Peace and stability
The EU has delivered over half a century of peace, stability and prosperity. It also plays an important role in diplomacy and works to promote these same benefits – as well as democracy, fundamental freedoms and the rule of law – across the globe.
In 2012, the EU was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for its achievements in this field. 70 years of lasting peace.
Situation in Europe from 1500 until 2000 with long periods of war until the 1950s when a period of peace begins.
The EU’s common foreign & security policy is designed to resolve conflicts and promote international understanding, based on diplomacy and respect for international rules.
Single market
The EU's main economic engine is the single market. It enables most goods, services, money and people to move freely throughout most of the continent.
It has certainly become much easier to move around Europe – all EU citizens have the right to study, work or retire in any EU country. As an EU national, for employment, social security and tax purposes, every EU country is required to treat you exactly the same as its own citizens.
Euro – used by over 340 million EU citizens, the euro has eliminated the risk of currency fluctuation and exchange costs, and strengthened the single market – to the benefit of us all.
Telephone & digital services – you can use your phone and online services at no extra cost across the EU, thanks to the end of roaming rules.
341 million
The number of people who use the euro every day in 20 countries
17 million
Live or work
17 million EU citizens live or work in another EU country
Zero Extra cost
Phone and online services at no extra cost across the EU
Citizens’ rights and protections
The Treaty on the European Union gives EU citizens and legal residents a wide range of rights, enacted in EU law across many fields.
Charter of fundamental rights
The Charter brings together all the personal, civic, political, economic and social rights enjoyed by people within the EU.
EU Charter of fundamental rights
Zero tolerance for discrimination
Free speech
For all
Everyone has the right to freedom of expression
Employment rights
Every EU worker enjoys certain minimum rights relating to health and safety at work; equal opportunities; protection against all forms of discrimination; and labour laws.
Retire abroad
The maximum number of hours a worker in the EU can work in any 7-day period
The minimum period of paid leave guaranteed for each worker per year
Digital rights
The EU has taken a strong stance to protect individual rights and personal information in its data protection and privacy laws, to ensure we all have more control over our personal data.
Right to be forgotten
Online shopping
74% of internet users aged 16 to 74 in the EU shop online
Protection of personal data
Everyone has the right to the protection of personal data
Consumer rights
EU consumers can feel safe in the knowledge that they will get their money back if they return unwanted products, and will receive a refund if they experience any avoidable delays or cancellations while travelling.
And the standards goods in EU shops must meet are among the world's most stringent, in terms of both quality and safety.
Shoppers rights
Added fees
For credit or debit card purchases in the EU
€100 000
Bank deposits of up to €100 000 are always protected
Business, growth and trade
The EU is the largest trade bloc in the world. It is the world's biggest exporter of manufactured goods and services, and the biggest import market for over 100 countries.
Free trade among its members was one of the EU's founding principles. This is possible thanks to the single market. Beyond its borders, the EU is also committed to liberalising world trade.
The EU has ensured that you're protected against the downsides of globalisation through EU support for small businesses and rules to make sure big companies pay their fair share of tax. The EU can also help if you’ve been treated unfairly as a business owner. Successful EU programmes like Erasmus+ can help you help you get training to make the most of your career.
Defending business owners’ rights
Exchange scheme for young entrepreneurs (Erasmus)
Wider market
Free movement
Businesses from one EU country are free to offer goods and services in another EU country without being based there
640 000
Almost 640 000 people studied, trained or volunteered abroad in 2020
The EU has achieved a strong position by acting together with one voice on the global stage, rather than with separate trade strategies.
The EU is in prime position when it comes to global trade. The openness of our trade regime has meant that the EU is the biggest player on the global trading scene and remains a reliable partner to do business with.
EU-Singapore free trade agreement
This agreement, signed in 2018, makes it easier for EU firms to export more to Singapore, helps protect people’s rights at work and the environment and opens up Singapore’s markets to EU companies for services and government contracts.
World trade
The EU accounts for around 15% of the world’s trade in goods
Global trade
EU, China, US
The EU, China and the United States are the three largest global players in international trade
Food quality and environmental standards
Because EU countries cooperate so closely, our food and our environment meet some of the world’s highest quality standards.
Protecting health is the aim of all EU laws and standards in the farming and food sectors. An extensive body of EU-wide law covers the entire food production and processing chain within the EU, as well as imported and exported goods.
Food safety – EU legislation explained
Organic farming statistics
Animal welfare – main achievements
Antibiotic growth promoters
Antibiotic growth promoters have not been used in the EU since 2006
EU quality scheme
3500 products registered under an EU quality scheme
The EU has developed some of the strictest environmental standards in the world. EU policy seeks to minimise risks to the climate, health and biodiversity.
