Question: We see that in Jer 5:22, "22 Do you not fear Me?’ says the LORD.‘Will you not tremble at My presence, who have placed the sand as the bound of the sea, by a perpetual decree, that it cannot pass beyond it? And though its waves toss to and fro, yet they cannot prevail; Though they roar, yet they cannot pass over it." Does this mean that Antichrist could not control the weather patterns and change the times if God is the one who is controlling all these things? Can you speak in details why you think that in the first three and half years of Daniel 70th week, you say that the Antichrist will control through seals and horses the weather, famine, storms, earthquake and pestilences...etc...when God is in control of it through and through? Thanks in advance!
Answer: Greetings to you in Jesus wonderful name!
We see in the Book of Job, whenever Satan got permission from God to do something, he went on to cause "Sabeans" to raid Job's oxen and donkeys to be taken away by the edge of the sword, then He brings fire from heaven to burn their sheep and servants to consume them, he caused the Chaldeans to again raid the camels and take them away by killing the servants too who took care of them, he also caused great wind to come to strike the four corners of the house in which Job's children were there to kill them all completely (Job 1:13-22). Thus all the property and children of Job were lost. Then again Satan asked permission from God, to completely destroy the health of Job, but God did not allow Satan to take the life of Job (Job 2:1-8). What do we learn from this, though God has all the power, many times He gives the devil the power to test humans and also to decide whether some one is worthy of his blessings or not.
In the end times, God Himself has told that He will send a strong delusion, to all the people who will not receive the love of the truth to be saved, so that these people may be condemned (2 Thess 2:11-12). The working of Satan will be with all power, signs and lying wonders during the time of the end (2 Thess 2:9). In other words, when the all powerful God gives His "all power" in to the hands of Satan, He will use it through his ministers of unrighteousness like the Antichrist and false prophet from Israel to produce "signs and lying wonders" to deceive them all (2 Cor 11:13-14, 15). Signs and lying wonders does not mean the power demonstration is an illusion of Satan, no, it is real, but the source is not God but from the power of darkness that rules the world. This clearly conveys to us, that bringing fire from heaven as Elijah did by the False Prophet from Israel, and Antichrist rising from dead like Jesus did after receiving mortal wounds will be allowed by God to be aped as signs and lying wonders to deceive the unsaved who have no desire to get saved through repentance from sin (Rev 13:3, 13).
We also know that in the Book of Daniel, God says in the time of the end, "many shall run to and fro in travel, and knowledge shall increase" (Dan 12:4), which again shows to us that previously all these technology that Antichrist will use and is using to control the weather, bring pestilences and famine and even earthquakes were really not available to humanity since the beginning, but has been allowed by God and given in wisdom to humanity for the purpose of God to be fulfilled, and for Jesus Christ to come and establish the Kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven! This is the last of the last days and the very end of end times! Hallelujah!
Because these things that were supposed to happen in the first half of the Daniel seventieth week were foretold in the Book of Revelation, through the opening of the first seal and the white horse, we see a world control established through war that takes place by Antichrist (Rev 6:1-2). Then when we see the second seal opened, the next big red horse, the power of communism rise against the Antichrist to kill peace from the earth and instead cause people to kill one another through a great sword of communistic ideology which destroys the false peace of Antichrist and creates hate of one human against another greatly in all the world with nuclear threats and the likes of WW1, WW2 and WW3 (Rev 6:3-4).
Then the third seal which releases a black horse will cause great famine because it will be initiated by Antichrist in response to control the world through food embargo upon all those who oppose his world control, he will let the oil and wine to be exempted from the food list sanctions because of their own friends sake who deal in a major way in these trades like France and Saudi (Rev 6:5-6). Then finally the pale green horse of death and Hades which originated with the rise of Islamic terrorism in all the world will be used by the one world government to kill with sword (Pandemic & Lock down (1 Chron 21:16)), hunger and death, nearly one fourth of the earths population will be depopulated through this cycle which will bring the whole world in to the complete control of the beasts of the Antichrist and the False Prophet (Rev 6:7-8).
The fifth seal will cause God to speak to all the Martyrs from the beginning of time to make them clothed with white robe and wait for the Great Tribulation Martyrs to join them so that together they could be resurrected in the first resurrection of the time of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ to the earth (Rev 6:9-11; 7:9-17; 20:4-6).
Actually the sixth seal opening will cause great cosmic disturbances like a great earthquake, the blackening of the sun, the reddening of the moon and the fall of stars like the figs to the earth which might turn in to dust and ashes (Rev 6:12-17). This will cause great fear in the hearts of unsaved humans of what is going to come upon the whole earth (Luke 21:25-28, 34-36). God will convey to all those in charge of the earth as earth dwellers to know that the wrath of the Lamb has come! GLORY TO GOD! Before the trumpets of God could be operated by the two prophets Elijah and Enoch in the second half of the Daniel 70th week, the opening of the 7th seal by Jesus will cause heaven to become silent for half an hour which is a very short period of time, so that through the Trumpets of the words of the two prophets might start to demonstrate through their prophetic words which will cause the wrath of the Lamb to start in all the world because of sin (Rev 6:16-17; 8:1-6), this trumpets from God through the two prophets will be a clarion call of repentance to the whole wide world that the Kingdom of God is coming in all the earth for a thousand years time. Hallelujah!
All the above exposition has been done to give a clarity to us the children of God, of how the end times will unfold according to the Scriptures that we read. So that when are told to watch and look up to the heavens in prayers, when all these things begin to take place (Luke 21:28), so that at the right time God has set for us the Church, we might be raptured out before the Great Tribulation which will take place on the whole earth in full swing (Matt 24:36-51). Hallelujah!
We know that God is in control of everything in this world, Satan and his son Antichrist cannot do anything more than what God allows. So they both are in the choke chain of God!
As God is the one who "changes times and seasons" (Dan 2:21), the weather of the season of end of end times cannot function fully without God, that is why when Antichrist intends and tries to tinker with the weather (Dan 7:25), God will allow it to malfunction even to the point of "blackening of the sun, the reddening of the moon and the fall of stars like the figs to the earth" (Rev 6:12-17). But all these could only be restored by the Lamb of God, the Creator of the world, Jesus Christ only, as He will become the desire of all nations as time goes on towards the Second Coming, that even all the tribes will cry and mourn in ecstasy and joy when they see Him coming back to the earth (Hag 2:7; Zec 12:10; Matt 24:30). Hallelujah! Maranatha! O Lord Come!
Much Blessings...
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