Saturday, October 25, 2008

The Tangible Attributes

The Tangible Attributes of the Anointing

By Abraham Israel

The anointing of God can be felt tangibly in three realms of our lives initially. The three realms are spiritual, soulish and physical. The regenerated spirit within us will be able to identify tangibly the effects of the anointing in the spiritual realm (1 John 4:13; Titus 3:5-6; John 6:63). The words that Jesus speaks to us from heaven is brought to our spirit man though the Holy Spirit (John 16:12-15). It is very easy to hear the voice of Jesus in our spirit man (Heb 12:25). The more our spirit man gets bigger and bigger [i.e. renewed and edified], the more space God will have to dwell in us (Eph 3:16-17; 2 Cor 4:16; 5:1-5; 1 Cor 14:4). The more He dwells in us the more we will be able to hear and identify His voice. The more we keep on hearing His voice, the more the faith of God and confidence in Him will bubble out of our spiritual inner man (Rom 10:17; Heb 11:1). The more we keep on hearing His voice the more He will be pleased with our lives (Heb 11:6; Deut 5:23-30; 15:5-6). As a result of hearing His voice we will receive the empowerment of God flow through our spiritual inner man in to every area of our lives. The spiritual blessing then becomes manifested in our soul and our physical body (Isaiah 58:11; Prov 13:4). This physical blessing of God will then manifest in to the financial and social sphere of our lives (Gen 24:1, 35, 50-52). Many Christian wrongly believe that getting rich is not a spiritual thing, but they forget that it is the anointing of God that empowers a man to acquire wealth (Deut 8:18). It is God who can really keep a man busy with the joy of his heart and give riches, wealth and also give the power to eat of it, to receive his heritage and rejoice in his labor - this is the gift of God (Eccl 5:18-20). So only the Bible says that the blessing of the Lord makes one rich [i.e. in all things which includes spiritual, soulish, physical, financial and social area], and He adds no sorrow with it(Prov 10:22).

The main difference between a rich person who have acquired wealth for his own self in the world and a kingdom person who has acquired wealth through God’s empowerment is the enjoyment that they will have in holding it (Prov 11:24-25; 1 Tim 6:17). The godly rich person will have great joy in giving and using his wealth in building the kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven, because he will understand that it is the will of God (Matt 6:10, 33; Prov 21:26; 11:28; 13:22; 28:8). So only God Himself allows the wicked and selfish man to store his wealth so that at the right time He will transfer that riches in to the hands of the righteous to enjoy life and to supply it to everyone who is in need (Prov 13:22; 28:8; Job 27:13-17; Is 45:3). The worldly rich man may aquire a lot of wealth but he will not be able to enjoy it in all the three realms [i.e. spiritual, soulish and physical] of life (Eccl 2:26). He will have a lot of sorrows and worries along with his riches because of his trust in his material wealth rather than the God who gives it to enjoy (Ecc 5:12; Prov 28:11, 20; 1 Tim 6:9-10, 17-19). Sorrows are curses that come upon a man’s life because of the legal justice of God on earth (Prov 19:23; 13:21; 11:31; 26:2; 28:20). When God blesses a person it will bring enjoyment in to that man’s life and surrounding, it will last for eternity because it comes through the eternal spirit man inside him and it will follow him generation after generation(Prov 8:18; 13:7; 15:6; 20:7).

The Apostle Paul in Ephesians 1:3 describes this anointing as the [The empowerment though which] …the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, …has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ.” In other words through the anointed one [i.e. the Christ], God the Father has made the anointing of God to be available without limit to everyone who has become a believer in Jesus Christ’s birth, death and resurrection as a substitute for them. This spiritual blessing is actually an empowerment that God gives to make a person to be successful in whatever field they work in. The anointing is the very ability of God that gets rubbed over us as we stay in the presence of God perpetually. Actually the Holy Spirit who is the third person of the trinity becomes a resident in a believer right from the moment that person receives Jesus Christ to be his Lord and Savior of his life (1 John 3:24). From this point of time the Holy Spirit is called as the anointing that teaches a believer because He is the divine executive of the trinity who releases this ability of God in a person to succeed in his life (1 John 2:27). The source of its release is pointed toward Jesus Christ who is described as the Holy one who holds this anointing infinitely without measure (1 John 2:20; Matt 3:11; Titus 3:6; John 3:34).