Emissions targets already achieved
Renewable energy/energy transition (2018 Energy Directive)
Climate neutral target
2050 - EU aims to become climate neutral
Greenhouse gas
2014 - The year the EU reached its 2020 target of cutting greenhouse gas emissions by 20%
International diplomacy & development
EU countries acting in unison have much more of a voice on the world stage than 27 nations of varying size acting separately. Taken together, the EU institutions and national governments are the world’s leading donor of development assistance and work collectively to promote good governance, fight hunger and preserve natural resources.
Diplomacy & security
Through its political, practical and economic support, the EU has played a crucial role in building peace in the Western Balkans since the Yugoslav wars. One example is the EU-facilitated dialogue between Serbia and Kosovo, which led to a landmark deal in April 2013 that is currently being implemented, with EU support.
Human rights
The EU has developed human rights policy guidelines covering areas such as the death penalty, torture and freedom of expression, both on and offline. The EU's Instrument for Democracy and Human Rights (EIDHR) provides support to improve respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms in countries and regions where they are most at risk.
Humanitarian aid
The EU provides assistance to countries and populations, both within Europe and abroad, when major disasters or humanitarian emergencies strike. Collectively, the EU and its constituent countries are the world's leading donor of humanitarian aid. Every year the EU provides food, shelter, protection, healthcare and clean water to over 120 million victims of disasters and conflict in over 80 countries.
120 million
Beneficiaries of humanitarian funding
Number of people who receive humanitarian funding each year from the EU
€2.4 billion
Humanitarian budget in 2021
In 2021, the humanitarian budget of the European Commission exceeded €2.4. billion
Aid, development and diplomacy in action
The EU cooperates with governments in 150 partner countries across the developing world, as well as civil society and international organisations.
For example, in Haiti the EU provides a number of different forms of aid and development assistance, to help the country develop resilience, resolve structural weaknesses and bring short-term relief to the most vulnerable. Since 1994, the EU has provided Haiti with €419 million in aid to: give access to life-saving health services distribute emergency shelter in camps and host families give access to water and sanitation facilities distribute food prevent an increase in malnutrition, outbreaks of epidemics and potential civil unrest reduce vulnerability in camps.
Set up early warning systems and strengthen shelters and infrastructure against recurring hurricanes, floods, and other natural hazards.
EU development aid in Haiti.
21 countries
Humanitarian air bridge
In 2020 and 2021, European Union Humanitarian Air Bridge assisted 21 countries
World top donor
In 2020, the EU disbursed 54,51% in development assistance
General Report on the activities of the European Union
The European story – 60 years of shared success
Video gallery
What has the EU ever done for me?
What do I get from the EU?
What does EU really lack?
Almost in all things EU is performing itself beyond expectations to strategically position itself to be a super power in waiting to be revealed to the world, except it needs a United Army for itself to face all the military threats near and far. America cannot stand by the side of Europe forever, already facing the next election Republic party nominee, President to be, Trump demanded 2%of the GDP of all the countries of EU to be spent for NATO, if it wants it's own individual security given under the leadership of USA for the NATO Alliance against Russia, or else Trump has threatened to not defend such country that doesn't pay it, if in case Putin comes against it. This shows that EU needs the strongest military force if it really needs to stand as the super power of the end time generation.
Member countries such as France, Germany, Italy, etc....have great military...but to become an United force instead of an individual one is the need of the time. If those forces co-ordinates... within to carry a nuclear triad for deterrence, that is the only way Russia will come to respect the superior power of EU. Until then...USA will remain the commander, to demand it's fair share from all the nations of EU, which is a pitiful enervating power instead of the real super power EU!
The Vacant Seat Number 666 in the European Parliament
While these seats are allocated to Members, one seat remains unallocated and unoccupied. The number of that seat is 666. The relevant section of the seating-plan provided to each Member reads as follows:
660 Marchiani
661 Montfort
662 Quiero
663 Souchet
664 Thomas-Mauro
665 Zizzner
666 -------
667 Cappato
668 Turco
669 Bonino
670 Pannella
671 Dupuis
672 Della Vedova
Revelation 13:18 states: "Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six." That is 666.
Today this Scripture is being fulfilled before our very eyes. The Antichrist's seat will be occupied. The world awaits his full and final development. The Lord will destroy him by the spirit of His mouth (the Word of God) and by the brightness of His coming (2nd Thessalonians 2:8). The coming of the Lord draweth nigh.
