Answer: Greetings in Jesus wonderful name!
Parables of Jesus are stories of earth used to explain the heavenly truth and reality to reveal it to the disciples of Jesus to make them understand the revelation of heaven on earth (Matt 16:17; 13:10-11; Luke 8:10). Those who understand these parables are those blessed people who are called, chosen and faithful, already given a citizenship to dwell in heaven in glory permanently with God for the rest of their lives after they die on earth (Rev 17:14).
Here we go...
"41 “There was a certain creditor who had two debtors. One owed five hundred denarii, and the other fifty. 42 And when they had nothing with which to repay, he freely forgave them both. Tell Me, therefore, which of them will love him more?” 43 Simon answered and said, “I suppose the one whom he forgave more.” And He said to him, “You have rightly judged.” 44 Then He turned to the woman and said to Simon, “Do you see this woman? I entered your house; you gave Me no water for My feet, but she has washed My feet with her tears and wiped them with the hair of her head. 45 You gave Me no kiss, but this woman has not ceased to kiss My feet since the time I came in. 46 You did not anoint My head with oil, but this woman has anointed My feet with fragrant oil. 47 Therefore I say to you, her sins, which are many, are forgiven, for she loved much. But to whom little is forgiven, the same loves little.” 48 Then He said to her, “Your sins are forgiven.” 49 And those who sat at the table with Him began to say to themselves, “Who is this who even forgives sins?” 50 Then He said to the woman, “Your faith has saved you. Go in peace.”" (Luke 7:41-50).
The context of the above parable starts with Jesus being invited to a religious Pharisees house, where he went and sat down to eat. At that time a woman who lived a loose life knew that Jesus had come to that place and entered in with an alabaster flask of very costly fragrant oil, and there she humbly knelt and stood near him in brokenness weeping about her unworthiness, and how Jesus has freely loved her unconditionally inspite of knowing her immoral life and is ready to forgive her of all her sins because of her faith towards Him. In gratefulness to God and Jesus the Son of God of how much she has been loved through Jesus, she began to wash the feet of Jesus with tears of joy and thanks, she must have been a beautiful women with a long hair and therefore she began to wipe the feet of Jesus with the hair of her head, she kissed the feet of Jesus and anointed it with the fragrant oil. The fragrant oil was so costly that one has to spend atleast a month's salary to buy it, and we know that Jesus already knew that this woman lived a loose life of immorality and she for the first time began to feel the unconditional love which she had never received before in her life, thus inspite of having only heard the love and message of Jesus from people around her, she approached Jesus in faith to receive the truth of the unconditional love of God towards her which created a deep longing towards Jesus. In hunger and thirst for righteousness to receive a new nature within her life (2 Cor 5:17), she has already come to Jesus to become a child of God, but her old reputation of her old life still haunted her in the sight of other men who looked at her through what she has been through the days past.
Jesus was the earthly temple of God through which God freely provided his mercies and grace to all those who boldly approached him in faith (John 2:21; Heb 4:14-16). He had already planned to forgive her sins which were many, so when she approached Jesus to receive the new nature of God within her, she got enlightened through her belief, she became very grateful to God. Hence when this woman had approached him with a costly fragrant oil, he knew the law said, "You shall not bring the wages of a harlot or the price of a dog to the house of the LORD your God for any vowed offering, for both of these are an abomination to the LORD your God." (Deut 23:18), but only Jesus knew within him that she was no more a prostitute but rather she has come to become a child of God through her belief and faith in Him which will save her from all sins.
To the Pharisee who saw the scene of this woman touching the feet of Jesus only the law was at force in his mind which condemned the sinner and judged even the Lord of all the laws of the earth and the universe, before whom all should bow because Jesus became a human and fulfilled all law without ever breaking even the least one of those laws (Matt 5:17-20). The prostitute or the immoral woman we see above was drawing near to the Kingdom of God with force to enter it with sure faith (Matt 11:12), the above proud Pharisee could not even realize the power of it in his own life but was criticising in his heart both the woman and also Jesus the Lord of life because of the lack of humility and brokeness before God (Jam 4:6; Acts 3:15). This fulfilled the truth that Jesus had spoken through the Gospel of Matthew when he said, "...Truly I tell you, the tax collectors and the prostitutes are entering the kingdom of God ahead of you." (Matt 21:23).
