The land was promised not to Ishmael, but to Abraham through Isaac through whom again Jacob became the nation of Israel. The promise of this land from Nile to Euphrates, is through the promised Christ who made this covenant with God (Gen 15:18). In fact Ishmael persecuted this son of promise until today (Gal 4:28-31). Arabs were the sons of Ishmael, who were the sons of the flesh through the Egyptian bondwoman Hagar. Greater Israel might be something that Antichrist will try to fulfill for Israel at least to keep them pacified temporarily, but then after failing or succeeding partially and temporarily, Christ will come and establish it fully at the time of His Millennial rule and reign for the Glory of God the Father!!! God bless. Hallelujah!
Tuesday, March 18, 2025
Will Christ Or Antichrist Will Establish The Greater Israel?
What About Greater Israel? Is It God's Promise To Israel Only Or To Arabs too?
Question: There will never be that so-called greater Israel. It's an illusion from the false interpretation of prophecy. God promised those lands to Abraham but never to Jacob, and Abraham is the father of many nations including Isaac and Jacob. So the other descendants of Abraham have to be established as well, for example; Jordan and most of those Gulf states, the Ishmaelites in parts of Egypt etc. When the Israelites were entering the Promised Land, He asked them to respect the borders notably of Edom (today Jordan) because He placed them there. Although Israel's land is small, they are the Messiah nation and will be the governing nation all over the world when Christ returns. What is your take on it?
Answer: Greetings to you in Jesus wonderful name!
The land was promised not to Ishmael, but to Abraham through Isaac through whom again Jacob became the nation of Israel. The promise of this land from Nile to Euphrates, is through the promised Christ who made this covenant with God (Gen 15:18). In fact Ishmael persecuted this son of promise until today (Gal 4:28-31). Arabs were the sons of Ishmael, who were the sons of the flesh through the Egyptian bondwoman Hagar. Greater Israel might be something that Antichrist will try to fulfill for Israel at least to keep them pacified temporarily, but then after failing or succeeding partially and temporarily, Christ will come and establish it fully at the time of His Millennial rule and reign for the Glory of God the Father!!! God bless. Hallelujah!
Much Blessings....
Sunday, March 16, 2025
Why No Rapture Is Mentioned In Daniel 9:25-27?
Why No Rapture Is Mentioned In Daniel 9:25-27? Will Rapture Cause Chaos On Earth When God Is Not The Author Of Confusion?
Question: Notice that Daniel 9:24-27 does in fact describe a Tribulation period but also notice what's missing; there's no so-called "Rapture". It just isn't there and it's because the "Rapture" occurs 'AFTER' the great Tribulation. There's only one "Rapture" described in the Bible and that occurs at the 7th and final trumpet blast. The great Tribulation occurs at the 6th trumpet.
Only one "Rapture" occurs in scripture and that includes "those who have fallen asleep (the dead saints), "God will bring with Him those who sleep in Jesus..... For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel and with the trumpet of God and the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds....," Brothers and sisters, notice that the saints who are alive and remain rise meet the Lord in the clouds. What purpose would it serve for the dead saints to avoid the Great Tribulation? It doesn't make any sense at all. They're dead, raised to life and the saints who are alive and remain, shall rise up to meet the Lord in the clouds. Another major contradiction of the "Rapture theory" is.... God is not the author of confusion. Rapture theorists believe that people will suddenly be 'caught up' leaving buses, airplanes, cars, etc to crash and cause all kinds of chaos! Does this not sound like a Devilish idea, full of confusion and turmoil and chaos? "For God is not the author of confusion but of peace, as in all churches of the saints" [1 Cor 14:33]. If this idea is in a church, one must consider that, that particular church is not one with the saints.
I think, your Rapture Anytime After Mid-Point is a fanciful story that doesn't align with the Bible. Nice try: "would deceive the very elect, if it were possible".
Answer: Greetings to you in Jesus wonderful name!
