If A Saved Believer Commits Suicide, Will That Person Go To Heaven Or Hell?
Answer : Greetings to you in Jesus wonderful name! The Bible clearly says that all lawlessness is sin (1 John 3:4). We know that the wages of any sin we do or have done is death, but the free gift of God that we have as believers received in Christ Jesus has given us eternal life for eternity ahead (Rom 6:23). We are not saved by our works of any kind so that we cannot boast before God, but we have been saved by faith through the grace of God which clearly describes that the salvation we have received is a gift of God that has been given to us outside of our behavior of sin but based on the one time belief of accepting oneself as a sinner and asking God to save us through calling on the name of Jesus and getting saved for eternity by faith. And therefore the sin of suicide although is a grievous sin like any other before God, it does not determine a person's eternal destiny (Eph 2:8-9; Rom 10:9-11, 13; Heb 5:9). Jesus as a chief shepherd of the believing sheep has promised to lose not even one of them who are saved and has promised to raise them up the last day in which all believers will be resurrected in their glorious bodies (John 6:39-40). God has sealed all the believers with the Holy Spirit the moment they were born again as His children and He has given the Holy Spirit as a down payment and a earnest guarantee of their inheritance until they will be raised up in their glorious eternal body, and not even one time in any other place Jesus and the apostles have spoken of the believers getting unsealed of this guarantee (Eph 1:13-14; 2 Cor 1:22; 5:5). Instead Jesus has given assurance to all believers that they who have received eternal life will never ever perish eternally, and that no one like Satan and his demonic cohorts working to take them away from God will ever succeed in their evil mission, even if they succeed in inducing the believers to self destroy themselves physically through making them indulge in sin which God hates and makes him to judge them in the flesh, but still His eternal mercies remains unchanged to makes Him save them in the spirit as He had already promised to them (John 10:10, 27-30; Rom 8:35, 37, 38-39; 1 Cor 5:5; 1 Peter 4:6). The Word of God says that God is not a man to change His Word of promise that He gives especially regarding all the eternal promises He has given to save the soul of His chosen people (Mal 3:6; Num 23:19, 21; Matt 24:35; Col 3:3; Jer 30:11). This shows that no believer who is truly born again in the spirit can ever be lost eternally because of God's faithfulness, even if they are faithless to God to commit suicide and die before the time God has allotted for them in his blue print (2 Tim 2:13).
God has said in His 6th command out of the 10 commandments that He has given for man to follow, “You shall not murder” (Exodus 20:13), suicide is an act of breaking this above law by murdering one self. The problems people face before doing such dastardly act of killing oneself may include some form of drug addiction, including alcoholism, mental illnesses, repeated disobedience to God and being unfaithful to break one's word of covenant made before God and men, etc....Suicide is a sin, but for those who are saved, just like any other sin that God has covered, this too has already been covered by the blood of Jesus (Heb 10:10, 14-18). Just like any other sin they have done in their past lives have been forgiven by God as a gift within salvation, this sin too would have been added to others sins that God knew already but have been forgiven by God, as God in His omniscience knew already about it and will not be surprised about it (Acts 15:18), and therefore will go on to be with the Lord (Rom 4:7-8; 2 Cor 5:8).
God's word says that only a fool will die before the time God has allotted for them to live on earth in his perfect will for their lives (Eccl 7:17; Psa 31:15). No one can blame just depression and deep despair for committing suicide in their lives because we know that many men of God and people of God have been through such ordeals and depressive bouts that they even desired that it would be better if they would die, yet God strengthened them and did not allow them to commit suicide in their lives. Solomon hated his own life (Eccl 2:17), Elijah was so depressed that he wanted to die (1 Kings 19:4), Jonah wished to die being angry against God (Jonah 4:8), at a certain point of time apostle Paul was under great pressure and even despaired of life (2 Cor 1:8), King David feared death before God appointed time because of extreme sorrow (Psalm 13:2-4), the prophet Jeremiah wished he had never been born (Jeremiah 20:14-18), Job was demonically discouraged to commit suicide (Job 7:15-16) and many others have been under severe pressure in their lives because of their fight of faith in this life. Though all of these above saints were suicidally driven to die by disappointments and demonic depression, yet God allowed none of them to die until His appointed time because they in their worst state still believed and have already committed their life to God.
