But then those that remain in the world will soon face the wrath of God... the most horrible suffering to hit humanity world wide. I feel the fall of mystery Babylon will be the third woe, so it is last event before the wrath to follow. I place it as 3rd woe because as you read of its fall, it states woe woe woe... in some of the verses along the way.
Will the fall of Mystery Babylon of One World Religion will cause the merchant's of the world to cry out, who will buy our goods now?
What is your take on it?
Answer: Praise the Lord! Greetings in JESUS CHRIST'S Holy Name!
First of all Mystery Babylon the Great is not a beast or political superpower, but rather it is a harlot, meaning, it is a religious superpower of the end time. America is THE GREAT BABYLON of the 7th BEAST superpower of the end times. But the Roman Catholic church has been the MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT of the end times, because it stood against the Church of Jesus Christ and have been the harlot it has been from the start. It rode upon the ROMAN BEAST for the past two thousand years time, thus the ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH is THE RELIGIOUS SUPERPOWER. While the Roman beast of political America is present in our generation, the harlot which is the riding on it is the Roman Catholic Church which is the religious power which sits in the whole wide world and especially upon America (Rev 17:15).
Also if the one world religion still remains, it will not allow the False prophet from the nation of Israel to do a statue of the beast in the holy of holies and make the people of the whole wide world to worship it (Rev 13:14), and as a sign of it seal them with 666 mark of the beast, which is their control individually over all the persons living on the face of the earth (Rev 13:16). The seal might be a micro-chip or even a literal seal of silicon tattoo, it is the individual identification of each living person on planet earth, the number of his name that no one could buy or sell without out the mark of the Beast on their right hand or forehead (Rev 13:17-18). The bowls of Wrath are the final Wrath Of God against the Kingdom of Antichrist before Armageddon takes place (Rev 16:1, 2), after which the armies of Heaven which is the Church and Jesus Christ will defeat the Antichrist and his armies in plain of Megiddo at Armageddon (Rev 19:11, 14-15, 16, 19, 20-21).
The bottom line is that the Mystery Babylon of Roman Catholicism is the Mother of all Harlots, the religious Power of Catholicism that will pioneer the one world religion in a short period of time in the first three and half years of Daniel 70th week, and will suddenly be no more as it reaches halfway through the same Daniel 70th week. Glory to God!
Much Blessings....
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