1) The Anointing is rechargeable - Actually the power of the anointing is tangible and can be received by humans and stored in humans as a battery is charged and stored with the electric power. So only when Moses went in to the presence of the Lord and stayed for forty days in the intimacy of His presence to converse with the Lord, his body got so charged up with the anointing that his face shone literally like a bright eye-blinding high wattage bulb. As a result the people of Israel were afraid to come near him (Exodus 34:29-30). The charge that gets stored in us will be always proportional to the time we linger in His presence. Our physical human body is not able to continuously hold the glory-presence of the anointing of God continuously (2 Cor 3:7). Our human components have become leaky because we all have that deteriorating sin nature that causes us to sin and hence have fallen short of holding continuously the perfect glory of God (Rom 3:23). But the New covenant has made the Spirit of God to dwell in us by making our human body to become the temple of God (1 Cor 3:16).

The New Covenant gives us the guarantee that no matter how we grieve the Holy Spirit because of disobedience, He will never leave us nor forsake us because our lives are hidden under the blood of Christ (Eph 4:30; Heb 10:14-18; 13:5; Colossians 1:20; 3:3). So only Apostle Paul confidently says,8 how will the ministry of the Spirit not be more glorious? 9 For if the ministry of condemnation had glory, the ministry of righteousness exceeds much more in glory. 10 For even what was made glorious had no glory in this respect, because of the glory that excels. 11 For if what is passing away was glorious, what remains is much more glorious.” (2 Cor 3:8-11). Now we have absolute flexibility and endurance to hold the glory of God without losing it in our spirit man which was not the same in the Old Testament, so only the preceding verse in 2 Cor 3:11 says that this glory remains with us always in the New Testament. We have an interpenetrated continuous connection with the glory of God in our spirit man (1 Cor 6:17). As we grow spiritually, our capacity to hold the glory of God increases from one level to another level in our inner man (2 Cor 3:18; 4:16; Eph 3:16). The glory that gets deposited upon a person now is for eternity and can be measured and weighed (2 Cor 4:17). The Glory of God is the Spirit of God and is the very person of God, so only Apostle Peter described the Holy Spirit with His inseparable character trait as the “…Spirit of glory and of God…”. This glory of God will “…rest[s] upon you…” proportionally to the criticism and reproach that you will go through for the name of Christ (1 Peter 4:14).

Our soul and the body have not been made perfect for now but will only be perfected on the day of rapture in which we will receive a continuous Spirit directed soul and a glorious body which will hold the glory of God in all the three realms of spirit, soul and body (1 John 3:2; Luke 24:39-43; 1 Cor 15:35-49; 1 Thess 5:23-24). Hence until then we need to dwell in the presence of God more and more to get recharged in our soul and body (2 Cor 7:1; Rom 8:11). This is what Moses did to get recharged with the glory of His presence, so only the Bible says, 33-35 When Moses finished speaking with them, he put a veil over his face, but when he went into the presence of God to speak with him, he removed the veil until he came out. When he came out and told the Israelites what he had been commanded, they would see Moses' face, its skin glowing, and then he would again put the veil on his face until he went back in to speak with God.” [The Message] (Exodus 34:33-35). Apostle Paul has affirmed that this glory-anointing which manifests physically is within the reach and can be manifested by every individual believer in an ever increasing level more than the level of Moses in the Old Testament (2 Cor 3:7-18). Live for Christ and get the glory anointing of the presence of God deposited literally all over your spirit, soul and body. Be passionate and go after it, there is nothing that can be compared to this glory presence in one’s life. If you have it more and more, you have got everything that you would have ever longed for in your life!!!

2) The Anointing will always end up affecting our body – Some people think that their body will be made well only when they go to heaven finally to be with the Lord. If it is true why does the word of God say that “… if the Spirit of Him Who raised up Jesus from the dead dwells in you, [then] He Who raised up Christ Jesus from the dead will also restore to life [i.e. healing and health] your mortal (short-lived, perishable) bodies through His Spirit Who dwells in you.” [Amplified] (Rom 8:11). It is not at all right to say that we will be made well only in heaven when the word of God says otherwise as we have seen in the preceding verse. It is not a provisional problem of God but it is our faith problem that when rectified will make us whole bodily. The challenging question that we should ask our self is, ‘Why did Jesus not deny a single person from being healed by saying that it was not God’s timing for them to get healed or saying to them that they lacked faith to get healed in all His three and half years of ministry that he did?’. He did not say like that because He believed that it is God’s will for everybody to get healed and be healthy for the glory of God (Acts 10:38; Heb 2:3-4; 1 John 3:8). One time a man not understanding the will of God asked Jesus “…If You are willing, You can make me clean.” (Mark 1:40). Jesus corrected his misunderstanding about the will of God saying, “…I am willing; be cleansed.” (Mark 1:41). Immediately this man with leprosy was healed (Mark 10:42).

