Thursday, November 28, 2019

Wet Dreams: How To Identify The Enemy Behind And Overcome?

Wet Dreams: Know The Viles Of The Enemy, Then Overcome His Deceit!

Have you ever felt in your life, that you move a couple of steps forward in your life with God spiritually and then find yourself pulled four steps down by sin and lust to become disheartened and depressed so much about life itself? You become happy that you have overcome one besetting sin and then suddenly you find a more severe intensity of the same sin come along with more severe ones to hit you unaware like a Tsunami to cause devastation in your spiritual life? First of all I would like to say to you, do not be discouraged. You are the on the right path that leads to eternal life. Why do I say that with confidence? Because Satan has no use to hit with His viles those who are out of fellowship with God or those unsaved who are deceived through his darkness to mislead them to hell fire safely without bothering them much about God and the need for them to have relationship with Him to inherit eternal life, only the saved children of God become his active target to immobilize them from growing closer to God.

So the trick of the enemy is to hit you hard at your weakest spot where you are very much vulnerable to fall. You must understand that, the weakest spot for a child of God are the areas in his mind where he has no control over the infused thoughts that are injected as seeds of tares that produces evil desires that might seemingly come as a normal need to be fulfilled initially, but because it comes to them in a package of the flesh they have liked to linger on, they would love to open it up and later become addicted to the same thoughts that seemed as nothing wrong initially. Every addiction in all humans started as a small seed of thought or suggestion within them that led them to do great evils against God, themselves and others later on.

When we sleep in the midnight hours, we go in to auto control mode of subconscious deep sleep and slumber, that is when devil and his demons are very much active to sow seeds and fulfill his plans of evil for the lives of the children of God. Understand that the sadist demonic forces along with their leader the devil, never comes except to steal what you have, kill the goodness you have in God through bad associations and destroy the abundant life you have within you for the Glory of God.

So when you will begin to experience a very lustful dream or experience a sinful desire towards someone that is close or new to you that might be sown within your soul. Remember, these are the seed of tares that are sown within you that might be besetting areas of sin that had tormented your spiritual life which you might have had overcome for sometime in the past by the grace of God. So these very seed of tares when they grown up within you, you become more connected to the sons of evil instruments of the world of the unsaved, that had been planned by the enemy to bring you to a unstable place where you will lose your spiritual stability and reputation. Every association outside of the will of God has the potential to spoil our character and good communication that we have developed right from our childhood period or after we have become saved.

So first of all, we should pray not to get involved in the dream by keeping a clear conscience already within us by going to sleep praying the Lord's prayer and confessional prayer of faith. If we do not have a clear conscience, we will become partakers of the plans of the devils. So confess any wrong attitude as soon as possible and take your thought captive to the obedience of Christ. Then those seed of tares will be burned by the fire of the Holy Spirit and you will be cleansed clean automatically from any evil effect through the washing of the blood of Jesus. Hallelujah!

Even when we fail through it, it means after we get up in the morning, it is time to run to the Lord to tell to Him about the evil desire that has come in to our heart. When we open ourselves to the Lord, again those seed of tares will be burned by the fire of the Holy Spirit and you will be cleansed clean automatically from any evil effect through the washing of the blood of Jesus. Praise the Lord! When you are asleep, it is easy for the devil to sow in to you thoughts that becomes desires, desires when not taken captive to Christ them becomes a sinful attitude, a sinful attitude when entertained becomes habit, habit when practiced becomes addiction. Every addiction must be understood to be demonic that will pull us away from fellowship and satisfaction in the Lord.

Keep your conscience clean before the Lord and others as much as possible, to us it gives absolute security in our spiritual life. So the viles or plans of the enemy against our spiritual growth towards the Lord, by keeping us in the fear of falling in to the same sin again and again or keeping us in the wrong attitude of holier-than-thou pride which the Lord hates or keep us sleeping spiritually without prayer that we do not even see sin as sin to allow wet dreams and then conscious indulgence to make us become senseless because of spiritual leprosy of sinful lust that spreads and immobilize the nerves that senses spiritually the enemy plans. Pull up the roots of sin and lust and never allow them to take deep roots in your heart. The sooner we do it, the better it is for our spiritual life.

Even if we fall a thousand times in to the same sin, each of those thousand times let us be ready to fall at the feet of the Lord Jesus asking Him to help us overcome besetting sins that has pulled us back for long. Understand that the more we understand our own short comings, the better we are placed spiritually not to compare ourselves with any other on earth except the same kind of vile sinners, on whose boots we should have stood on if not for the grace of God. So every fall that takes us back to the Lord in prayer and humility is a healthy one, but the fall in to sin that takes us away from the Lord in pride to make us do more sin with self-justification is an unhealthy sign for a believer and confirms that he is sick spiritually.

We cannot love the world and the Lord at the same time, we should leave the one and choose the other. Whom we choose to influence us will become our master, either the Lord Jesus through His Word and Spirit, or devils of the world and their passing pleasure through the flesh, eyes and pride of this life. Every time we run to the Lord, asking Him to help us overcome sin, every time we are without doubt destroying and killing the plans of the evil one that brings curse in to our life. If our blessings have been stolen by the enemy, run to the Lord and tell Him to restore double until He steps in to make you a blessing to all those whom God intended you to be.


Dear Heavenly Father, I thank you and praise you for having kept me alive with your heavenly life of joy., peace and righteousness. I want to watch and pray to do victorious battle against the enemy of my soul. Help me overcome the battle of lust and wet dreams and dark nights of my soul, as I have come to know the viles of the enemy Satan and his cohorts. May I always learn to run to you and not away from you. I would love to stay within your love overcoming all sins and lust that pulls me down backwards away from you. In Jesus name I pray. Amen!

Much Blessings...

Apostle Abraham Israel


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