Saturday, April 9, 2011

Is Hell Real Or Reel? Is Hell Open Now?

Is There A Real Hell Right Now Somewhere Or It Will Come In The Future?

Question : Is HELL REAL OR REEL? Is hell open now? I think hell will become a reality only after the last Judgement. Can U pls give some reference from the Bible, that hell is already open?

Answer : The place under the earth is 'sheol' in Hebrew [i.e. abode of the dead spirits until the day of white throne judgment] and 'Hades' in Greek.

The righteous section of the Hades where Lazarus was sitting in Abraham's Bosom has been emptied by the Lord Jesus
(Luke 16:19-31), it happened after the resurrection of Jesus where he took the captivity captive to the heavenly city of Zion (Eph 4:8; Matt 27:52-53; Heb 12:22-24). But the unrighteous section is still there and it will be present there until the day of White Throne Judgment (Rev 20:11-14). When the Bible says clearly that Hades or Sheol is in "the lower parts of the earth" (Eph 4:9, b), we have got to believe it whether we have evidence of it or not.

Sheol or Hades hell is open now and is taking unbelieving people in to it. It will take in unbeliever's until the day of White Throne Judgment take place after the Millennium rule of Jesus Christ. Jesus said, ‎
"...wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction [of Hell], and there are many who go in by it." (Matt 7:13). The gate of Sheol and Hades hell is wide open and many are entering in to it daily day after day as Jesus Himself has said in the above verse.

From the example of Jesus we see that the rich man who was a unbeliever was taken straight to Sheol or hades hell
(Luke 16:22-23) and it has not changed ever since Jesus told. If it has not been open, this rich unbeliever would have stayed in the grave instead of going to Hades hell. No apostles anywhere else in the Bible altered this under the inspiration and it shows that what Jesus has told is more than enough for us to depend on. Until Judgment Day [the Last Great Day] comes, according to the Bible - all dead sinners go to this temporary kind of "hell" called "Sheol" or "Hades" [not Gehenna which is Eternal Hell]... which is also metaphorically spoken by the preacher as "... the grave, whither thou goest." (Eccle.9:10). The Bible says, "Do not put YOUR trust in nobles, Nor in the son of earthling man, to whom no salvation belongs. His spirit goes out, he goes back to his ground; In that day his thoughts do perish." (Psalm 146:3-4). This above verse clearly describes that the dust return to the ground, which means literally we get buried and our physical body gets decayed after some time. Then it says that the spirit goes out. Where? It goes to the nether place where dead unbelieving spirit are kept in prison by the Lord. Beneath it is a bottomless pit where disobedient angels who have rebelled and possessed people during Noah time are kept (Jude 6; 2 Peter 2:4). In this same bottomless pit Satan will be bound for a thousand years during which we the saints along with Jesus will rule the earth in peace and righteousness (Rev 20:1-3, 4-6). Originally Hell was intended by God only for the Devil and his angels, but when man joined in the rebellion with the devil and his angels against God, they too go to that place where they will be tormented eternally being separated from the goodness of God's Presence because of their own choice. On the day man dies all his plans perish. Once we die, we are in the spiritual domain of God. No man can escape that Sheol or Hades hell (Matt 10:28).

Sheol or Hades hell is temporary until the seven thousand years get over and then the final White Throne Judgment take place for all the spirits in Hades hell to be judged according to their works
(Rev 20:11-13). In this Sheol or Hades hell, there will be torment to the conscious soul of man due to lack of God's Presence. Once a soul is dumped in this place, their spiritual eyes will be opened and they will be able to see themselves with their conscious soul without their physical body. There will be severe thirst that one may feel in the soul due to flames of torment. One may be able to consciously ask even for water to cool their tongue. The person who is dumped in this Hades or Sheol hell may even be consciously concerned for their family members, relatives, kith and kin down in the earth to not to come to the same place of torment. A person who is dumped by God in to this Sheol or Hades hell will be able to remember all that they have done on earth, how they have lived on earth and the times they had consciously rejected God's grace, mercy and love which pursued them in order to save them from this place of torment (Luke 16:22-31).

But the real permanent Hell that Jesus spoke about in
Mark 9:44 saying, "Where 'Their worm does not die, and the fire is not quenched.'" is 'Gehenna' in Greek. This real Gehenna Hell will be the eternal place of residence for all unbelievers through out eternity. After the White Throne Judgment for all unbeliever's get over, then this very place of 'Sheol or Hades' hell along with 'the spirit of Death' and all the souls of unbelievers will be cast in to the eternal lake of fire [i.e. Gehenna Hell], then will real Hell start to burn for eternity [i.e second death and eternal death] (Rev 20:14). There will be no Presence of God ever felt by these unbelievers forever because of consciously rejecting the salvation of God which was given through Jesus Christ. In this place the worm will not die and fire is not quenched for eternity ahead. 

Much Blessings.....


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