Russians are Scythian's of the warrior tribes from Europe who invaded that part of the land of Magog, the Mongolian heritage nations, of which China is a main part in today's world. Russia have ever since its inception has extended its boundaries and have settled over and controlled a huge chunk of land, which once used to be Soviet Union Of Russia, which has got disintegrated to become the Russia of what we see today in our times which is the actual Gog of the Bible.
The dominant communist leftists agenda of socialism is the religion of both Gog and Magog in our times. Where China the Magog with the help of USA has amazed wealth through trade with western countries, and other nations of the world, and have thus maintained that socialism under the guise of capital materialism, with communist agenda of dictatorship has helped China become the huge economic mammoth of what it is today in our times. In Ezek 38:2, the land of Gog is identified by the warring prince of the end of end times, from the far north, whose identity comes from Russia of Moscow and Tobolsk.
So Gog and Magog are the spiritual entities who deny God as atheist, and want to make themselves the King of the earth, the master of their own fate, and wanted to be the sole ruler of their heart and soul without God, which is impossible. That is why Jesus rules a Millennium on earth to prove that man is man and God is God. Man cannot overpower or rule over God, or else rule without him in this temporary earth too.
This attitude of Gog of Russia and Magog of China, will start a war with God and with His Son whose anger will burn and consume them before the Millennium, and also sweep the existence of the unsaved godless of the present earth in to eternal hell fire at the end of the Millennial rule of Jesus Christ and the Church. Hallelujah! Glory be to God!
This sinful attitude of wanting to deny the existence of God as atheist fools, and rule over the earth through Fabian socialism of humanism, God will deal with it right from the second half of the Daniel 70th week through the two prophets who are Elijah and Enoch, along with the 144000 Jews from the twelve tribes who will be a testimony of God's power to the world, and Jesus and the Church from the new earth will end such godlessness completely before the Millennium starts, which will be the beginning of the end of the Gog Daniel 9:24-27 is missing the Rapture message because it was primarily intended for the Jews and not to the Church. 7th Trumpet extends upto Armageddon. 6th Trumpet prepares the worldly kings to prepare them at Euphrates for the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, and the change from earthly to heavenly government in the Armageddon. The Rapture will happen within the time of the first, at the max before the third Trumpet.
First of all, the Rapture and first resurrection at the time of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ with the saints are two different things and cannot be one and the same. At the time of Rapture, Jesus will stay in the air, and in a moment of time will resurrect the Church from the earth to himself, and take them all to his Father's home, the New Jerusalem. But at the time of the Second Coming, he will take the armies of heaven in white, which is the righteousness of Jesus clothed over them, back to the earth to rule and reign for a thousand years time (Rev 19:14-16).
The resurrection of the martyred saints is not the Rapture, but a separate event described by John the apostle at the time of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ to the earth in Rev 20:4-6. This is called as the first resurrection by the apostle John, because he already knew that the Rapture resurrection had already happened at the end of the Church age in which the people of God will have been there in heaven at that point of time already (Rev 3:10, 15-22), after which only the left behind offspring of the women which is the people of God on earth called "Tribulation saints" (Rev 12:15-17), will go through the rebuking and chastisement of the Lord and be purified to be part of the thousand years reign as priests alongside Jesus on this present earth (Rev 20:4-6).
For example, if the Church were to be resurrected at the Second Coming of Jesus Christ, where will be the martyred Tribulation Saints be resurrected as there is only one first resurrection of the Tribulation saints at Christ's Second Coming, as apostle Paul also has described of only the dead and living saints of the Church and gave no room for Tribulation saints at the time of Jesus' coming secretly for the Church to Rapture, then when and where the martyred Tribulation Saints will be resurrected? So the illogical reasoning of the Church being present at the time of the Second Coming is a theological impossibility according to the revealed Scripture. Period. There can never be a possibility for post tribulation theory at the end of the Daniel 70th week regarding the Church at all! Hallelujah!
