For Us New Testament Believer's, Which Is Our Canaan Land? Is It Heaven Or Life On Earth?
Question: Apostle Paul repented but again he as a carnal man described the human nature and behavior of his personal experience with the carnal nature by saying, "I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do. I know that nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature. For I have the desire to do what is good, but I cannot carry it out." (Romans 7:16-20). The same case is in ours also, we repented and Christ has forgiven our sins, then again and again we repeat those sins... Why? Because by doing this we actually failed in the battle between spiritual and carnal nature number of times, yes within me I am happy with law of God but carnally I am sold out to sin...this is the major thing on which we all have to work for to find victory. Can we ever experience permanent victory over sin in our lives?
Answer: Greetings in Jesus wonderful name!
The purpose of failure against sin is for us to understand that under law we can have no true victory over it but only under grace (Rom 6:14). When we fall and fail and fall and fail, and still seek God for victory over besetting sins, that is when God will look at our seriousness for victorious life, and after making us understand that in ourselves and our own strength we will fail as long as we live, then He gives us victory over sin and even besetting sins we might have struggled for years together, and once He gives us victory over sin He will make us rejoice in Him forever and ever. Why does God really delay in giving some of us victory over sin, while others get victory over those sins at the time of their born again experience of salvation itself? God has his individual plan for each one of us, we cannot ask Him why does He give victory for someone in this way or that way, all we can understand from God is that He always has the best plan for each and every of us individually, so that we could not only be able to ask the bemoaning question like Paul the apostle in our failure against sin, but also answer with joy in our victory over sin after our faith becomes perfected which is expressed in this following verse, "24 O wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death? 25 I thank God—through Jesus Christ our Lord! So then, with the mind I myself serve the law of God, but with the flesh the law of sin." (Rom 7:24-25). The victory over sin by receiving the grace of God should always be the end of all our struggles against sin, until then we need to focus on the promises of God and persevere in faith to see victory in our walk of faith for the Glory of God. Praise the Lord!
Apostle Peter said, "Beloved, I urge you as aliens and strangers to abstain from fleshly lusts, which wage war against the soul." (1 Pet 2:11), thus we see that the giants of Canaan land are within us acting against us rather than without in the New Testament times.
Also Jesus said, "What will it profit a man if he gain the whole world and lose his soul? For what can a man give in exchange for his soul?" (Matthew 16:26), which shows that going after material gain in this world cannot make the soul prosper in this life or in the life to come, but only receiving the divine exchange of Jesus' life for us which we receive while we are saved by believing in Him, and then the same life made to increase in us by defeating the giants of sin that have ruled us in the past life of flesh can only profit us now which will also directly affect our reward that we will receive from God in the life to come.
Don't Stop In Your Defeat, Keep Standing By Faith Until Victory
If only Paul had asked the question, "O wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from this body of death?" and did not continue with the answer saying, "I thank God—through Jesus Christ our Lord!", then we are hopeless in our dream for victory over the giants of sin that we wage war constantly in our lives. But praise God that we have the answer and that we should live by faith and see victory over every giant of sin that oppresses us and depresses us in this earthly life (Rom 1:17; 1 John 5:4).
All the promises of God in the Bible are 'yes' and 'amen' to the Glory of God through the believers life, if we continue to say amen to it all in faith and perseverance (Heb 10:35-36; 2 Cor 1:20). The promises of God reveal his particular and eternal purposes to which he is unchangeably committed and upon which believers can totally depend. These promises are, however, conditional upon obedience on the part of believers to say amen to it through faith and obedience through the struggles they face against sin, through which they are given the grace and made to overcome for the Glory of God. In other words, don't stop saying 'amen' to the promises of God, until you experience God's grace to overcome in His will and in His time.
It is like God declaring to Joshua, "Every inch of land which you set foot by faith to battle against the enemies, I will give you without fail, as I am the one who will battle it out and make you see victory as I did with Moses." (Jos 1:3, Abi's Translation). Likewise, God has promised all the believers of the New Testament that if we by faith are willing to wage war boldly against the giants of sin that tries to control the Canaan land of our soul, God will Battle it out on our behalf along with us as we stay by faith in perseverance and will make us inherit the promises of heaven on earth in our soul, which we too can be able to experience in this earthly life itself just like all the great saints of the Lord were able to experience it in their lives for the past 2000 years for the Glory of God within the Church. Amen!
Canaan Land Is Not Heaven But Rather Bringing Heaven In To Our Soul Now
When Christians think that Canaan land is going to heaven, it is absolutely wrong belief because there are no giants to fight against in heaven, but only on earth we have the spiritual giants of sin and its promoters, the principalities, powers, rulers of the darkness of this age, spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places against whom we are called to wrestle and overcome by putting on the whole armor of God in our earthly life through being strong in the Lord and in the power of His might for the Glory of God (Eph 6:11, 12, 10).
So we must not be misled by unscriptural belief or songs, but rather understand rightly and make the Canaan land as our fight against sin and wiles of the devil, through which we experience freedom from the curse of barren soul which usually in the natural state is without joy, peace and righteousness of the Kingdom of heaven (Rom 14:17), against which we can only fight and overcome by faith to inherit heaven and its blessings now to be experienced on earth in our soul as it is in heaven (Exo 3:17; 33:3; Isa 55:1-3; Matt 6:20; Eph 1:3). When the Glory of God makes His home to cause habitation in our soul, that is where heaven is. So every believer must must grow from faith to faith to fully inherit the Canaan land of our soul where giants of sin have defeated us in our past which are curses we have inherited through our forefather first Adam (Gen 3:17-19; Rom 5:12, 14, 21). Thus through the captain guard of our soul Jesus Christ who is the last Adam we overcome self, sin, sickness and Satan for the Glory of God now on earth and inherit the joy, peace and righteousness of Canaan's land in our soul and also through it also receive great eternal reward to rejoice in Him forevermore eternally (Rom 5:15; 1 Pet 2:25; 1 Cor 15:45; Rev 5:9-10).
So make the Canaan's land something to experience in your soul now through reading the following 'Jeff Gibson' song CANAANLAND IS JUST IN SIGHT in the present tense by faith,
Moses led God's children forty years he led them,
Through the cold and through the night;
Tho they said, "Let's turn back", Moses said, "Keep goin',
Canaanland is just in sight."
And there will be no sorrow there in that tomorrow,
We will be there by and by;
Milk and honey flowing there is where I'm going,
Canaanland is just in sight.
Now though we walk thru valleys, 'Tho we climb high mountains,
We can not give up the fight;
We must be like Moses, we must keep on going;
Canaanland is just in sight.
And Canaanland is just in sight!
Tho' we have some doubters and some down-and-outers,
They will not receive the prize;
So let's set our hearts on overcoming and in faith believing,
Canaanland is right now in sight.
Tho' sin, self and Satan arise to block the sight of heaven,
We by faith keep walking and talking;
Never to let down our hearts but resist and make unbelief flee,
Till we step in to Canaanland land now.
So that heaven may come down in sight to fill our soul to the fullness of Canaanland's blessing of righteousness, joy and peace forevermore. Heaven cannot be far away, when heaven comes down and brings God's kingdom in to our heart and soul.
Much Blessings....
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