A legalist who self-justifies will always speak to himself in his pride, rather than express their opinion to others because they always think that they know more than others. Here this Pharisee named Simon was judging Jesus and also the woman as immoral in his heart when he never knew how God is ready to change her and will transfer her in a moment of time in to the Kingdom of God to become his child forever and ever even before he himself have not even entered in to it himself. The thought of Simon the Pharisee was, "This Man, if He were a prophet, would know who and what manner of woman this is who is touching Him, for she is a sinner.” (Luke 7:39). The above thought of Simon of Jesus just as another "man" confirms that he never knew Jesus as Lord and Savior, to receive forgiveness of sins. Therefore, he only thought Jesus as a prophet and just a man and not God in the flesh. Jesus understood the thoughts of all humans because he was God in the flesh who received all the information through depending on the Spirit of God as this was the pact made within Trinity before he ever took the avathar as a man (John 2:24; Matt 12:25; 9:4; Luke 5:22). Jesus did not operate indepedently as God, even though he was already one, in obedience to the pact made within Trinity since the foundation of the world, he humbled himself and totally depended on the Spirit of God for all the information of past, present and future to be know moment by moment and learn just as another perfect human being just like all of us (Php 2:5-8; Matt 12:28; Luke 11:20; Eph 1:4).
Was Simon a saved man? No, he was unsaved and remained critical of those who were ready to get saved, but had a interest to experience the truth if possible. So he had to be told a parable to make him understand the critical and important heavenly truth of the above parable to shine the heavenly light through the darkness and pride of his heart.
The following parable is a response to the thought of Simon which was absolutely wrong in the sight of God and before humans (Rom 14:13; 2:1, 3-6, 8-9, 11, 12). As we have already discussed, Simon's thought was wrong because Jesus was not just a man and a prophet but was God in the flesh, and the once immoral woman whom he thought to a sinner was ready to become a repentant saint in Christ Jesus in a moment of time. So the very foundation of his thought are fully sinful. Therefore in view of it, Jesus was expressing a lesson to make him understand the folly of his wrong judgmental thought and wanted him to judge righteously before both God and others which is only right in the eyes of God and humans (Isa 11:3). Jesus wanted the unsaved Simon not to judge others first but himself first which only a broken and needy person could do like the broken sinful woman of disrepute who realized her sinfulness and how much God unconditionally loved her inspite, who honored Jesus humbling herself before every humans present there (1 Cor 11:31; Gal 1:10).
Who Is Indebted More, The One Who Is Loaned More Or The One Loaned Ten Times Less?
Jesus told this parable to make Simon the Pharisee think deeply about his own life and then answer Him rightly relating it to eternal realities that are actually hidden to him. Here is what Jesus said, "41 “There was a certain creditor who had two debtors. One owed five hundred denarii, and the other fifty. 42 And when they had nothing with which to repay, he freely forgave them both. Tell Me, therefore, which of them will love him more?” 43 Simon answered and said, “I suppose the one whom he forgave more.” And He said to him, “You have rightly judged.”" (Luke 7:41-42). We see that the unequal comparative debt between the debtors is ten times, and both of the above who had to pay back the lender has no money to pay. When the lender heard of the plight of the lender being unable to pay him back, because of the benevolence and good heart of compassion of the lender upon the debtors, he chose to forgive them both. Who will love the lender more? Both of them were forgiven, but when we see from the debtors side, the one who was forgiven more is in a impossible situation to pay back even if he tries to in this life or in the life to come along with the recurring interest that might get piled up in his name. But in reality the man with a ten times less debt is also not able to repay his loan to the lender. So both of them are in the same state of inability to pay back the debt, for which the lender has the right to punish both of them in the same category of trial to make them become a slave to him until they pay it back to be freed from him.
So the forgiven debtors both must have realised that they have become equal offenders, but the debased and prideful human heart of his old innate sin nature makes one man to become blind to the reality of his own life and status as a debtor slave to think lightly of the forgiveness given by the lender because he must have thought that it was the liability of the lender to forgive him because of his inability. In other words, his reason was that, if he the lender knew before hand that I might not be able to give or pay back the loan at one time, why did he have to give it through my life and then demand it at one time payback instead of a liftime of payback as much as I can and the way I will? This attitude tells God, I can only pay you what I want through my religious works and not what you demand me through your moral law. The other human who is a immoral lady because of her brokenness and humility was able to realize her unpayable debt to the lender who is God, and submitted herself to his mercy and grace which then made her heart grateful and full of love for the compassionate heart towards the lender.