The purpose of avoiding the Great Tribulation is to attend the Wedding of the Lamb and the Reception of the Supper of the Lamb thereafter, so that the Church as the Bride of the Lamb can escape the Wrath of God which was actually sent by God towards ungodly sinners at that time, asking them to repent and turn from their evil ways, so that they might be Saved from hell fire and destruction of their souls. After the mid-point of Daniel 70th week, anytime the Rapture might take place, after which both through the Trumpets and Bowls of Wrath will be unleashed more and more intensively upon the whole wide earth, until Jesus Christ and his Church comes to rule for a thousand years by defeating the Antichrist, the False Prophet and all their followers (Rev 19:19-21). Hallelujah!
Yes indeed, "For God is not the author of confusion but of peace, as in all churches of the saints" [1 Cor 14:33]. Because the Church will be Raptured before the Great Unprecedented Worldwide Tribulation, the world will be pushed into confusion by the Antichrist implementing the mark of the beast upon all mandatorily, here will be the patience and faith of the Tribulation saints, who will be left behind but come to realise their folly and will become martyrs to rise up in the first holy and unique resurrection of the Martyrs at the Second Coming of Jesus Christ and the Church, to thus live for a thousand years time in their natural physical body for the Glory of God. Praise the Lord!
At the end of thousand years, after ruling the present earth as priests, these "Tribulation saints" will not partake in the second death and White Throne Judgment again, but instead in the second resurrection which will happen immediately after the thousand years are over, they will partake again to be transformed with a glorious body to enter into the New Heaven and New Earth, to live in the light of the New Jerusalem and serve God forever and ever, and worship Him forever as His dear children. Glory to God!
Much Blessings....
Thursday, March 6, 2025
Will The Church Be Taken Out By Rapture Before The Seven Years Tribulation?
Question: 1 Cor 15:51-53 is for starters.... You have to have a deeper meaning of scripture that tells us we are NOT appointed to God’s wrath... Revelation 3:10.... So, if we are not appointed to God’s wrath like Lot and Noah, as well as Enoch as he was translated.... Why would Jesus want His Bride ( Believers) to be beaten up and battered before the consummation.... (i.e.) Marriage Supper of the Lamb.... of which the church will be having in heaven, while the tribulation period is taking place below... So, just like Noah was lifted UP by the water as the judgement was taking place below... Just as Lot was taken out of Sodom by Angels before God’s judgement fell on Sodom and destroyed will be the Church taken up before the 7 years Tribulation? What is your take on it?
Answer: Greetings to you in Jesus wonderful name!
1 Cor 15:51-53, is not just for starters, but for spiritual adults, who can spot both the resurrection of Rapture and also the second coming in it, as the principle of rising again to immortality is described by Paul unlike in 1 Thess 4:14-18 where Rapture is only exclusively described by Paul to the Church.
Revelation 3:10, describes "Because you have kept My command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth." (NKJV), which again points to the worldwide Great Tribulation and not the normal Tribulation that Christian's have faced for the past two thousand years time (Rev 2:10: Matt 13:21; 24:9, 29; John 16:33).
The unprecedented tribulation is Great Tribulation only, all other tribulations have continued for the last two thousand years time. Why should God save the Church of his Bride from the usual tribulation which is used by God in His will as a preparation and training grounds of sanctification, and thereafter be qualified for various positional rewards in heaven.
I believe that the first three and half years of Daniel 70th week will be a time of great deception of prosperity and safety, a test to overcome the temptation of lukewarm life, the other obedient good choice towards God is instead to watch and pray to be counted worthy in the Lord to escape the Great Unprecedented Worldwide Tribulation that Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour foretold us in his Word. God's WRATH starts with Trumpet and ends with Armageddon. Bowls of wrath happen just before Armageddon to give the world a last chance to repent and be saved. The seals are the outline of what will happen during the entire seven years. These seals are not the wrath of God, but rather a prelude and a clue Jesus Christ has personally given to the worshiping Church to identify the events of Daniel 70th week, that takes place under his control and command in the spiritual realm. It is given so that we as Saints might understand, that the Book of Revelation. 6:17: "For the great day of His wrath has come, and who is able to stand?" (NKJV), reveals contextually, both the ongoing judgment through the establishment of the throne of the lamb on earth for a thousand years time and also the separation of the believers and unbelievers, and the wrath of the lamb revealed to the whole world through the judgment of nations (Matt 25:1-46). In it, all the unbelievers will be sent directly to hell fire for having received the 666 seal of Antichrist (Rev 6:16).
