Thursday, March 21, 2024

As Rapture Time Will Be Like The Times Of Noah, Will Children Be Delivered From The Wrath Of God To Be Raptured?

Where Were All The Children Gone During Noah's Flood? I Mean, To Heaven Or Hell Along With Their Unsaved Parents?

Question: Where were all the children during the flood in Noah's day?

Answer: Greetings to you in Jesus wonderful name!

Babies were destroyed in the flood along with their parents because the salvation of 8 souls were physical through Noah's ark, but because this is rapture which is spiritual (1 Cor 15:46-49), Jesus said, "Woe to those who are pregnant and nursing babies" (Matt 24:19-20). Why because, the babies in the womb as well as in their hand, will be part of the Rapture, but that they as their maternal mother will be left behind if they are not saved. How terrible will it be for the mother to have lost the baby in a moment of time from their womb and also from their hand. But for the believers, they will be part of the Rapture along with their babies because of the grace and mercies of God. If the left behind maternal mothers understand that they were all left behind in to the Great Tribulation which Jesus spoke about in the end time of the last days to believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, they too will be saved and will yearn for the place where their Savior and babies will be present, which is in heaven (John 3:16). They will dare to die as martyrs in faith, or bear it patiently to enter in to the Millennial Kingdom of Jesus through the Great Tribulation of those days. Like King David when he lost a child through Bathsheba said, "Now that the child has left me, I will soon be in that place where he will be...." (2 Sam 12:223, Paraphrased). They too will say, now that the child has left me through Rapture, I will soon be in that place where my child is, (i.e.) to become saved by believing in the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. 

Even for the believers, Jesus has clearly told them to pray that they might not be left behind to be a part of first Resurrection during the winter end, in which they have to pass through Great Tribulation, or on the implied second eternal resurrection which will happen at the end of the Millennial rule of Jesus for all Millennial believers on this present earth. These who were part of the first physical resurrection during the Sabbath of thousand years, will also be part of second spiritual resurrection. This verse connects how the first resurrection and the second resurrection were deeply connected one to another (Matthew 24:20). Those remaining few who escape through the Great Tribulation from the hands of Antichrist and remain alive till they physically enter in to Millennial reign of Jesus will also procreate to multiply on earth through bearing offspring, they will live for a thousand years time naturally to be a part of second resurrection which is spiritual at the end of Millennial reign.

Thus Jesus speaks to these people too who will wade through in their natural physical bodies through the Great Tribulation unscathed and will enter in to the Millennial Kingdom of Jesus, who were all left behind along with the Tribulation Saints who will become martyrs and be a part of the first blessed resurrection, they both will be part of the Millennial Sabbath Day eternal second resurrection which will happen at the end of the Millennium of Jesus and the Church's rule in the coming age to come (Rev 20:1-15).

As for the babies who died during the flood of Noah, their souls were saved spiritually by God as he has already clearly revealed in the Scripture, that every child who dies before the age of accountability will live with God eternally in the heaven where God is seated on the throne (Rom 7:9; Matt 18:3, 5, 10-11; Luke 18:16-17; Rev 6:9-11). As the end times has been explained and identified by Jesus as like the times of Lot in which the wrath of God came upon the wicked people of Sodom and Gomorrah, just as the family of Lot along with his two daughters were delivered with the exception of his wife who doubted and looked back to become a pillar of salt and thus a testimony to the world around, all the children and those who become like them through conversion by faith will be saved from wrath through Rapture for the Glory of God (Luke 17:29-30; 18:16-17).


Much Blessings....


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