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Greetings to you in Jesus Wonderful Name! I personally invite you to join our free apostolic e-letters. These e- letters are very anointed and are full of apostolic revelations.The topics range from anointing, doctrinal foundations, end time, faith, God-kind of character, healing and deliverance, kingdom of God, prayer, question and answer, revelatory meat, the apostolic church, word inspirationals and much more.
These apostolic articles when applied in your life will begin to edify you spiritually, empowering you to live in Christ-likeness and evangelize others, thus fulfilling the command of Christ as an apostolic end time warrior of God’s army. This will also fill you with the knowledge of God which will make grace [i.e. anointing of God] and peace [i.e. prosperity of God] to be multiplied in your life (2 Peter 1:2). May God Bless you and make you a blessing to many more people in the coming days!
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