Glory to God!
Thursday, November 7, 2024
Why Does The Gog Magog War That Starts Just Before The Millennial Rule Of Jesus And The Church, Ends Only After The Millennial Rule Ends?
Question: Why does the Gog-Magog war that starts just before the Millennial rule of Jesus and the Church, ends only after the Millennial rule ends? Who are God and Magog nations of Ezekiel 38-39 and Rev 20:7-10?
Some interpretations suggest Russia as a possible candidate for Gog based on:
1. Ezek 38:6 - "From the far north"
2. Ezek 38:2 - "Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal"
Geographical location: Russia is in the far north. Ancient connections: Rosh, Meshech, and Tubal may be linked to ancient Russian regions. Military power: Russia's military capabilities align with Ezekiel's description.
Gog and Magog's invasion represents: Satan's final rebellion (Rev 20:7-10), God's judgment on nations (Ezekiel 38:22-23) and Israel's restoration and end (Ezek 39:25-29; Rev 20:7-10).
Gog and Magog can be viewed as specific nations, as representative of evil forces and also as spiritual principle of how human heart is fallen in sin and can be used by Satan if they are not born again.
While Ezekiel 38-39 describes Gog's invasion of Israel in the pre millennial Armageddon, while Rev 20:7-8 mentions Gog and Magog's post millennial involvement against God and his saints who rule from Jerusalem.
Gog and Magog are proposed various connections by scholars around the world like: some says, Gog is modern-day Turkey or ancient Lydia. Other associate Gog with Russia, citing Ezekiel's "far north" description. Some connect Magog to China considering Ezekiel's mention of "Magog" and China's ancient name "Magog". Another theory links Gog to Iran, given it geographical location and biblical connections.
What do you think about Gog and Magog nations? Which nations are those in our modern day map?
Answer: Greetings to you in Jesus wonderful name!
Russians are Scythian's of the warrior tribes from Europe who invaded that part of the land of Magog, the Mongolian heritage nations, of which China is a main part in today's world. Russia have ever since its inception has extended its boundaries and have settled over and controlled a huge chunk of land, which once used to be Soviet Union Of Russia, which has got disintegrated to become the Russia of what we see today in our times which is the actual Gog of the Bible.
The dominant communist leftists agenda of socialism is the religion of both Gog and Magog in our times. Where China the Magog with the help of USA has amazed wealth through trade with western countries, and other nations of the world, and have thus maintained that socialism under the guise of capital materialism, with communist agenda of dictatorship has helped China become the huge economic mammoth of what it is today in our times. In Ezek 38:2, the land of Gog is identified by the warring prince of the end of end times, from the far north, whose identity comes from Russia of Moscow and Tobolsk.
So Gog and Magog are the spiritual entities who deny God as atheist, and want to make themselves the King of the earth, the master of their own fate, and wanted to be the sole ruler of their heart and soul without God, which is impossible. That is why Jesus rules a Millennium on earth to prove that man is man and God is God. Man cannot overpower or rule over God, or else rule without him in this temporary earth too.
This attitude of Gog of Russia and Magog of China, will start a war with God and with His Son whose anger will burn and consume them before the Millennium, and also sweep the existence of the unsaved godless of the present earth in to eternal hell fire at the end of the Millennial rule of Jesus Christ and the Church. Hallelujah! Glory be to God!