Jesus only did what God the Father showed Him in His spirit man (John 5:19-21). This shows that God the Father is always willing to heal us if we persevere holding on to His promises and we will surely be rewarded at the end of our faith journey. The end means it is not the end of our life, rather the time of fruition when our faith will touch and receive the promise of God’s powerful Anointing and the resultant manifestation which happens tangibly (Heb 10:35-36). Another woman with a problem of the flow of blood for 12 years touched the clothes of Jesus with faith, immediately power flowed out of Him and healed her. She tangibly felt the power of God in her body and knew that she was healed (Mark 5:29). The power of God can be felt when the anointing of God gets quickened by our faith, both in the person who receives the benefits and also in the person through whom God works (Mark 5:29-30). Immediately Jesus did not say to her ‘Because you have touched my garment you have been healed’. If it is so, we cannot be healed today because Jesus in not present physically nor do we have his garments. But Jesus said to her, “Daughter, you faith has made you well…” (Mark 5:34). In other words Jesus told her, your faith in the healing power of God has made the healing anointing of God to flow through me to touch your body and be healed of your affliction, go in the completeness of His presence. This shows that our body will get affected by the presence of God as our faith will rise to touch and access the healing power of God again and again in our lives. Jesus many a times appreciated people and pointed to their faith as the sole reason for receiving healing (Matt 9:22; Mark 5:34; 10:52; Luke 8:48; 17:19; 18:42).

Jesus even while teaching the word of God was able to access this healing power of the Lord because of His expectant faith in God (Luke 5:17). The physical body of Moses was so charged up with the anointing of God so that even at the ripe old age of one hundred and twenty “… His eyes were not dim nor his natural vigor diminished” (Deut 34:7). This shows that God not only heals and strengthens us through His anointing, but also it is God’s will and a privilege for his children’s to stay fit and healthy by connecting to the glory presence of God. Nothing will be impossible with the anointing of God (Luke 1:37, 35). Learn to dwell in the healing presence of God daily by connecting to God through His word and praying to Him consistently on a daily basis. These activities will keep you full of faith and health because of the healing nature of His presence!

3) The Anointing can be stored and transferred even in inanimate objects that we use – The anointing is such a tangible blessing upon one’s life so that even the materials that we use will get charged with this ability of God. We see in the Bible that a dead man was raised from the dead when his lifeless body accidently touched the bones of Elisha inside the grave (2 Kings13:20-21). If we ask the question what made the dead body get resuscitated? It is the anointing of God that got deposited even in to the bones and marrows of Elisha because of a double portion anointing that he received from God while seeing Elijah his mentor taken up in to heaven (2 Kings 2:9-14). At first he was not mature enough to understand the anointing tangibly, so only at first he said, “…“Where is the LORD God of Elijah?” And when he also had struck the water, it was divided this way and that; and Elisha crossed over.” (2 Kings 2:14). Here in the preceding verse we see the desperation of Elisha more than his faith. Surely his words and action did show his inexperience in operating in the faith of God. His desperation was to operate and see the tangible manifestation of it in the natural realm like his mentor Elijah operated. One thing we should notice here is, God responded to Elisha's desperation to see the manifestation of the anointing. Even in our days if we are desperate for the anointing, God will manifest tangibly in the natural realm in unusual ways. But later in his life he got matured to identify the anointing whenever it came upon him. He also understood later, in what way the anointing of God would get stirred up in him. This is the reason he asked for a musician to come and play music. The moment the musician started playing the music, the anointing of God came upon Elisha strongly and he began to prophecy (2 Kings 3:14).

In the life of Apostle Paul we see that when he could not go to various places to pray for people to get delivered and healed, he laid over his body the handkerchiefs or aprons that people brought and literally deposited the anointing [ability] of God over the pieces of clothes, so that whoever took it in faith to the infirm people and placed it upon them, saw immediate deliverance, healings and miracles (Acts 19:12). This shows that the anointing can be literally stored in even inanimate things to affect people’s lives when God is pleased and works with a person because of their faith in Him (Acts 19:11; Heb 11:6). Faith in God brings the manifestation of the anointing in unusual ways.

Also we see in the life of Apostle Peter that the anointing of God was tangibly felt by people over a particular area or circumference around Peter [i.e. from the place where the anointed Apostle Peter stood to the place where the receiving people connected through their faith]. Again it shows that the anointing was active through the air particles. As the ions in the air get charged up and act as a conductor when lightning strikes, so also the anointing will release the power of God though the air in order to reach the receiving person. Again the faith of the people in bringing the sick into the streets and laying them in beds and couches, expecting that at least the shadow of Peter might fall on some of them released the power of God from the anointing that Apostle Peter was anointed with (Acts 5:15-16). Faith will always release the power of God from the anointing of God.

