Question: Why do you think that the 10 nations of the end of end times we live, the 10 Kings of Rev 17:12 is not within Europe but rather will be 10 confederacy Of nations grouping in all the world?
10 Reasons Why The 7th Kingdom Will Have The Confederacy Of The Worldwide Nations And Not Just 10 Kings From Europe
1) In the first three and half years of Daniel 70th week, Antichrist will just be one among the 10 divisions of the worldwide 7th Kingdom which will have 10 kings one for each, but they received no Kingdom but will receive authority for only for an appointed hour of some years through democratic means (Rev 17:12).
2) The 7th Kingdom head will have worldwide influence and so skilled in war, that He will make a war cry against nations, to make all people of all nations know if they have the courage to face him and defeat him as a individual or a group (Rev 13:4).
3) The 8th Kingdom of a totalitarian one world government , leader and a economy will be coming during the time of the second half of the Daniel 70th week, in which the worldwide power of all the 10 Kings will be given in to the hands of Antichrist (Rev 17:11).
4) The United Nations is the public relations office of the United States for the nations of the world with complete immunity for itself and the influence of a majority in security council with United Kingdom and France by its side, and it has been formed to spread the worldwide power of it through the doctrine of Democracy, that is why when Antichrist comes as the 8th Beast in one man, he will be of the 7th which is USA (Rev 17:11).
5) The first three and half years covenant with nations including Antichrist as it's leader suggests that THE LAST PRESIDENT OF UNITED STATES MIGHT BE MAKING WAY FOR THE FIRST LEADER OF EUROPEAN UNION AND THE WORLD (Dan 9:27).
6) We see in the Gog and Magog war, a world wide army of Ezekiel 38 and 39, the power concentration moving away from North West (Europe and USA) to the Far North and East which is BRICS COALITION (Ezek 38:1-15), which are the kings of the east like China (the land of Magog) and India teaming up with the King of far north, which is (Gog) Russia. This news from the east and north displaying and flaunting its power will really worry USA, but will have to let go of Israel to have a worldwide influence maintained and increased to its Zenith during the end time (Dan 11:40-45). All middle eastern nations will follow at the heels of the USA except the BRICS AND IRAN, which will cause him to destroy and annihilate many which is world war three at play now.
7) This will only end when he shall plant the tents of his palace between the seas and the glorious holy mountain which will become the new gateway to Europe and the world, which will be there in the nation of of Israel as it's head quarters (Dan 11:45). The reason for the present Gaza war also might be this reason.
8) The rise of European Union as one of the Kings might be the key to unlock the far north and eastern coalition that are bothering the 7th Kingdom of USA/UK. This economic clout of the Roman Club of European Union and it's trade might make the BRICS to toe it's line and become the extended arm of defense for the world army of the end time. Instead of the lone world policeman approach of the United States, and remaining the stooges of the Roman Europe, USA/UK will get absorbed within the 10 Kingly Unions of the world in the last 7 years of Dan 9:27. Through it, the one world army of all nations and coalitions might have certain strong influence of anti-Semitism in it without revealing it's true intentions as BRICS and middle eastern coalition becomes more powerful than all others.
9) Through subtle means EUROPEAN UNION through ANTICHRIST will gain control over the other 3 other world power of RUSSIA, CHINA AND INDIA to subdue it all and contain it (Dan 7:25), seeing this the whole coalition of the 10 divisions of the world in one mind will give their power and authority to the Antichrist to make him one world leader in the second half of Daniel 70th week (Rev 13:5; 17:13). Remember, the whole of Roman Club of European Union will only be just one of the 10 kings of the world but will be very powerful because of the force of the world army under its control. Artificial intelligence and CYBORG may be the tool Antichrist will use to pluck the three horns of rebellion that stays within the world by its roots (Dan 7:7-8).
