Monday, November 1, 2010

Will God be angry if we pronounce His Name wrongly?

Can Jesus Be Called As Yeshua?

Question: I read your writeup about giving your dad a tough time with controversial questions. I wrote controversial books. And I am going to write another one on The Great Commission based on Mark 16:15-20. But I have some hurdles to circumventing these verses and that whether Jesus is good pronounciation. Or Yesu (Chinese Pinyin) should Him be called? I have not asked Dr James, but I am sorry to pick on you. Only if you are willing to help me, then please oblige. I have received some responses. Some say any name for the Son fo God is okay that is whether Jesus or Yesu is the same God knows or Jesus or Yesu knows. But many humans would get annoyed if their names are called differently. Will God be like that angry? For information, the Chinese call Yesu in Chinese sound. In fact, I was told J was pronounced as Y in the past in UK. But when J is no long pronounced as Y, Jesus' name was not spelt as Yesus. If it is done, then the English bible would call Him Yesus which are what the Indonesian and the Chinese and perhaps the Indians call Him Yesu or Yesus. God bless your work for His glory.

Answer: I think personally through the base of the word of God, each language has a way of calling a particular persons name with their own phonetic edge in each unique language. Yeshua, spelled Yud-Shin-Vav-Ayin, and is written right-to-left. The Vav is not mandatory, since Hebrew can be written with or without vowels, which the vav serves in this word. Yehoshua means "Jehova saves" or "Jehovah is salvation". Yeshua means "salvation". As long as the meaning of the name and its pronunciation fits in to the local language pattern rightly, it is good to use it. You see, when on the day of Pentecost people from various countries gathered together to worship God, God released His supernatural outpouring on the waiting disciples on the upper room and made them to speak in various languages [i.e. unknown to them or called 'unknown tongues'] and praise Him through it (Acts 2:1-6). The Bible says that all the different nationalities heard "them [i.e. apostles] speak in his own language" (Acts 2:6). These many nationalities which consisted mainly of "9 Parthians and Medes and Elamites, those dwelling in Mesopotamia, Judea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia, 10 Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the parts of Libya adjoining Cyrene, visitors from Rome, both Jews and proselytes, 11 Cretans and Arabs...." (v9-11) who have come to worship God in Jerusalem. These must have known God's name in Hebrew because of knowing the God of the Bible. All these people were amazed that the Galilean apostles were speaking in their own mother tongues and praising the wonderful works of God (Acts 2:7-11).

These guys of various nationalities were all Jewish diaspora of Jews and Proselytes. This shows that God recognizes all the languages in the world and loves each person to intimately call God in their own mother tongues than in any other so called international language or in any grammatically accurate and a original source language. This also shows that God never becomes angry just because a man from a particular language mispronounces His name in another language. Humans get angry when our names are called or misspelled wrongly because we have limited knowledge about the heart attitude [i.e. whether some one calls out of love or mockery in disguise] of the person who calls our name and also we are limited to our culture, surroundings and understanding about universal global outlook. God sees the heart attitude of that person who calls on His name rather than how he pronounces His name (1 Sam 16:7). More than all, Jesus and our Heavenly Father is more concerned about whether we are worshiping Him in spirit and truth through the empowerment of the Holy Spirit (John 4:23-24). They both love and desire for all of us to worship under the unction of the Spirit and call His name in our own mother tongues rather than in a learned language around the world. Tamil which is one of our regional South Indian language, we call our Lord as 'Yesu' just like you call in Chinese 'Yesu or Yesus'. I have seen and have been experiencing all demons being subject to the name 'Yesu' as much as under the English name 'Jesus' (Luke 10:17, 20). It is all about whether the unction of the Lord is present in the pronunciation of our Lord's Name in each language that sends shivers down the spine of all the demons and devils in the spiritual world.

Much Blessings...



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