We also see that this anointing of God got deposited over the Israelites when they “all werebaptized into Moses [i.e. the instruction of God given through Moses] in the cloud and in the sea [i.e. symbolic of receiving anointing of God during salvation (sea) and then receiving the baptism in the Holy Spirit and refilling of the Holy Spirit (cloud) (Acts 10:44-48; 11:14-18)]” (1 Cor 10:2). Because of this anointing that covered the Israelites even their clothes and sandals did not get worn off (Deut 29:5; Neh 9:21). These things will work the same way even in our times after nearly three thousand years have passed because God says, “For I am the LORD, I do not change…” (Mal 3:6). It is our faith in God that brings such an anointing to cover our homes, children, material things, etc. Ask God with faith to tangibly cover you with such a glory cloud always and he will do it because it is His promise that says, “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.” (Matt 7:7). In fact God desires to give you such glory manifestation and covering, but it is your persistence that brings in the answer (Luke 11:13). In the original Greek the literal meaning forMatt 7:7 is, [Ask and] Keep on asking and it will be given you; [Seek and] keep on seeking and you will find; [Knock and] keep on knocking [reverently] and [the door] will be opened to you.” Our persistence and audacity of faith will finally position us to receive more of the anointing of God in our lives. Praise the Lord!

4) The Anointing will cause joy and gladness in our heart just as wine and oil in the natural – The Bible compares the anointing of God in many places to the oil and wine that brings refreshment and extreme unspeakable joy. This is the kind of the manifestation that Jesus had. Even when Jesus felt hungry and tired while His disciples went to buy bread from a nearby place, God in His divine appointment made Jesus to minister to a Gentile woman of Samaria while sitting wearily in Jacob’s well at a city of Samaria. In the mean time when the Disciples came back, they urged Him to eat. Because of the anointing overflow that Jesus had already received while ministering to the Samaritan woman, Jesus suddenly felt rejuvenated and satisfied even without food. His hunger left Him because of the word that just then came out of the mouth of God and flowed through Him (Matt 4:4). The sudden surge of the anointing that Jesus felt was not noticed by the hungry disciples who must have come with expectation to eat along with Jesus (John 4:31-32). As a result the Bible says, 33 Therefore the disciples said to one another, “Has anyone brought Him anything to eat?” 34 Jesus said to them, “My food is to do the will of Him who sent Me, and to finish His work. 35 Do you not say, ‘There are still four months and then comes the harvest’? Behold, I say to you, lift up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest! 36 And he who reaps receives wages, and gathers fruit for eternal life, that both he who sows and he who reaps may rejoice together. 37 For in this the saying is true: ‘One sows and another reaps.’ 38 I sent you to reap that for which you have not labored; others have labored, and you have entered into their labors.”” (John 4:33-38). In the preceding verses Jesus made the disciples to understand that a reapers anointing receives immediate wages of rejoicing. The last days anointing is the reapers anointing of rejoicing. The apostles straightaway took the scriptures and used it to reap the already grown field of souls who knew the scriptures, which symbolically conveys the idea that the harvest was ripe. In other words, they were ready to receive the impartation of the anointing of God in to their lives. It was not the same in the Old Testament time in which the prophets were sowing the prophetic seed of the word of God in to the world through prophetic scriptures to be manifested in the last days (Rom 16:25-26; Heb 1:1-2; ). The bottom line is, Jesus wanted His disciples to understand that it is not unusual to receive such a rejoicing anointing, because it is the last days overflow that comes as a wages for the reaper of souls harvest. We too, in our generation should correct our wrong thinking when the joy of the Lord sweeps over a preacher or a congregation.

When such new wine anointing over flows even the voice of the preacher and the singing of the congregation will be affected because of it. The minister’s voice will suddenly begin to impart and carry the sweet vibration of joy and gladness that he will be experiencing in his heart. This unique anointed voice is described in the Bible as the “voice of joy”, “voice of melody” and the “voice of gladness” (Is 51:3: Jer 33:11). It is sometimes equated with the joyous intimacy of the “voice of the bride groom and, the voice of the bride” (Jer 7:34; 16:9).