This sinful attitude of wanting to deny the existence of God as atheist fools, and rule over the earth through Fabian socialism of humanism, God will deal with it right from the second half of the Daniel 70th week through the two prophets who are Elijah and Enoch, along with the 144000 Jews from the twelve tribes who will be a testimony of God's power to the world, and Jesus and the Church from the new earth will end such godlessness completely before the Millennium starts, which will be the beginning of the end of the Gog coalition on earth in the war of Armageddon under Antichrist and False Prophet. These will all be defeated by Jesus Christ and the Church in a moment of time with the breath of his mouth and with the sword of his word which comes out of his mouth. For a thousand years after this, Jesus Christ and His Church will rule the world with a rod of Iron in righteousness and in justice of heaven. Hallelujah!
Thus the Gog of Russia, the military pride of the end time, Magog of China the economic power of humanism of the end of end times, the root of both socialism and communism will be completely defeated by Jesus Christ! Glory to God! Praise the Lord!
Humanism of 666 through Antichrist seated as king over the entire earth and in the hearts of all nations of the end of end times, which is the Antichrist agenda against God and his saints will be completely defeated through the Great Tribulation and wrath, which will then end in Armageddon. There the Ezekiel 38 and 39 nations of Russia, China, Iran, Turkey, Sudan, Ethiopia, Libya, North Korea and the like, will all be uprooted during the Armageddon and dismantled from the earth as Satan will be thrown in to the prison for a thousand years time and sealed inside until it ends.
Glory to God!
But when the thousand years are over and done, Satan will be released for a little while from his prison, and immediately he will let loose his deception upon the unsaved world of the nations in all the earth. Satan will raise up a physical army like the sand of the sea, to come and surround the camp of the saints in Jerusalem, after which the whole earth will be burned with fire and become gas for all the unsaved to be judged at the White Throne Judgment for eternity. And all the unsaved will be put in the pit of display for all eternity in hell fire which is the second death, burning yet unconsumed and tormented in worms that does not die, to continue to be a display of the glory of God for all eternity. This happened for rejecting the free and precious salvation that was never taken seriously by them to become saved from sin, which was promoted as humanism by the Gog-Magog nations that starts just before the Millennial rule of Jesus and the Church, and ends only after the Millennial rule ends. Who are Gog and Magog nations of Ezekiel 38-39 and Rev 20:7-10? They are generally the people who remained unsaved before, during and after the end of the Millennial rule of Jesus Christ and the Church from the nation of Israel with Jerusalem as its capital, these people stay unsaved till physical death, ever hardening their heart towards God and ending up in hell, which was not initially made for man but for the fallen angels with whom the unsaved remain hand in hand without repentance towards God. Maranatha! O Come Lord Jesus! Praise the Lord!
Thus we see a spiritual principle at play in the lesson from the Gog and Magog nations, that whosoever remains unsaved can be used as a pawn in the hands of Satan to fulfill his will, and thus let loose his evil in all the earth, even against God and his saints! Thus to be saved at all cost is the need of the hour for all humans in all generations, past, present and future! To remain unsaved from sin and rejecting the precious free salvation given through Jesus Christ now will make all unsaved humans to end in the tormenting flames of horror and endless regret for eternity in hell fire. Hallelujah!
YES INDEED, the Gog-Magog war that starts just before the Millennial rule of Jesus and the Church, ends only after the Millennial rule ends! Hallelujah!
Much Blessings....
Tuesday, July 30, 2024
Show me a verse proof that 'slaying in the Spirit' is mentioned in the Bible?
Question: Show me a verse proof that 'slaying in the spirit' is mentioned in the Bible?
Well, we know that smoking is sin and I too agree with it. But did the Bible says that smoking is a sin? No. But why then we say it is a sin? Because it is destroying the soul with addiction and the body which is the temple of God.
Stop asking, “Where it is written in the Bible?” just because you can’t agree with certain things.
Abraham, even before the Law was given, gave a tithe of all he had to the priest Melchizedek. How he knew to give? It was through the Spirit of God.
