Thursday, June 6, 2024

If I See USA As The Great Babylon, Am I Misreading The Scripture With The Western Eyes?

Babylon The Great, The Great Babylon, Is Both The Same Or Different?

Question: In the book of Revelation, Babylon the Great is described as a symbolic entity. It represents A WEALTHY FALSE RELIGIOUS SYSTEM THAT DOMINATES THE WORLD. The phrase “mother of harlots” refers to the origin of all false religions and cults that mingle, associate or come from out of her. Babylon is associated with spiritual prostitution, which means worshiping something other than the true God.

Revelation 17:5-6 states: “And on her forehead a name was written, a mystery, ‘BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND OF THE ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH.’”

Does it mean, if I see USA as the Babylon the Great, Am I misreading the Scripture with Western eyes?

Sorry, Bible prophecy does not center around the USA. With any clear understanding of the Roman Empire, it is understood that 7 kings had the same name and the 8th will have the name as the 7 and is descendant from the 5th. The USA is merely the offspring or one of many daughters of political Babylon but it is not the mother ship, so to speak, as it is still to this day, a bit crippled and in need of revival, centered in Rome.

The 8th is a king, the Antichrist, not an empire, but connected to the 4th beast and the world’s final empire, a mixture of iron and clay. Perhaps, we will see more, come September, after the pact for the future is delivered and agreed upon and it will become a bit more clearer.

I would suggest doing research of the Holy Roman Empire, and see which kings had the same name and by doing so, you answer the riddle given in Revelation 17:9-11... and the 8th is the direct descendant from the 5th.

Answer: Greetings in Jesus glorious name!


USA/United Kingdom is the 7th beast power that has laid the entire foundation for Revived Roman Empire and for the final Beast of Antichrist to rise. The 8th will be a world Empire, a new beginning through United Nations under the control of Europe. Out of which some one related to the 5th of the male goat of the kingdom of Greece will rise up to be the Assyrian Antichrist (Dan 7:23-24, 25, 26; 8:21-22, 23, 24-25; Isa 14:25-26; Rev 17:11).

YES you are right, the Empire of the Zenith of Roman Beast will set up a Kingdom power in all the world, out of which the little horn of Antichrist the person, will come to take the power and authority of three more Kings of the 10, who will control the world in the first half of the Daniel 70th week by force. But through deceitful maneuvering and means, Antichrist will become the sole leader and beast power to consolidate it and destroy the confederacy of United Nations to have the absolute power through Satan's help and possession of his within him (Dan 8:25)

The mixture of iron and clay is the battle between monarchical leadership of the King or his descendants, and the democratic way of choosing leadership to rule the world only for a short period of time, after which through free and fair elections, either the people choose the existing leader of a new face to rule over them, which we now call as democratic setup. Both these cannot mix one with the other. Thus the truth of the end time is unfolding before our very eyes in our generation, as we see whether monarchical dictatorship or democratic succeeds. It is the fight between capitalistic ideology or socialistic ideology, it is the fight between western theism or eastern communism, it is the fight between God or Satan, it is the fight whether those who really believe and are saved in Jesus Christ or the rest who remain unsaved to rebel against God to take the side of Antichrist who will be possessed by Satan himself.     

I believe that the revelation of the name of the final beast world empire will be the 666 digital ID which will be "number of the beast", the "number of a man", "the mark" or "the name of the beast" and the "number of his name" (Rev 13:17-18). No one can be able to buy or sell anything in the whole world without the 666 digital ID mark upon their forehead or on their right hand. It will be forced upon all the world mandatorily or face execution without it (Rev 13:16, 15). This 666 Digital ID is going to be enforced once the Antichrist takes over the whole world right in the middle of the Daniel 70th week, which Jesus also referred to as the "abomination of desolation" (Matt 24:15; 2 Thess 2:4-5; Rev 13:4, 5, 7, 8).

For the Church the revelation this man is Antichrist shall be know when the falling away comes first when the one world religious harlot mother unites the whole world and becomes prominent in the first half of the Daniel 70th week to make a covenant with the nations of the world (2 Thess 2:3; Dan 9:27), in which they will promote a so called bogus climate change policy, nuclear deterrent agreement, and enforce their law saying "Peace and Saftey!" (1 Thess 5:3). But the Roman religion which is Babylon the Great, Mother of all Harlots, which is the Roman Catholic Church and the government which promoted it which is the Great Babylon of the Antichrist through (UN - United Nations) will have difference of opinion, and the beast will hate the harlot before the mid point to completely destroy the Great City of Rome (Rev 17:11, 12-13, 15-18; 18:1-24)

So that the Antichrist might seat himself in Jerusalem and make it the political capital of the world to rule the world in the second half of the Daniel 70th week! So at the right time we as the child of God will be able to understand all things by the Holy Spirit, who will reveal it all to those who watch and pray being obedient to the Lord Jesus Christ's instruction as wise virgins, who will be raptured for the Glory of God to escape the Great Tribulation at the last moment, before it is let loose in all the earth by God. Hurrah! Victory in Jesus mighty name! Amen.

Much Blessings.....


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