In other words, all humans from our birth are born sinners before God. All humans need the mercies and grace of God to become saved from sin and receive eternal life as a gift through the Son of God Jesus Christ (John 3:16). All humans are debtors to God because of the nature of sin that works in them all equally (Rom 3:23, 20; 4:4; Gal 2:16), and no human can be able to pay back that debt through doing good work. All humans need God's mercies and grace desperately, or else soon and very soon one day after they die, they will end up in hell fire for their sins commited against God. But thank God that God is so so merciful and compassionate and kind to all human beings, all debtors who come to realise that they will never be able to pay back God for their sins by their good works will only come to realise their need for Savior Jesus Christ to get saved from sin and receive eternal life and the new nature of God to become his child to stay with God for eternity ahead. So more importantly pride will blind a sinner about his own state of sin-disease that is taking him to hell, while the humbleness of any sinner to admit that they are diseased by sin and that they need the antidote of God for their pitiful condition of sin diseased heart, makes God supply the medicine of healing through Jesus Christ to take them to heaven to be with Him to become inheritors of God's wealth in the New Heaven and New Earth. Hallelujah!
So any repentant sinner will love Jesus Christ more than a unsaved person could ever do, because the repentant sinner realizes that he deserves hell for his sin and therefore could get saved by God, while the proud unsaved sinner thinks that he has worked enough with good works towards God so that their sins needs to be forgiven by God will sadly find in the end that their good works can never take them to heaven because God expects one hundred percentage good works and not any level less than that. God is not a debtor to any man to pay back with anything that he demands, as by the rule of law humans are always a debtor to Him by sin (Rom 11:35; 6:23). So when a human realises his blindness, God is able to miraculously open their eyes towards sin to see it as it is. Thus the sooner a human realizes his need for salvation, the better it is for him to get saved by God from sin to have eternal life of everlasting relationship with God.
Hello Simon What You Need To Learn From This Immoral Woman?
According to Jesus he turned towards Simon and pointed towards the woman's greatness and said, “Do you see this woman? I entered your house; you gave Me no water for My feet, but she has washed My feet with her tears and wiped them with the hair of her head. 45 You gave Me no kiss, but this woman has not ceased to kiss My feet since the time I came in. 46 You did not anoint My head with oil, but this woman has anointed My feet with fragrant oil. 47 Therefore I say to you, her sins, which are many, are forgiven, for she loved much. But to whom little is forgiven, the same loves little.” (Luke 7:44-47).
The unsaved heart loves God little because it has little or no revelation regarding its own sinfulness towards God that deserves judgment of hell fire, the saved heart understands its own sinfulness in such a way, that they do everything for God out of gratefulness for his forgiveness, understanding how horrible sinners they are and how much they deserve hell fire and the wrath of an angry God which they perfectly deserve because of how Holy He is as always in which He is loving and at the same time just enough to judge (Rom 11:22).
The unsaved Simon appealed for God to judge him in His holiness, the immoral woman appealed to God to show mercy to save her in His holiness. Both of them were granted what they wanted. Jesus pointed to the woman's humbleness and gratefulness that she showed in understanding his unconditional love which forgives freely, and she sacrificed out of gratefulness towards Jesus for his goodness, but at the same time Jesus pointed to the lacklusture attitude of Simon in inviting Jesus to his home and yet showed no gratefulness towards him by not showing him even the basic courtesy of water for foot washing, a kiss on face to show their love and oil for the head to cool the body so that in relaxation they will be able to recline in the home after walking through the heat of the desert which is actually a mandatory courtesy from people entering every home which was not even done by him because his love for Jesus was little as he considered him just as a prophet and not as God who can forgive the sins of the sinner.
Unless a person comes to understand the revelation of the Deity of Jesus the Christ, all the love towards him with a unsaved heart will be as lacklusture as the show of Simon towards Jesus, (i.e.) without real love as he never saw the need for Jesus Christ in his life. But only the need of his prophetic gifts to be used for himself and their friends if possible is the real intent of their invitation in to their homes.
To Simon Jesus informed that the woman's sins were already forgiven, because it was Jesus who chose the woman even as she chose to respond to his love and compassion towards her in allowing her faith towards him to become effective and fruitful (John 15:16). The saved heart of the humans loves Jesus much like the woman Jesus pointed to, because they understand their own unworthiness and the worthiness of God in being benevolent towards them through his mercies and unconditional love in Christ Jesus.
