Friday, August 10, 2018

As A Minister Of The Gospel, What Do I Do When My Wife Is Not Satisfied With My Salary?

Working In A Christian Trust, But I Need To Raise Some Extra Money To Run My Family Smoothly. Please Give Your Opinion.

Question: Praise the Lord Pastor!

How are you Pastor? I Hope you are fine. I am also doing good. Pastor please pray for my salary. At present, i am earning Gross salary Rs.18.800/- and with deduction of my two kids education I am getting Net salary Rs.11.117/-. with this I have to pay rental amount Rs.4600/- (electric & water bill separate). So kindly pray for me to manage with this amount for the whole month. By God's grace I may get good increment by next month.

Especially pray for my wife, every new academic year I am showing my salary slip to her. This academic year, I mean today I am going to show my salary slip.

She shouts at me every month for the past 18 years saying that I am working in the same Christian Trust but getting only this much all the time. Please pray for her Pastor.

And please give me a suggestions to how to deal with her.

At least we need Rs.5000/- extra to run our family smoothly. Please give me your opinions.

Answer: Praise the Lord dear Brother!!!

I am doing well in the Lord. Praise God that you too are doing wonderfully well. Yes I understand being a Pastor by sacrifice towards the Lord and His people are not a easy thing to do like as other profession where you have a fixed income at the end of the month. So you have a tight budget on hands to deal with. For us believers, one thing that should make us rejoice all the time, and that thing is, that we are already blessed with all the spiritual blessings in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus
(Eph 1:3).

The very fact that you know God has put you in ministry in itself is a privilege that all do not have. So for those soldiers and commanders in the Lord's army to push through the enemy territory of the world under Satan which lives for itself, is in itself is a challenge for everyone of us. By spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ, people are saved from sin to receive eternal life, we do it because the world of people are loved by God like us who were once sinners, but now have the opportunity to become the children of God through believing the Gospel. With the vision God will always give you the provision to carry on to do his work.

Try to bring what you spend to a lesser level. May be the education spending for the children can be adjusted or prayed for, to know which level of expenditure you can accommodate with what you have.

Apostle Paul referred in his writing this following Old Testament verse,
“You shall not muzzle an ox when it is treading out the grain” (Deut 25:4), and questions it saying, "Is it for oxen that God is concerned” (1 Cor 9:9)? Paul continues by writing, “Do you not know that those who are employed in the temple service get their food from the temple, and those who serve at the altar share in the sacrificial offerings? In the same way, the Lord commanded that those who proclaim the gospel should get their living by the gospel” (1 Cor 9:13-14).In other words, those who preach the gospel have the right to be supported in their ministry by those who receive the spiritual blessings by God's ordinance through his appointed ministers who dispense it for the Glory of God (1 Tim 5:18). Even though the 'worker deserves his pay', many times we forgo our right to it because of the immensity of pioneering a new work so that the name of the Lord might be kept in great regard by those who are becoming new believers.

Looking for eternal reward many times we let go of our rights over claiming temporal rights for sustenance, in doing so we allow the Lord to supernaturally sustain us physically and financially to carry on the mission He has given us
(1 Cor 9:15-18; Matt 4:4; 2 Tim 2:17; 1 Cor 9:15-27). When we do voluntarily the work of God, our motives for doing the work of God stays right and pure. Once we demand our wages to do the work of the Gospel with charge expected from our side, slowly our motives for doing the work of God becomes tainted and we do because of necessity laid upon us and not because of our love for God and people. What is our eternal reward then? We lose it completely because of gaining the temporal by abusing our right of authority which God has given to build people and not break them (Matt 23:4). When we demand submission, we have not learned submission. When we demand our wages, we have not learned to be good stewards of God and therefore abuse our authority (Matt 24:48-49; 20:1-6; Luke 12:45). Anything we trade for temporal, conveys our heart priority of despising the eternal things of God (Gen 25:29-34; 27:41; Heb 12:12-17). God stays faithful to His word in providing us what we need to fulfill His purpose, when we continue to seek His kingdom first and his righteous way of living to fulfill His will for our lives (Matt 6:33-34).

I understand how your wife is someone who expect things to be in place for her to plan the home things and fulfill it. But it is Ok. God has promised to supply all your needs and loves to see His servants prosper
(Php 4:19; Psa 35:27).

Remember the promise Jesus has given,
"When you seek the Kingdom business first in your life [by seeking to save souls wisely] (Prov 11:30), all the things that you need in your life to carry on the purpose of God in your life will be supplied to you day after day just when you need it." (Matt 6:33). The beauty of God's provision is that when you need something the most, it will be added to you. God never stocks everything in advance in our lives, but rather adds it by His providence. Our God is a on-time God and the God of the living, which does mean that He always acts in the present time meeting all our needs and is never taken by surprise (Mark 12:27). God provides in His time, in His way and in His sovereign power.

So keep praying day by day for the provision and stay patiently in faith, you as a good soldier of Jesus Christ will finish the race to your surprise at the end of it all victoriously
(2 Tim 2:3-4).

Usually the wife is someone who encourages you and helps you move forward in ministry, but when I see that she has been critical over your income, try your best to supplement your income through other means of doing something like a small business or something that will not affect your focus on the call of God in your life
(Acts 18:3). It is not wrong to try your best to support yourself, when all other means of support from the Church fails at large because of the type of mission work you are in (Acts 20:34). But know one thing, a worker is worthy of his wages, and the word of God tells us to expect God to provide our needs through whom we minister to. So at least temporally as like in the life of Paul and his team worked in tent making business, so that together they might have fellowship with each other and remain committed to God's vision to world evangelism, until God opened up His provision for them to carry on in full time ministry later with a wave of revival with which provisions followed them.

But above all, learn to be content with what God has given you
(1 Tim 6:6), knowing that we exist on earth to fulfill God's eternal purpose for our lives, and we cannot take anything out of this world when we die, except the eternal reward from God for whatever service we have done after our salvation towards others in the will of God (1 Tim 6:7-8; Eph 6:8-9; Col 3:23-24).

Tell your wife that we need to manage our house with what God really provides, and that we are collecting treasures in heaven together for us and our family in the bank of heaven where God is storing great eternal treasures for us and our family
(Matt 6:19-21).

Pray for your wife to God considering her as a weak vessel, so that she might have better understanding regarding the ministry needs and cooperate with the vision with a mission that God has given you to fulfill, so that together
"as heirs with you of the gracious gift of life" might continue, "so that nothing will hinder your prayers" (1 Pet 3:7).

Your life depends on how you handle with care your wife whom God has given you to care as his very gift to you. God will help you to handle all the situations that arise in your family life, when you allow Him to guide you step by step everyday of your life
(Matt 6:9-15). One step at a time, one day at a the best way to handle all the challenges and endeavors of life that God allows us to face and be victorious through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (Matt 6:34; 2 Cor 2:14).

Life without challenges is a dead life, life full of challenges are a bedrock to build our life on, and succeed to stand on it as our eternal possession to bring great Glory to God.

So the extra that you need monetarily is a challenge for you to succeed. Because God believes that you can, it shows how much God trusts in your ability to stand as his soldier and see success in partnership with Him.

God is faithful and able to fulfill all His promises, if you believe enough to hold it within your heart and look to Him in continual faith through prayer
(Eph 3:20; Heb 7:25). Remember, Jesus Christ is interceding and praying for you to succeed in His purpose for your life.

When God is for you and with you, who or what obstacles can be against you
(Rom 8:31)! Praise the Lord! Praying for you.

Much Love and Blessings....


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