The Brussels EU Parliament Building
The European Union (EU) parliament, consisting of 785 members, is in Brussels, Belgium. Quite magnificent, is it not? Interestingly, the seat numbered 666 is never occupied. Perhaps they are leaving it open for someone special? ... The Antichrist!
The E.U.'s chosen symbol is a Woman Riding the Beast...
"...and I saw a woman sit upon a scarlet coloured beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns." —Revelation 17:3
The depiction of the same symbol was reproduced on the centenary stamp of the E.U. and in a huge painting in the Parliament’s Tower Building in Brussels.
European Poster promoting all the languages of Europe working on a modern Tower of Babel...
European Currency: The Euro depicting a Woman Riding a Beast
Compare the Parliament building (top) in Strasbourg with the painting of the Tower of Babel (bottom)?
The Tower of Babel
Isaiah 40:15 and 17, “Behold, the nations are as a drop of a bucket, and are counted as the small dust of the balance: behold, he taketh up the isles as a very little thing. ... All nations before him are as nothing; and they are counted to him less than nothing, and vanity.”
The purpose of the European Union's creation was and is, ultimately, to create a European super-state or “United States of Europe,” now know as "European Union," as some have suggested naming it, that would eventually rival the United States in influence and military might. In 1999, Javier Solana became the High Representative for the European Union’s foreign and security policy, and through recommendation number 666, he was given emergency powers over the military wing of the European Union in 2000. All that currently remains to create a truly revived Roman Empire is the creation of a permanent executive branch of government and the full integration of the new Euro currency. With the introduction of the new European Union constitution, the groundwork is being laid for just such an executive branch and economic system.
"And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast..." — Revelation 13:4
How much has moved towards what the Bible had revealed from the beginning?
Europe must hurry to defend itself against Russia—and Donald Trump
The Economoist
6 min read
13 Feb 2024, 09:45 AM IST
Think about it saints, if the Gog-Magog coalition of the 10 nations confederacy could have so powerful army of the end time, such as 200 million soldiers in its entirety (Rev 9:15-18), truly Russia as the coalition leader will team up to first make USA powerless as it is the one and only nation that truly stands with Israel and preaches to the world that Israel as a nation has the right to defend itself (Dan 8:23, 24, 25, 26, 27). So again when USA with all its so called westerns allies goes down the drain, the eastern kings under Russia will rear up for the battle of every kind in the earth (Rev 16:12-16).
But something amazing will happen to European Union in the end time, when all the western allies are no more, Europe will look up to Antichrist to deliver the goods for them. In fact he will deliver it, but not by His own power (Dan 8:24), but by siding with the coalition of the eastern kings and middle eastern powers (Rev 6:7-8). Fiery red of communism is the disrupting power, that will gain control of the earth through peace-less-mess (Rev 6:4). Then a artificial scarcity will spread in all the world that will cause famine, through Antichrist controlling the food to ration it in all the world (Rev 6:5-6).
The Mystery Babylon of the religious body of one world religion of Rome will be completely destroyed suddenly by Antichrist just before the Abomination of Desolation, once the world control becomes firm in the hands of Antichrist and false prophet through sword, hunger and death (Rev 6:7-8), only then Antichrist with the false prophet will start to seal the 666 mark of the beast upon the whole wide world which is the starting of the Great Tribulation that Jesus spoke about (Rev 6:12-13, 14-15, 16-17; 14:6-7, 8-9, 10-11, 12-13). Just before this happens, the Church will be Raptured and will be taken to mount Zion for the wedding feast of the Lamb and thereby the reception for it in the Father's House along with the friends of the bridegroom who are the old testament prophets and saints who lived until Jesus resurrection (Rev 14:1-5; John 3:29-30; 14:1-4; Matt 27:50-52, 52-53; Rev 19:7-8, 9; Matt 22:1-14). Thereafter, immediately they will be taken up to the New Heaven and New Earth along with the Lord Jesus, and will all start to colonize it till the final war starts on earth with a bang of a big earth quake (Rev 16:18; 19:8, 14; 21:1-8). So the final war of Armageddon will be the war of the whole world under Antichrist, against the Christ of God who will come with the Church which is the armies of heaven and will defeat him with the breath and sword of His mouth! Hallelujah!
So what will be the dominant powers of the world at that time, Russia with its 10 nation confederacy under the leadership of eastern kings of India and China will lead the world to Armageddon (Ezek 38-39)! GLORY!
Clearly, the European Union is preparing the way for the Man of Sin—The Antichrist! Few people realize just how saturated the United Nations and the European Union are with Satanism. The United Nations has all of their materials printed by The Lucis Trust, originally founded in 1922 as The Lucifer Trust.
Much Love and Blessings...
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