Thursday, December 8, 2011

Woman Apostles

Can Women Be Really Apostles?

Q: I'd like to ask you a question..are women Apostles Scriptural? Because I don't see it anywhere in the Bible.

A: The one place where we find a woman apostle in the entire New Testament is in the book of Romans. And I have expounded to give a better understanding about it.

Junia was a Christian woman at Rome, mentioned by Paul as one of his kinsfolk and fellow prisoners along with Andronicus, who are of note among the Apostles
(Rom 16:7). Paul says that both of them were in Christ before Paul himself which shows that they were elderly persons, seasoned and mature in the Lord for years. Here we see a woman apostle, and that too was noteworthy and stamped among the apostolic community. This shows that woman can be an apostle to the church, but should be very elderly and mature in their walk with the Lord not the young and novice women (Titus 2:3-6; 1 Tim 5:14).

Apostle Paul wrote, "Greet Andronicus and Junia, my countrymen and my fellow prisoners, who are of note among the apostles, who also were in Christ before me." (Rom 16:7).

Here Paul has used the Greek word sunaichmalotos for ‘fellow prisoners’ to describe Junia the woman apostle and Andronicus [a man apostle], which means "a fellow prisoner," primarily "one of fellow captives in war" (from aichme, "a spear," and haliskomai, "to be taken"), Rom 16:7; of Epaphras, Phm 1:23; of Aristarchus, Col 4:10, on which Lightfoot remarks that probably his relations with the Apostle in Rome excited suspicion and led to a temporary confinement, or that he voluntarily shared his captivity by living with him. Apostle Paul used the metaphor of a fellow prisoner to describe only those co-workers who worked with him and were sold out fully to Christ for proclaiming the good news as the sent one of God. This actually shows that Woman can be a apostle if they are mature enough to lead people. But the basis of woman in the five-fold ministry is based on God's choice, so if God has chosen them and have called them specifically in to this office, they must boldly step in under the guidance of a seasoned apostle and then work with them for the glory of God!

Overall to understand the role of woman in ministry please read the following article :


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