In Genesis 39, when the Law was not given yet, Joseph knew that sleeping with a married woman is an act of adultery. And therefore he fled from that woman who seduced him. Now how did he knew it is a sin? It was through the Spirit of God.
In John 14:12, Jesus said that those who believe in Him will do even greater things than Him.
And in John 20:30-31, John the Apostle said that there are many other signs that was done by Jesus which was not written in the Bible. This is very clear to us that not all is written in the Bible that we have to keep asking, “Where is written in the Bible?” Now, how if slaying down in the Spirit was one of the sign that was not written in the Bible?
And finally I want to ask you something just as you asked me. Where did the Bible says that, one must not fall down being slain in Spirit while praying?
Our aim is not to have the people being slain down or take the glory on ourselves. It’s for the souls to receive the power of God and have their lives transformed for the glory of God. No point people slain down, but nothing was transformed after that. His coming is very soon. Let’s prepare for Him.
Answer: Greetings in Jesus glorious name!
The Bible doesn't contain any verses that support the practice of slaying in the spirit, or even use the terms "slain in the spirit" or "slaying people in the spirit". However, some people who practice slaying in the spirit use Bible passages that mention people becoming "as dead", such as Revelation 1:17. Others may also quote a passage from 2 Chronicles 5:14 to support their beliefs.
In the Bible, people would sometimes fall down in response to something they saw in a vision or an extraordinary event, such as at the transfiguration of Christ in Matthew 17:6. In these instances, people would fall face down in awe of what they saw. Also in contrast to it, people who practice slaying in the spirit may cause people to fall backwards in response to a speaker's arm motion or a church leader's touch or push. As already mentioned, those who practice slaying in the Spirit use Bible passages that talk about people becoming “as dead” (Revelation 1:17) or of "falling upon their face" (Ezekiel 1:28; Daniel 8:17-18, 10:7-9). Can this be true, that the power of God which flowed through these people might have surged upon the people who received it, like a river of water that causes forward current to push people who come in the line of the flow (John 7:37-39)? Even then, we see that some do not fall sometime. Is it because of the receivers lack of faith or the conduit minister's inadequacy to tap in to the power of God continually? The answer can be both sometimes, because both are imperfect humans, the one used by God to give and the other receive the power of God.
But our question is, can the power of God be transferred through touch? Let us see what the Bible says in the following Scriptures.
“When handkerchiefs or aprons that had merely touched his skin were placed on sick people, they were healed of their diseases, and evil spirits were expelled." - Acts 19:12
“Jesus realized at once that healing power had gone out from him, so he turned around in the crowd and asked, ‘Who touched my robe?’" - Mark 5:30
“Wherefore I put thee in remembrance that thou stir up the gift of God, which is in thee by the putting on of my hands." - 2 Timothy 1:6
“Then laid they their hands on them, and they received the Holy Ghost." - Acts 8:17
So we see, from the above Scriptures, that spiritual things can be transferred and given through the laying on of hands. The Spirit and His power can be transferred through human touch.
So my conclusion is, God's servants as His ambassadors who have the faith to transfer the power of God to meet people's need, can touch or even with out it by faith can transfer the power of God, to which people fall, whether backward or forward is not in the receivers control. And also when power flows out of a minister through the demonstration of the Spirit, there will be a forward push as power will flow out of him, that automatically makes the receiver to fall backwards (John 18:6), but the Spirit of God can reverse the fall supernaturally to make the receiver to fall face down too as though they were falling dead forward in his Presence. Just because some counterfeit is there, only makes the case valid that the reality of it from God operates in this way. But the true servant of God, will give all the Glory to God who is worthy of all praise and honor and glory.
Glory to God!
