: 2 THESSALONIONS 2:3, "Let no one deceive you by any means; for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and THE MAN OF SIN is revealed, the SON OF PERDITION,..." Daniel 9:27 "Then HE shall confirm a covenant with many for one week..." WHAT DO YOU REALLY THINK SEEING BOTH THESE SCRIPTURE TOGETHER? IS THE WORLD WIDE PEACE CONNECTED SOMEWAY TO THE FALLING AWAY? Please do respond and answer back for more clarity!! God bless you!

Answer: Greetings in Jesus wonderful name!

There are two revelation of Antichrist, one to the Church believers which will happen before the Rapture (1 Thes 2:3) and then the next revelation of the Antichrist happen to the worldly left behind people after the Rapture (1 Thes 2:8), whom the LORD will defeat at his coming if they all continue with Antichrist without repentance (Rev 16:10-11; 19:20-21).

What event starts off the 70 weeks? What event starts the 7 years?

70 weeks started from the rebuilding of the second temple to the Messiah the Prince on a donkey coming in peace and entering the temple.... there shall be 7 and 62 weeks... together they are 69 weeks. 1 week is left for the end times to start and the Messiah to come to rule the nation of Israel for a thousand years time. In other words (7*7=49 years), forty nine years it will take for the second temple to be reopened from the decree of the King, and further from the opening of the Second temple of Jerusalem and the rebuilding of the wall thereafter that continues and the rebuilding of Jerusalem city to the time Messiah who will enter Jerusalem as Prince of peace on a donkey in to will be (62*7=434 years) four hundred and thirty four years (Dan 9:24-25, 26). Altogether they total up to seventy (70) weeks, that is four hundred and ninety (490) years. The last week that is seven (7) years start with a peace covenant made with all nations regarding the status of Israel and Jerusalem. 

The first three and half years will be a time of false peace covenant as the deal is made by Antichrist and broken by the same man after three and half years time (Dan 9:27). There will be a holy pause that happened at the death of Jesus Christ, because in it the Church came in to existence and have continued till today. Then the last week which is seven years time will start with a covenant made by all nations regarding Israel as we have discussed already (Dan 9:27), a peace covenant which will be broken by the one who did it just at the start of the last three and half years, which is called by God as the abomination of desolation, after which Jesus Christ will come and pour out his wrath on the desolate who will then bring a world army to fight him, but will be defeated by Christ and the Church (Rev 16:1-21; 19:11-21). Hallelujah!

Does the church has nothing to do with the Antichrist? Can the Antichrist not be of a concern to us? Can our concern be on the Rapture without knowing the Antichrist? In other words, can we as the Church focus on the Rapture without the Antichrist?

Jesus and Paul the apostle have spoken more about Antichrist and have given him as the deceptive sign with which the world will be deceived in the end of end times. In fact, Jesus tells to the nation of Israel, you will receive the Antichrist who will come in his own name (John 5:43). THE CHURCH SHOULD NOT BE BLIND ENOUGH TO BE DECEIVED BY ANTICHRIST (Matt 24:15; 1 Thess 5:1-11; 2 Thess 2:1-12)!

How does the Rapture happening after the abomination of desolation will affect the imminence doctrine of the Church?

Imminence of the Rapture is never affected to any true believer who has ever lived obeying the commandments of Jesus to watch and pray, and it is not only confined to the end of end time generation but has equally been emphasized by Jesus to all generations and the reward for it will be the same in heaven to those who have obeyed him at all times (Rev 3:11; 2:16; 22:20; 16:15; 1 Thess 5:2, 6; Matt 24:43).

The belief that Rapture is imminent equally applies to all generation and to this end time generation too. But Tribulation will start and end with in a specified period of time anytime after the abomination of desolation just as Jesus foretold his Church to watch.

We are to watch and pray even after the abomination of desolation, till we are raptured up in the air to be with Jesus forever and ever. Those who have expected Jesus coming, but have not obeyed him through salvation will be left behind (2 Cor 6:2; 2 Cor 13:5-6).

The Tribulation is something that will be engineered by Antichrist through AI (Artificial Intelligence) technology and therefore is the sealing of the unbelievers through the 666 name of the beast upon them (Rev 13:5, 10, 8, 16-18).

The Tribulation will start once Antichrist begins to seal 666 to all people to control the whole world (Matt 24:16-28, 29-30).

From that time of Tribulation to the time of wrath of God upon the Antichrist...there will be great suffering.... upon the earth as the two prophets will not allow him to enter the holy of holies which is the holiest place of God until their death, after which he will enter in to seat himself as god. But by that time the wrath of God will be poured upon his throne to infuriate him to collect a world wide army to fight against Christ. This is the abomination which leads to desolation.

I also want you to consider what Paul says to Church believers that Rapture will not come until falling away from faith comes first (2 Thess 2:3-5). That means from the time of peace treaty Antichrist makes with many nations which will center around the war of Israel, three and a half years of peace and safety will be a test to all believers (1 Thess 5:2-4). Until this happens how can the Rapture which is the day of the Lord which comes as thief in the night take place?

Antichrist will first be revealed to the Church that watches and prays because it will be a reward for obedience (Luke 21:34, 35, 36). Then after the rapture he will be revealed to the left behind who believe the truth of the Bible (2 Thess 2:8; Rev 13:8, 10; 20:4-6). The Tribulation saints will be rewarded with the first resurrection if they by faith are martyred for Jesus Christ sake. Glory to God!

Surely  2 Thessalonians 2:3 Complement Dan 9:27, and also we know that the deception of the end time start with Dan 9:27. The Third Temple is almost up and ready to be running as the operation Alaqsa has been initiated by Hamas, which the nation of Israel will end it by making a mega deal of the New Millennial age with all nations come to pass through building of the 3rd Temple. We can almost hear the Trumpet sound of the Messiah for the Rapture to take place! Maranatha...Come Lord Jesus soon! .  

Much Blessings....


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