Question: Mr. Man, everyone that believes in God through Jesus Christ is saved!! Let's not be ontological about the finished work of Christ on the Cross. Study the tribulations of the early Church, and you will understand why Jesus said that you must endure to the end to be saved. Just as it is in our days, many have given up the faith because of trials.
Answer: Greetings!
The Lord knows those who are his, and the sheep will know the voice of the Master (2 Tim 2:19; John 10:27), so none can be lost because of trials or tribulation if they have true faith as Jesus and our Father in Heaven has promised not to lose even one of them, as He is the one who keeps them eternally once they come in to the sheep fold (John 10:28-30). If we are saved, God saves us eternally (Heb 5:9)!
God bless!
Question: Does constant walk with God in Salvation saves us? What if we don't bear fruit of repentance after receiving salvation, then are we in danger of losing it?
Do you know Lot's wife was saved from hell fire, but didn't enter in eternal life. You know why because even though she was saved, did not have a change from her heart which God sees and judges. Now you will say it is not in us to walk without faults, anyway God will do what ever he desires to do it. But JESUS said to all to come to him...first step is to come to Jesus humbly always and endure to the end, and thus be saved for eternal life.
Remember, those who say, 'LORD LORD will say it, but will not enter the kingdom of God.' If you live a life like ISRAELITES who gets all their needs met by God, then continue to sin, one day all those who don't stop sin will perish in desert like them.
Answer: Greetings in Jesus name!
Salvation is a one time event of faith that gets registered instantly in the Book of Life (Luke 10:20; Matt 16:15-18). But the fruit of salvation is a process that continues until we die and go on to be with the Lord in heaven (2 Cor 4:16; 5:8; 2 Peter 1:5-11)!
Salvation is a one time event that comes to us by faith (Acts 16:31), but the constant walk is the fruit of salvation which we workout with God's help for a heavenly reward, and to live a life pleasing to God (John 15:1-8). In fact, God is only pleased when He works His work through us.
The permanency of salvation is never altered, only the reward varies according to each one's work. We are saved for good works prepared before hand by God.
The work of Christ is more than enough for us to be saved, but the fruit of our works is based on how we obey what God says after we are saved. To be faithful and endure to the end is for us to know for ourselves that we are on the right track (1 Cor 16:13; 2 Cor 13:5-6), it does not affect God's salvation one bit as it is a free gift from God that we have received to glorify Him (Eph 2:8-10). In other words, man's response after salvation is a gratitude we show towards God for His eternal gift that He has given to us in Jesus Christ (Rom 12:1-2). All believers should learn to hate themselves and carry the cross God has given so that we can be a disciple and not just believers, so that we can really be a blessing to many (Luke 9:23; 14:26-33; Matt 11:28-30)!
If we do not bear fruit of repentance, we are in danger of God's chastisement as we have become His Children (Heb 12:4-11). If we still harden our heart even after chastisement, we will be at loss of eternal reward that cannot be gained again in eternity, but only enjoyed when we have already gained it all by serving the Lord when we were on earth, and thus positioning ourselves in glory and greater glory and much greater glory (1 Cor 3:14-15; Rev 3:11).
Lot's wife was saved spiritually, but physically was destroyed by chastisement from God for her disobedience. When you believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, you and your family will be saved for eternity (Acts 16:31). In fact, she became a witness to the end time Church that if salt loses its savor, what good it is except to be put underfoot and be trampled by for manure (Matt 5:13), during the Great Tribulation where many left behind will go through the same process where they will be trampled by the world and Antichrist, many of whom will choose to be martyred for Christ and be counted for eternity and the Millennial rule of Jesus and the Church. That is why Jesus also said that just like in the days of Lot, so will also be the time of the coming of the Son of Man (Luke 17:29-30, 32-37). A repeat of Lot's wife will happen to the Church which is unprepared without watching and praying for His coming at the time of Rapture.
The Lord saves the souls of His children eternally because we are redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ, but at the same time because we are His children, He will chastise us when we sin, until we repent and let go of all the bad habits that actually destroys our life with God and brings shame to the great name of our God. This includes the Israelites and Lot's family in the Old Testament (Num 23:10, 21). They were all made righteous in the eyes of God through the future substitutional sacrifice of Jesus Christ, and then they were separated and given the Laws of God to walk holy, so that He could move among them in His holiness as they obey Him. Hallelujah!
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