God uses his servants in this way means, it is God who supplies his Power, who are we to limit God. We are nobody, but all men and women of God should maintain the divine order in the Church. What is that Divine Order? It is the basic acceptable way in which Christ likeness can be maintained through the minister of God, as well as the people of God to glorify God and maintain order and decency in the house of God by practicing the gender differences, loudness of speaking, covering women's head as a sign of submission to authority, to cover one's body fully without revealing flesh to become a stumbling block to the brethren, speaking in tongues if there is interpretation or use it only in self devotion towards God without shouting it before others to show one's spirituality before others, appealing for money through all tricky methods to raise money in the name of the ministry being done, to glorify the ministry being done and the minister who is doing it rather than the God who is working behind the scene to reveal Jesus Christ as the Lord and Savior of all the people of the earth, etc. These are all a BIG NO NO IN THE DIVINE ORDER OF THINGS WITHIN THE CHURCH! Is the power demonstration needed in the Church? Without the transfer of the power of God, how can it be demonstrated for people to believe (1 Cor 2:3-5). Satan cannot stand equal to God, he can only try to counterfeit it all through his lies and false spirit demonstration, and thus try to turn people away from God who will believe in his lies and deception.
So the message of the Gospel is that which glorifies God, and nothing else will glorify Him. All things must be done to lift up the message of the Cross and all about Jesus to glorify him in all things, within in the Church as well as outside it. The apostles actually prayed to God in the first century itself after the Pentecost, for God to move in power when they speak the Word of God, so that they might be able to speak boldly the Word of God in action before the world that wants to see it before they want to believe it (Acts 4:29-31; Mark 16:20; John 4:48).
Power of God is instant transfer by the gift of God through God's servants that does it's work in meeting the needs of the people. But transformation happen when a person who is Saved gets enrolled in the school of the Spirit to let God change his character for the rest of his life (Rom 12:2). Transformation Power saves a sinner for Eternal Life. But Power that is manifested for needs of humans, can only touch temporal needs may be even permanently, and in a earthly way. Both these should not be mixed and confused with transformation in people.
God's holiness of character is a model for believers' lives, which can mean: Reflecting God's holy nature in relationships with others, Loving fellow believers sincerely, Disciplining your mind, Living as God's obedient children, and Living out your time as foreigners here in reverent fear (Leviticus 11:44–45, 19:2, 20:7, 26, and 21:8; 1 Peter 1:15-16). This aspect of holiness gets developed in us, only as we walk with God in our day to day life, resisting sinful habits and thought patterns, to walk in the righteousness of God especially when we are alone. This is the process of salvation that might take years for it to get perfected in us, as we pursue the will of God in our lives and live a life pleasing to him always.
Power to meet the needs of people is only a divine public relation advertisement to the world from the Kingdom of God in heaven, to draw people to revive them and make them to realize their need for salvation. This does not point to the character maturity of the minister who practices the 'slaying in the Spirit' or even the spiritual maturity of those who receive the power of it to receive the benefits that the Spirit supplies physically. But rather it is a Kingdom demonstration of power, that God gifts his servants who are ambassadors, who work for Him to demonstrate the "powers of the world to come" (Heb 6:5).
So there is no guarantee that whether a minister of a gospel who practices the 'slaying in the Spirit' or the recipient who take part in it to receive the power of the Spirit, become any better in their spiritual life, until they personally choose to walk with God day in and day out after such spiritual experience. If any person will choose to be saved by humbling themselves before God as sinner in need of salvation, only then they will have received an eternal gift from God to become His children through their belief (John 3:16). Praise the LORD Jesus Christ!
But if not, the earthly benefits received from God through receiving the power of God, may be through being 'slain in the Spirit, etc...', can only benefit them temporally, but can do nothing to change the eternal destination of going to hell fire as every other born sinner who dies without repentance. But only when any sinner repent of their sins toward God to become a child of God, they will be able to live for God and be righteous to go to heaven to be with God eternally after their physical death on this earth, as they will die with faith in Jesus Christ which saves their soul eternally once and for all time, which will automatically make them get resurrected in the Rapture when Jesus Christ comes back to take his own from the earth to the prepared place for the Church in the New Earth and New Heaven (Heb 5:9; 10:17-18).
Much Blessings....
Much Blessings....
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