In other words, we know that Satan and his demonic cohorts will come against us to “steal, and to kill, and to destroy” us by tempting us to take our God given life at some point of time or the other in our lives (John 10:10), but as Christians we have power over the devil and he cannot push us to do this if we sincerely call on the name of the Lord (Luke 10:19-20; Rom 10:13)! Though we may get depressed from time to time, I believe that the act of suicide never takes place apart from demonic influences driving one to take their own life (Matt 12:43-45; 17:15; Mark 9:22; 5:12-13). When God himself finds his own child insensitive to his warnings to stay away from the path to death (Prov 22:3), and then finds them voluntarily going in to it by their own foolishness of their soulish living against His will and His voice which they are not ready to obey, God Himself will not do anything to force His will upon them when He finds that they are very desirous to go their own way [i.e. commit suicide by killing their own self] (Eccl 7:17; Prov 14:12; 16:25; 15:24-25). Thus to die by suicide is deny oneself of God appointed blessed and righteous way to die in His time (Num 23:10; Psa 116:15; Isa 57:1), and it is instead a curse of demonic activity that has taken over a person's life and brings them to destruction and death because of one's stubbornness to neglect God, His Word and His Spirit, His people and His will (Prov 14:2; 17:23, 20, 13; 1:28-33; 29:1). Without doubt lack of practicing righteousness which is in the Holy Spirit may always lead someone to die by depressive suicide before God appointed time (Prov 11:4; 12:28; Rom 14:17; 1 Tim 6:10). But thank God that a righteous person who has believed Jesus as His Savior though he might be oppressed or depressed to die because of consistent disobedience to the voice of God, still he has a refuge even in his death that he will go to heaven and will live with God because of Jesus who have died for all his sins (1 Cor 11:29-30; Pro 14:32).
The Bible mentions six specific people who committed suicide: Abimelech (Judges 9:54), Saul (1 Samuel 31:4), Saul’s armor-bearer (1 Samuel 31:4–6), Ahithophel (2 Samuel 17:23), Zimri (1 Kings 16:18), and Judas (Matthew 27:5). Five of these men were noted for their wickedness and Saul’s armor-bearer died because of his close association to the disobedient King Saul even though nothing is said of his personal character (1 Cor 15:33; Prov 13:20; Psa 1:1). Some consider Samson’s death an instance of suicide, because he knew his actions would lead to his death (Judges 16:26–31), but Samson’s as the leader of the nation of Israel, his goal was to kill Philistines, not himself and therefore can be seen as a martyr hero who died and saved the nation of Israel from God's enemies at the end of his life. So actually he is considered a repentant hero of faith (Heb 11:32-34).
I believe when God's hand of protection is taken away from a person like in the above cases for their unfaithfulness towards God and others whom they have deceived without thinking of keeping their word of trust and loyalty just because of coveting for their own gain, then we can find people committing suicide and dying whether they are unbeliever like Judas or believer like Saul because of it (1 Sam 28:15-20; John 17:12). But the only hope and silver line for a person who was a believer and their family and relatives who have been lost in this dark cloud of suicide is that, no matter what, God is faithful to His promises to save the soul of that loved one who was lost because of this tragic way of committing suicide (1 Cor 1:9; 10:13; 2 Cor 1:18, 20; Php 1:6; Deut 7:9). There are no fate for a Christian, only God's appointment to death or else it is a believer's foolishness to die before God's time (Heb 9:27; Prov 19:3; Eccl 7:17). Thank God that He has saved us all because of our belief and not by our behavior, because no one of us can ever qualify ourselves to enter heaven by our behavior and that includes the believer who has died by committing suicide too (Titus 3:5-7; Eph 2:8-9; Eccl 7:20; Prov 20:9; 1 John 1:8). But we who are saved by grace through faith are expected to maintain our good works because these things are good and profitable for us spiritually and eternally (Titus 3:8). No believer who has realized that God has given him not a spirit of fear but of power to use His authority, love which casts away fear and of a sound mind that is the mind of Christ and His thoughts of deliverance will ever choose to commit suicide but rather will run to the city of refuge in God to live on earth for the glory of God and not die, to declare His praise, to reveal the glorious work of the Lord through their lives on earth (2 Tim 1:7; Luke 10:19-20; Matt 28:18-20; 1 John 4:17-19;; 1 Cor 2:15-16; Psa 118:17; 88:10; 115:17). Praise the Lord!
Much Blessings....
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