Question: I read in the book “Heaven“ by Randy Alcron that believers souls go to Paradise first, (i.e.) Abraham’s bosom as in the parable said by Jesus in Luke 16:19- 31, rich man and Lazarus. Paradise is a temporary place and then they come down to New Earth to establish God’s Kingdom here. What is right?
Answer: Greetings in Jesus wonderful name!
There are a lot of different interpretation of people in both the western and eastern arena of Christianity. But you know, the apostolic revelation that I write is purely based on both logical, sequential and fully Scriptural to this day. I do not write even a couple of lines or maximum a paragraph without referring to the Scripture I perceive as the right context.
So according to me and on Scriptural basis, first many Old Testament saints and prophets except the martyrs have already risen up in their new glorious resurrection body like Jesus body when He rose again on the third day (Matt 27:50-54; 1 Cor 15:3-4). Where are they now? They are living with God in the New Jerusalem in their glorious body already for the Glory of God. Hallelujah! This list excludes, two anointed prophets Enoch and Elijah who both did not see death (Gen 5:21-24; 2 Kings 2:1-10, 11), but directly were translated in to the Presence of God where they were waiting in anointed prayer till the starting time of the second half of the Daniel 70th week in which they both will come to bring repentance in the heart of the nation of Israel, to turn them towards the Lord their God and embrace His Kingship, and bring judgment upon the world that is without repentance towards God and the world that will be following Antichrist at that point of time (Zec 4:11-14; Lev 24:1-4). Enoch will represent in sackcloth the world before God during the Great Tribulation, and Elijah will represent the nation of Israel in sackcloth which represent the need for repentance and asking God to show forth his mercy and grace towards the undeserving people who sin and have been disqualified from receiving it (Rev 11:1-2, 3, 4-6, 7-10, 11-14; Jude 14-15; Jam 5:15-16, 17, 18-20). I believe that the physical body of these two prophets have been preserved somewhere in the outer-space by God until the day of their descent in which they will get back in to it and live in it for three and half years time (2 Kings 2:16-18). Because of the 5 Trumpet woes and 6th Trumpet woes that were operated by these two prophets of God to torment the unrepentant in all the earth, the Antichrist will become furious enough that when they start to blow the 7th trumpet woe, God will allow the two prophets to be killed by the beastly Antichrist after this time, and their dead bodies will lie in the streets of Jerusalem and will be telecast live for three and half days in which the whole world will rejoice and celebrate, after which supernaturally they will rise up in their new glorious body and will ascend to heaven in a cloud which the whole world will see and fear. Hallelujah!
After this the Scripture speaks about the Paradise that you were referring to as Abraham's Bosom, were emptied on the righteous people side as they were declared the Gospel by Jesus after he died and were all taken to heaven by Him (1 Pet 3:18-19, 20, 22; 4:6; Luke 16:22-23, 24, 25, 26, 26-29, 30, 31), and the unrighteous section of the Hades prison on the other side between which there is an impenetrable gulf which no one can cross over has been there and maintained until today (Eph 4:8, 9, 10). Even the angels which began to posses the humans at the time of the flood of Noah to make a ungodly mockery of the Ark and caused great violence on earth until they drowned all the possessed humans in the flood were arrested by God in the new world that came in to existence after the flood, and kept in prison in the chains of darkness until the judgment of angels which will happen after the Millennial rule of Jesus Christ and the Church (Jude 6), who will judge them all and send them all to the prepared place of the lake of fire forever and ever (2 Pet 2:4-5; Matt 25:41, 46; 1 Cor 6:2-3; Rev 20:7-10, 11-15). Hallelujah!
Once a believer of the Church dies, he will continue to be in the spirit-form until they all will rise up in the glorious body during the rapture (1 John 3:2-3; Eph 1:13-14). Thus after death just like Jesus he or she will be taken directly to the New Jerusalem which is the city of the living God, by angels, as there are already mansions in the Father's house (John 14:2; 19:30; Luke 23:46; 2 Cor 5:8; Heb 12:22, 23; 11:40; Luke 16:22), because "mansions" are already there, he will take the believers to those places in their spirit-body (Rev 6:9, 10, 11). But Jesus has been preparing a new heaven and new earth for all the believers for the past 2000 years until now for which we all look forward to (2 Pet 3:13), but once the Rapture timing comes, He will finish all projects that he has personally been building, and will go to highest heaven in New Jerusalem and will take all the believers to open the door of heaven to rapture the whole Church back in their resurrection glorious body, after which all the believers will be taken from the air where Jesus and the bride of Christ had met (1 Thess 4:13-14, 15-16, 17-18). Then to honor his bride and beautify her with Jewels and glory ornaments, they will all be then rewarded there in the New Jerusalem during the marriage of the Lamb which will take place right there, and there after the marriage, the supper of the Lamb will take place in great joy and fanfare, for the Glory of God (John 14:3; Matt 24:33; Luke 21:31, 32, 36; Rev 19:7, 9; 3:10-12). Once Christ and the Church become one and glorified the whole Church will be resettled to colonize the new heaven and new earth immediately before Jesus' Second Coming (2 Pet 3:13; Rom 8:29-30), then the very New Jerusalem will come down out of heaven to align itself and get inter-accessible anytime with the new heaven and new earth in which Christ and the Church would have occupied it by then (Rev 21:1-2). Because Christ and the bride which is the Church has moved on to the new heaven and new earth from the New Jerusalem of the Father's House at that point of time (John 14:2), even New Jerusalem itself as it comes down from God, it is compared as a bride adorned for her husband which is at that point of time the new heaven and new earth because Christ Himself would be residing with all the saints there forever (Rev 21:2-3, 3-8; 22:1-5; 7:13-17). GLORY TO GOD! They will together come open the new heaven and will descend on earth to defeat the Antichrist and rule it for a Millennium ((i.e.) a thousand year time) for the Glory of God the Father (Rev 19:11-21). Hallelujah!