It was not the realisation of the receiver that matters, but it is all about the benevolence of the lender who has forgiven all debts no matter how big or small is what matters in the end. In short God is ready to forgive the sins of all human being that are present alive in the earth, but how they respond to Him through their faith will decide whether they will go to heaven to be with him or end up in hell fire because of their unforgiven sins due to their own unbelief. Whether we are saved or remain unsaved, the fact remains that we are debtor to God because of our sins, but we remain as debtors eternally or become totally debt free depends on how we realize the goodness of God in the land of the living before it becomes too late to repent and be saved after our death, after which only judgment is appointed for every human being for their works except those saved children of God (Heb 9:27-28; Rev 20:11-15). Our response to God's goodness affects our life and changes our destiny from death to eternal life, but it never changes God as He remains always the same (Job 35:6-8). It is like a blind seeing the world without eyes, and after that, say he gets his eyes planted in him to see the goodness of the world around him. The world remains the same, but the perspective of the blind man changes after he see life in all its goodness. That is the way, the life of a saved sinner who sees God with His seeing eyes and the spiritually blind unsaved sinner who sees God remains. The saved becomes grateful, and the unsaved remains ungrateful to God's goodness because he fails to see it because of his own choice of not allowing God to give eyes for him so that he could see. It is indeed the willful neglect of the sinners that will cost him his eternity to be spent in hell fire, while the willful acceptance of God's solution to get saved in Christ Jesus through faith will take the saved to heaven. God is ever ready to save and wants all sinners to become saved before they will die to be judged (1 Tim 2:3-4; Isa 45:22). So repent now and be saved all unsaved sinners! Live gratefully and love God with all your heart o saved saints of God!
Jesus appreciates the humility and gratitude of every saved person without fail!
"48 Then He [Jesus] said to her [woman], “Your sins are forgiven.” 49 And those who sat at the table with Him began to say to themselves, “Who is this who even forgives sins?” 50 Then He said to the woman, “Your faith has saved you. Go in peace.”" (Luke 48-49).
Jesus gives assurance and appreciates all those who have the humility in their faith to get saved, and the gratitude to stay saved in the assurance of their heart by that same faith for the Glory of God because of that same humility, as it is all a gift of God that none can boast about except God who saved them by His benevolence (Php 2:8-9).
Even when Simon the pharisee was able to understand a little light of heaven through the exponded truth of Jesus, yet those pharisees who were unsaved sitting with them had no understanding about it, that they were still critical towards Jesus who is the Lord over all humans and who is the Creator of all humankind because of their unsaved condition of their heart.
Jesus clearly enlightened the woman that she is not only saved, but got saved by her faith and that she could go in peace because God has forever once and for all time has forgiven her past, present and even future sins, so that she could enter heaven and be with Him for the rest of eternity without worrying anymore about the sins of her life as she has been infused with a new nature of God Himself which has qualified her to become His child.
The peace that Jesus gives is all inclusive to feed us and sustain us not only in our spirituality in this life, but in all areas of needs related to live everyday life and also in the life to come. Hallelujah!
If you are saved, rejoice in the Lord always in all things and let your request be made know to God through supplication with thanksgiving in advance, so that God who is sovereign will in His time will supply you with all your needs and will fulfill His purpose for your life (Php 4:4, 6-7). If you do this basic, no matter what problems you go through in your saved life, you will come out of it all in flying colors because of keeping the peace that God gives through it all, and will continue to live a prosperous life on earth just like you will be living in heaven in the coming days. Not only go in peace, but also keep the peace you come with in to salvation! 'Peace be still', should be your saga for success in your life! To keep the peace of Jesus is to forgive others just as God has forgiven our debts remain the basic prayer that Jesus taught to make the believers understand that we will not be forgiven of our present sins to have unhindered fellowship with God if we fail to forgive the sins of those who have acted against us unjustly to become our debtors (Matt 6:14-15; 18:6-9, 32-25; Luke 17:1-4; Eph 4:32). All will be well as you forgive those debtors who err against you daily in your saved life just as God has forgiven our debts in Christ Jesus (John 16:32-33; 14:27; Matt 6:12). As a child of God, every believer should learn to forgive the unequal debts as a lender of God's mercy and grace to others who are in debt as unsaved fellow humans and saved brethren. Be at peace with all fellow humans as much as possible, if not possible stay away from them (Rom 12:18; Matt 18:17; 1 Cor 7:15; 2 Cor 6:14). Peace and Grace!
Much Blessings...
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