Monday, August 1, 2022

Did God Forcefully Demateralise the Angels At The End Of The Noah's Flood And Then Never Allowed Them To Materalise Anymore?

Did The Angels Materalize Of The Human Bodies?

Question: The angels materialized human bodies which Jehovah forced them to demateralise at the Flood, and has not allowed them to do so anymore! What is your take on it? Is it true or not. 

Answer: Greetings in the most precious name of Jesus!

Yes you are right, but materialize does not mean that angels can come in a material form, rather they (of a ghost, spirit, or similar entity) seem to appear in bodily form.

It is only a appearance transformation which angel spirits could boast themselves to be when they are given an opportunity through sowing fear in the mind of humans and making them accept their tyranny (2 Cor 11:3-4, 13-14). It is indeed a illusion and not a reality until God gives them a permission to reach out to humans in a avatar like Jesus Christ or a body for specific missions which then get taken away once the mission gets fulfilled (Heb 10:5-7; 13:2).

Appearance cannot be real, and Satan has only limited power and cannot usurp the power of God until He gives permission and capacity to appear to do something through a short term mission for the ultimate glory of God (Job 1:12; 2:6).

The Greek word Tartarus appears only once in the entire New Testament. 2 Peter 2:4 says, “God did not spare angels when they sinned, but sent them to [Tartarus], putting them in chains of darkness to be held for judgment.” Most English versions translate tartarus as “hell” or “lowest hell.” The word Tartarus can be defined as “the deepest abyss of Hades.”

Another place in Scripture that mentions sinning angels is Genesis 6:1–4 where “the sons of God” who were saved humans, were entrapped through marriage alliance and were taken control by the external beauty of human women who were unsaved and possessed by Satanic angels, and therefore their progeny also came under the influence of demons that misled them in to rebellion and disobedience against God. According to Jude 1:6, some angels “abandoned their proper dwelling” in the heavens and possessed humans. For this crime, God cast them into Tartarus where they are held “in pits of gloom” (AMP) for a later judgment. It seems that Tartarus was what the demons feared in Luke 8:31.

Praise the Lord! Angels could only occupy the physical body, and try to posses it. But that still happens in all people even after the flood, as we have seen it again and again in the New Testament (Acts 16:18; Mark 1:21-26). But this time the judgment of angels will come to the sinning angels before the Millennium through the Church who will dislodge them and occupy the second heaven, and also after the Millennium through the Church who will judge them all on judgment day of White Throne (Rev 12:7-10, 11-12; 20:7-15). For those who sincerely seek God will find Jesus, where all the demons that possessed them will get dislodged in the name of Jesus for them to be set free from it (John 8:32, 34-36). We see that these demons were judged by God and were put in Prison, who have been kept under the chains of darkness by God until today even until the end of the Millennial rule of Jesus Christ and the Church, the same will happen to Satan and his demonic angels who have usurped and possessed humans in our generation just as in the days of Noah, they will be kept in the same tartarus prison for a thousand years after which they will be let loose for a while and be judged forever (Rev 20:1-3, 7-10). These angels are waiting for the day of judgment in which we the Church will judge even the angels at the end of the Millennium during White Throne judgment (2 Peter 2:4; 1 Cor 6:3). As God gave the second heavens to be the proper place of residence for angels, but they left their own abode in disobedience and possessed people at Noah's time, so the Lord has reserved in everlasting chains under darkness for them a prison until the judgment of the great day of White Throne, and this time He will destroy the world through fire (Jude 1:6; 2 Pet 3:7, 10, 12). Also except Noah's family all of the people who were possessed were completely destroyed by God in judgment as the wrath of God through the flood came upon the heathen world of darkness so it will come at the end of the world, in which God will come and destroy the heavens and the earth, through fire which will make them become gas with no trace of its sinful existence (1 Pet 3:20; 4:6; 2 Peter 3:6-7).

Angels are spirits and therefore cannot cover themselves with a dust body of the earth (Psa 104:4). They are servants of God who do His word (Psa 103:20-21; 1 Tim 5:21), whose main Job is to minister and serve humans, and as well as live for His Glory in heaven and in all universe (Heb 1:14). Angels cannot marry and produce children, because they do not have earthly body like humans (Mark 12:25). Glory to God!  

From the above Scripture and exposition of it, we come to know that God did not allow any humans to marry angels and vice-versa too. But the angels leaving their proper domain, that is, leaving the place where they were supposed to live in the spirit world at the second heaven, and instead started to possess humans on earth through intrigue and keep the house of their body occupied through fear of death, were judged through the flood of Noah's time and put in tartarus chains of darkness which is a prison made for angels (Matt 12:43-45; Heb 2:14-15). Therefore, there cannot be any human-angel hybrid according to the Bible. So we as a believer in the Word of God, should reject this false deceitful doctrine of the end time, which propagates that angels married human women and produced human-angel hybrid. Stay away from unhealthy deceitful doctrines of demons like the above that gets promoted by Satanic agents to destroy your true faith (1 Tim 4:1).

Peter’s mention of Tartarus in the context of condemning false teachers. Those who secretly introduce heresy into the church will suffer a fate similar to that of the angels who sinned, who were then judged by God physically in the bodies of humans they lived, and spiritually sent to prison of Tartarus darkness and chains to wait for God's ultimate judgment of White Throne, which will happen after the end of the Millennial rule of Jesus and the Church. After the White Throne judgment of all unbelievers and evil angels alike, they will all be sent to the Gehenna lake of fire which is the second death
(Matt 10:28; Rev 20:14-15). The only difference between the angels and humans who sinned during Noah's time is, the angels who sinned were kept separately in Tartarus prison which is the the deepest abyss of Hades, while the humans who sinned were kept separately in the Hades prison which is the upper region of the same in which the righteous section has already been emptied by Jesus after his resurrection, and only the unrighteous section remains until the White Throne Judgment.

Death is a separation from God and his goodness
(2 Thess 1:9-10), first it happened in the mind of the disobedient angels before this world began, and afterwards it entered the world of humans on earth through Adam's sin and spread to all humans alike (Rev 12:4; Rom 5:12, 21), therefore 'death' in itself, will be thrown in to the lake of fire at the end of the sinful world forever (Rev 20:14-15). After the White Throne Judgment, the whole structure of Hades prison itself will be thrown in to the lake of fire, which is what is called as second death. The Lord does not tolerate those who lead His children astray and mock them, whether they are angels or unbelieving humans, the fate is the same, they will all be thrown in the eternal lake of fire forever and ever to be tormented (Matthew 18:6).

May God help us to stay strong in faith by helping us to understand all the wrong doctrine such as we have seen above and thus remain faithful to God and His word through the guidance of His Spirit!

Much Blessings...


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