The fact of the matter is, the old earth we live will remain in this same place at the Second Coming of the Lord, but the hope of all nations will have to come and restore it through the sons of God or else it will become unusable for humans physically (2 Pet 3:10, 11, 12; Hag 2:7; Psa 22:28; Acts 3:21; Rom 8:18, 19, 20-22, 23, 24-25). But by the time of the Second Coming, the Church would have already colonized the new heaven and new earth where it will stay in the light of New Jerusalem around which it will orbit around (Rev 3:10-13; 19:12-13). The New Name of Jesus as the Word of God will be revealed at the time of His Second Coming when He comes along with His bride the Church to rule the earth for a Millennium! Praise the Lord!
The Lord God Almighty our Father whose house is the New Jerusalem will remain in the center of all creation, and the Lamb who is with the Church in the New Heaven and New Earth will orbit around the New Jerusalem, and will receive light through the Glory of God that illuminated and interconnected both (Rev 21:22-23). The nations of the saved who are in the New Heaven and New Earth will walk in the light of New Jerusalem to which they will have access. The spiritual Kings of this old earth will be the saints of the Most High of the Church who will come and go in a moment of time with their glorious body from the new heaven and new earth, they will bring "the leaves of the tree [of life] for the healing of the nations" (Rev 22:2) to take out the curse of death from this old earth and bring back their glory in to the New Jerusalem to the Father God which will always be the head quarters of God the Father forever and ever (Rev 21:24, 25, 26, 27; Dan 7:27; Isa 55:10-13; John 17:22-23). Hallelujah! Glory to God!
Praise Jesus! There will be Church in the New Earth and New Heavens with the heavenly star blessings of Abraham to bless the present old earth at the time of the Millennial rule of Jesus Christ (Gal 3:7, 8-9, 14, 28; Gal 6:15, 16; Gen 15:5; Rev 22:1, 2, 3-4, 5). Israel at that time will experience the true earthly sand blessing of Abraham to turn the world towards Jesus Christ the true Messiah of the world (Gen 13:16; Zec 8:23).
The New Earth will not be a refurbished earth of this present old which is reconditioned for a thousand years time. Rather the New Earth will be somewhere below the New Jerusalem because we see the present New Jerusalem which is the highest heaven, coming down out of God the Father, to be interconnected with the New Earth by filling the New Heaven space as a bride adorned for her husband the New Earth (Rev 21:2). Most people stumble to say that the new earth and new heaven will come forth, only after the old earth and old heaven pass away (Rev 21:1), but the fact of the matter is, the first heaven and first earth had passed away in the sight of God the Father who is in the New Jerusalem now, as He has given the rights to the Jesus Christ and the Church to rule the old heaven and old earth for a thousand years time, that is why we see the emphasis, "Also there was no more sea", which shows us indirectly and implicitly that at that time, the Old heaven and Old earth will also be present with the sea for the Church to rule over it. In other words, to differentiate the old and the new, the sea is identified with the old earth. Hallelujah!
When will the martyrs that we have discussed above will rise up in their glorious body? Or else will they rise up in physical body, like the two prophets Elijah and Enoch who rose up in their physical body and then after their physical death were taken up to heaven in their glorious body?
The martyrs do not rise up in their glorious body, but rather they will be given a literal physical body to live for a thousand years time during the Millennial reign of Jesus and the Church on this earth (Rev 20:4-6). All those martyrs who have ever lived since Abel to the time of Jesus Christ first coming, and from that time to the day of the first resurrection time at the door step starting time of the Millennial reign of Jesus and His Church, they will all be given a wild card entry [(i.e.) "Blessed and holy"] unique resurrection like Enoch and Elijah in to the earthly Kingdom of God, which they will inherit for a Millennium (Matt 23:34-36; Rev 6:9-11; 7:13-17). Therefore I remember the great quote of Jim Elliot who himself was a martyr for Jesus Christ, "He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose.". In other words, we can only gain eternally by giving back our life to God on earth which He has given to us freely which we cannot keep forever because very soon we are going to die and return to the earth from which we have come, so that when He gives us back our life in a glorious resurrection body when He comes again to take us back with Him, then we will gain what we cannot lose for eternity (i.e.) our glorious resurrection body and our eternal relationship with God through Jesus Christ. Praise the Lord! By the way, these martyrs who will live in their physical body for a thousand years will get resurrected again in to their glorious body after the Millennial rule of Jesus Christ and His Church on earth, which will be the second resurrection for them. Just like there is a first death physically before the Millennial rule of Jesus Christ and a second death spiritually for a unbeliever after the Millennium, so will be a first resurrection for the all time martyrs before the start of the Millennial rule of Jesus Christ and a second resurrection for them after the end of it in which they will all be given a glorious eternal body. GLORY TO GOD! Hallelujah!
Much Blessings....
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