10) Finally, the Zenith of the Roman Club power will be at display at the end time. How? Because the Roman Catholic Church will unite all the religions of the world to form a one world religion, and through it will try to continue their control even over the Eight Beast which came out of the Seventh beast. America stands as the stooge of the Roman Club and Catholic conglomerate, as it has become the biggest influencer of American politics today! The Catholic Church which is the Mother of all Harlots at that time, will be hated by the Antichrist and False Prophet greatly, and will be destroyed just before the first half of Daniel seventieth week ends, after which Antichrist will be able to occupy the Temple and boast himself as god by sitting in it (2 Thess 2:4).
Many in the past as Dictators like Napoleon, Mussolini, Charlemagne and Hitler have tried to revive the Old Roman Empire, but failed completely. But Antichrist the Assyrian of the end of end times will become the super power and man from Europe to bring false short time peace and security and prosperity to the whole world because the whole world will be behind him (Dan 4:21-22).
The ten kings mentioned in Rev 17:12 are ten rulers of yet unidentified kingdoms that will spring up in the last days and support the anti-Christ for a time. The United States is never mentioned, because as a anglo-saxon offspring of Rome, UK/USA remains the base upon which the final Dan 9:27 Rome's final empire will be built upon. It will be so powerful, that the entire world will have to pay allegiance, and submit to it or get the boots to be thorn off (Rev 13:4). USA/UK anglo-saxon base that has been laid all over the world as the 7th Empire, out of which the 8th Empire of Antichrist will emerge remains consistent with the Scriptural direction of a worldwide government of Rome, that will be more powerful than the original that we saw nearly 2000 years ago (Rev 17:11; Dan 8:23-26). Hallelujah!
What are the evidence of preparation that we see around the world we live or have lived for the creation of ten kingdoms of the end of end times we were discussing about?
Circa 1970, the Club of Rome produced a map of the world that divided it into “ten world economic regions.” Region one is comprised of the United States, Canada, and points north, including Greenland.
What is the Club of Rome? It's a globalist think tank founded in 1968 by Italian industrialist Aurelio Peccei and Alexander King, a Scottish scientist. Some claim the group was initially housed on David Rockefeller's estate in Bellagio, Italy. According to the group's website, the club is composed of "scientists, businessmen, economists, international high civil servants, heads of state and former heads of state from all five continents.” Some of the club's membership belongs to the Bilderberg Group and the Committee of 300, also globalist groups comprised of extremely wealthy elitists. Researchers describe The Committee of 300 as a secret society founded by the British aristocracy in 1727.
In the book, The First Global Revolution, A Report by the Council of the Club of Rome, the group called for the limit to growth approach to solve the world's problems. According to researchers, the book states, “In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, water shortages, famine and the like would fit the bill. All these dangers are caused by human intervention, and thus, the real enemy, then, is humanity himself.”
The Club of Rome produced a graphic displaying the ten regions. For our purposes, the mere creation of the document and its exact reflection of the prophesied creation of ten kingdoms should get our attention.
Likewise, a document posted on the UN’s website in 2009 describes a “global democracy program” through a convening group of ten persons in ten regions of the world to “explore how the rule by and for the people can be understood and practiced in relation to global issues.” Ten regions – just a coincidence? I don’t think so.
Even the European Union flag with its encircled golden twelve stars has so much of a story to tell, about its direct connection to the Roman Catholicism.
In 1987, following the adoption of the flag by the EC, Arsène Heitz (1908–1989), one of the designers who had submitted proposals for the flag's design, suggested a religious inspiration for it. He stated that the circle of stars was based on the iconographic tradition of showing the Blessed Virgin Mary as the Woman of the Apocalypse, wearing a "crown of twelve stars".
Heitz also made a connection to the date of the flag's adoption, 8 December 1955, coinciding with the Feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Thus the bottom line, the end of end times will not be in the hands of 10 European nations, but rather be in the executive Super Man, the Antichrist of the European Union.
Much Blessings....
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