Thursday, June 2, 2022


What Times Are We Living In? Is There A Chance For The End To Start To Come Around The Time Of This Year 2022 That We Live In?

Dear Saints of God, Do not make light of the times that we are living in. Recently around the starting time of the month of May 2022, I had a terrible day of disturbed sleep over night...which only happens when there is a spiritual activity that happens in the spirit realm intensely. In other words, when God wants to tell something, or do something supernatural, always there will be demonic opposition to it (Dan 10:10-21). Lo and behold, at the end of that night of disturbance, vision finally came through by the grace and mercy of God, therefore I saw a vision from the Lord that deeply disturbed my spirit and at the same time, this vision had given me so much excitement to turn to the Bible to find more about it.

Remember, God gives to us nothing before time. Our God is a on time God, and will present Himself on time, not one minute or second before or after the appointed time (Gal 4:4). Why did God give vision to me you might think? That is the same thing I also was thinking, but one thing I know, I am man who lives to please God primarily, so God who had recently given me a opportunity for me to talk about the end time from the Bible through a Bible Study, wants me to increase my output to the saints and create awareness about the times are living, which means, we are very very very close to the rapture of the Church, saints!

You know, we are the generation who are very blessed to understand the very words of the prophets and apostles who have written about the end, nearly for the last three thousand and five hundred years (Luke 11:49; Matt 23:34). Believe me, all of it is happening before our very eyes.

The intense search from the Bible in my life to make myself understand better about the end has always been answered by God with more and more revelations that are coming through faith from the very throne of God for the Glory of God. I am very excited about it and want to move in the fear of God regarding it! Do you?

After a long night of spiritual battle by the angels of God, this message was delivered to me finally before the dawn could break forth. O God I ask pardon for my lack of prayer for spiritual powerlessness! But thank you for your prayers done for me and us. Glory to God! Usually, I am not a man who writes about vision or dreams normally, as I always take it as a message from God for personal guidance and direction and spiritual upliftment.

But there are times, when God wants me to convey it to the Church and people around, so that all may become admonished or exhorted, edified and comforted (1 Cor 14:3). This time it is in this category, so God has given me a burden to release this word out. Praise the Lord!

Here is what is the vision is all about, "I saw a arch of an Empire or a Kingdom so huge and big and so majestic and royal standing. I am giving you a clue of what is to come, We always know that the United States of America, always likes to do jumbo size of everything first in the world.

On the great and mighty arch was a board attached over it, and a invisible hand was writing the following on it, 'THE END OF THE UNION OF STATES, AND THE RISE OF THE NEW...2026' And that numbers of '2026' was blinking with beautiful neon changing colors and also various colors of LED lights went around it to make it seem so beautiful!"

The moment I saw it, my spirit began to search the true meaning of it. Immediately afterwards, the Holy Spirit began to unravel it all. Glory to God!

For a moment, I thought 'What is the Union of States?' Though I know that a lot of union of states are present in the world today, the only Union of States, that has ruled the world in full dominance by the grace and mercy that God has shown it, is nothing but the United States Of America!

I know that America the Great Babylon is on decline through the secular news and above all by the understanding of truth from the Bible! But is the FALL OF THE MIGHTY DOLLAR so near according to the decree of heaven, if you ask me, I can say through the understanding of the vision God has give me, IT IS ABSOLUTELY YES!!!!

But above all, the final years of the end of the world start when the last world government which is the eighth emerges out of the ashes of the seventh power in the world (Rev 17:11; Dan 7:23-28).

We know that the great America had been the stooge of the Roman Catholic Babylon cult, and it has lately become a known truth that it is voluntarily at the verge of a very very big, once in a life time voluntary collapse and surrender, stage-managed for the NEW WORLD ORDER TO RISE out of it!

From this vision, though God has stopped short of saying the word, "NEW WORLD ORDER' in the vision, it is indeed the New World Order because of the same mindedness of the people involved in it Geo-politically or by having "one mind" (Rev 17:13), the ten kings of NATO Europe will give their power and authority to the last and final beast of the EUROPEAN MESSIANIC DICTATOR who will hold the end time one world economy first, then the one world government next and finally the one world religion. In a short period of time, he will arise and take the power and authority to rule the world for three and half years and will finally be destroyed by Christ and His supernatural army of heaven at the time of His Second Coming to the earth.

You know that, even though many hundreds of years have gone by with the expectation of the Messiah coming to the earth, the time we live is unlike any-other time humans have ever seen before or even will see after us (Matt 24:21), because nearly all of the prophecies of the Bible are coming to pass on the same time and have been increasing in frequency more and more each other day indicating to us the very fact, that time will no more pass on as Christ is standing at the doors, to step out of heaven and open its gates and come to the earth to rapture the Church which He has promised from the beginning of time to us all who have been waiting for Him (Matt 24:33). Hallelujah! Maranatha!

So what is the bottom line you are talking about, you might ask me? I could surely say that the time of the covenant with many that Antichrist will make to let Israel build the temple on the mount in Jerusalem, is right at the foundation of the making of the new or as God has revealed it as a part and parcel of the RISE OF THE NEW (Dan 9:27; Matt 24:15).

Keep your eyes on Israel which is God's pivot that moves the whole end time story of the whole world, narrated by heaven and seen by earth being fulfilled in our generation! 

"Watch therefore, and Pray always that you may be counted worthy to escape all these things that will come to pass, and to stand before the Son of Man." (Luke 21:36). Hallelujah!

Much Blessings....


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