When the anointing comes upon us we will be full of words, we will feel a compulsion within our spirit to speak the word of God which is in our mouth, then in our belly [i.e. innermost being or kidneys] we will feel a pressure as a wine that has no outlet and we will be ready to burst out like a new wine in a new wine skins. Only when we speak out under the anointing we will feel relieved (Job 32:18-20). Jeremiah under a heavy anointing felt the same way and said, My heart within me is broken because of the prophets; All my bones shake. I am like a drunken man, and like a man whom wine has overcome, because of the LORD, and because of His holy words.” (Jer 23:9). The Lord will fill his servants who are broken hearted and oppressed because of the burden of the ministerial yoke with such anointing, that they will literally feel like they are filled with wine because of the anointing. Such anointing can be experienced by every individual if only their confidence in this life will be on the Lord (Prov 3:24-26).

In the New Testament on the day of Pentecost the apostles were filled with the anointing of new wine so that the people who saw the apostles mistook for having drunk literal wine. Such was the literal manifestation of the anointing through them. But Apostle Peter stood with the other eleven apostles and explained this phenomenon of God that was prophesied hundreds of years ago by the prophet Joel and corrected their misunderstanding (Acts 2:13, 14-21). We too need to correct our misunderstanding and apprehension about the new wine anointing that God is releasing like never before in this prophetic summer season of the latter rain harvest(Matt 24:32). As the Bible says wine will always make glad the heart of man and oil will make the face of man to shine (Psalm 104:15). When the anointing increases upon us, we will feel glad and at the same time our face will start to literally shine like the face of Moses in the Old Testament and Stephen in the New Testament (Exodus 34:29-30; Acts 6:10,15). Many times without any specific reason our hearts will literally “rejoice with joy unspeakable [and inexpressible] and our face will shine “full of glory” (1 Peter 1:8). As the Bible says, "...[Our]heart shall swell with joy;.." (Is 60:5). This phenomenon is nothing but the bursting of the new wine anointing out of our inner most being (Prov 3:10). This new wine anointing is actually the New Covenant anointing that Jesus told people will desire in the last days (Luke 5:39; Matt 9:17; Mark 2:22). Only the new wine anointing will make glad the maidens of the bride of Christ to be cheerful in such a distressing times like ours (Zec 9:17; 2 Tim 3:1). Love the lord will all your heart, soul and mind and love your neighbors as yourself, as a result of it you will experience this true new wine anointing which will only come because of being in intimacy with the bridegroom who is Christ (Matt 22:37-40). Once you experience it then you will long for it saying “…For your love is better than wine.” (Song 1:2). Desire the new wine anointing with all your heart from the Lord and you will experience it! Praise the Lord!

5) The Anointing will increase hatred in you against lawlessness – The anointing will increase in you a passion and love for God and His righteousness. Like a hungry and thirsty person lost in a desert, you will long for more and more of God’s righteousness; repeatedly you will be filled with the anointing of God (Matt 6:6). Proportionate to the love you have toward God you will begin to hate lawlessness and evil utterly (Ps 97:10). The Bible says that God the Father said to His Son Jesus, You have loved righteousness and hated lawlessness;Therefore God, Your God, has anointed You with the oil of gladness more than Your companions.” (Heb 1:9). From this preceding verse we see that the capacity of the anointing mantle that we receive from the Lord and its increase upon us will be directly proportional to our love for the righteousness of God and our hate towards the lawlessness of the devil and his evil demons (1 John 3:4, 8). God Himself has become our righteousness in the New Covenant (Jer 23:6).

The manifestation of the anointing is inseparably intertwined with gladness. Only the Lord can give such gladness, no devil or demon can ever bring the true gladness of the anointing in to a person’s life. The devil can only try deceitfully to imitate such things. Where ever there is an original, there will always be a counterfeit (2 Cor 11:10-15). But the true seekers and lovers of God can easily differentiate the real from the bogus manifestation. Jesus has advised His followers to check the fruit of the Spirit [i.e. good character of Christ] in a person’s life to find whether they are genuine or duplicate look alike. If the fruits are not good, then the direction in which the anointing will steer us will not be God-wards but more in to a state of lawlessness(Matt 7:15-23; Gal 5:22--23). The anointing is holy anointing oil, so it should not be used to indulge in the fleshly things of lawlessness. There should also not be any imitation of the manifestation of the real anointing. Or else God will cut of the person from the family of God(Exodus 30:32-33). So ask the lord to put in you a holy reverance toward the anointing, so that you will desire for it intensly and will be carrying it for the glory of God.

Pray now, Dear Heavenly Father, I love you and your righteousness, put in me a holy hatred against all forms of wicked, evil and lawless things in my life and surroundings, increase my desire and love for your righteousness more and more. Let your mighty anointing increase in my life and let your glory manifest tangibly (Luke 11:13). Thank you for hearing and answering my prayer in Jesus Name I pray, Amen!!! Hallelujah!!


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