Tuesday, July 30, 2024

Show me a verse proof that 'slaying in the Spirit' is mentioned in the Bible?

What About Being 'Slain In The Spirit'?

Question: Show me a verse proof that 'slaying in the spirit' is mentioned in the Bible?

Well, we know that smoking is sin and I too agree with it. But did the Bible says that smoking is a sin? No. But why then we say it is a sin? Because it is destroying the soul with addiction and the body which is the temple of God.

Stop asking, “Where it is written in the Bible?” just because you can’t agree with certain things.

Abraham, even before the Law was given, gave a tithe of all he had to the priest Melchizedek. How he knew to give? It was through the Spirit of God.

In Genesis 39, when the Law was not given yet, Joseph knew that sleeping with a married woman is an act of adultery. And therefore he fled from that woman who seduced him. Now how did he knew it is a sin? It was through the Spirit of God.

In John 14:12, Jesus said that those who believe in Him will do even greater things than Him.

And in John 20:30-31, John the Apostle said that there are many other signs that was done by Jesus which was not written in the Bible. This is very clear to us that not all is written in the Bible that we have to keep asking, “Where ...it.... is written in the Bible?” Now, how if slaying down in the Spirit was one of the sign that was not written in the Bible?

And finally I want to ask you something just as you asked me. Where did the Bible says that, one must not fall down being slain in Spirit while praying?

Our aim is not to have the people being slain down or take the glory on ourselves. It’s for the souls to receive the power of God and have their lives transformed for the glory of God. No point people slain down, but nothing was transformed after that. His coming is very soon. Let’s prepare for Him.

Answer: Greetings in Jesus glorious name!

The Bible doesn't contain any verses that support the practice of slaying in the spirit, or even use the terms "slain in the spirit" or "slaying people in the spirit". However, some people who practice slaying in the spirit use Bible passages that mention people becoming "as dead", such as Revelation 1:17. Others may also quote a passage from 2 Chronicles 5:14 to support their beliefs.

In the Bible, people would sometimes fall down in response to something they saw in a vision or an extraordinary event, such as at the transfiguration of Christ in Matthew 17:6. In these instances, people would fall face down in awe of what they saw. Also in contrast to it, people who practice slaying in the spirit may cause people to fall backwards in response to a speaker's arm motion or a church leader's touch or push. As already mentioned, those who practice slaying in the Spirit use Bible passages that talk about people becoming “as dead” (Revelation 1:17) or of  "falling upon their face" (Ezekiel 1:28; Daniel 8:17-18, 10:7-9). Can this be true, that the power of God which flowed through these people might have surged upon the people who received it, like a river of water that causes forward current to push people who come in the line of the flow (John 7:37-39)? Even then, we see that some do not fall sometime. Is it because of the receivers lack of faith or the conduit minister's inadequacy to tap in to the power of God continually? The answer can be both sometimes, because both are imperfect humans, the one used by God to give and the other receive the power of God.   

But our question is, can the power of God be transferred through touch? Let us see what the Bible says in the following Scriptures. 

“When handkerchiefs or aprons that had merely touched his skin were placed on sick people, they were healed of their diseases, and evil spirits were expelled." - Acts 19:12

“Jesus realized at once that healing power had gone out from him, so he turned around in the crowd and asked, ‘Who touched my robe?’" - Mark 5:30

“Wherefore I put thee in remembrance that thou stir up the gift of God, which is in thee by the putting on of my hands." - 2 Timothy 1:6

“Then laid they their hands on them, and they received the Holy Ghost." - Acts 8:17

So we see, from the above Scriptures, that spiritual things can be transferred and given through the laying on of hands. The Spirit and His power can be transferred through human touch.

So my conclusion is, God's servants as His ambassadors who have the faith to transfer the power of God to meet people's need, can touch or even with out it by faith can transfer the power of God, to which people fall, whether backward or forward is not in the receivers control. And also when power flows out of a minister through the demonstration of the Spirit, there will be a forward push as power will flow out of him, that automatically makes the receiver to fall backwards (John 18:6), but the Spirit of God can reverse the fall supernaturally to make the receiver to fall face down too as though they were falling dead forward in his Presence. Just because some counterfeit is there, only makes the case valid that the reality of it from God operates in this way. But the true servant of God, will give all the Glory to God who is worthy of all praise and honor and glory.

Glory to God!

God uses his servants in this way means, it is God who supplies his Power, who are we to limit God. We are nobody, but all men and women of God should maintain the divine order in the Church. What is that Divine Order? It is the basic acceptable way in which Christ likeness can be maintained through the minister of God, as well as the people of God to glorify God and maintain order and decency in the house of God by practicing the gender differences, loudness of speaking, covering women's head as a sign of submission to authority, to cover one's body fully without revealing flesh to become a stumbling block to the brethren, speaking in tongues if there is interpretation or use it only in self devotion towards God without shouting it before others to show one's spirituality before others, appealing for money through all tricky methods to raise money in the name of the ministry being done, to glorify the ministry being done and the minister who is doing it rather than the God who is working behind the scene to reveal Jesus Christ as the Lord and Savior of all the people of the earth, etc. These are all a BIG NO NO IN THE DIVINE ORDER OF THINGS WITHIN THE CHURCH! Is the power demonstration needed in the Church? Without the transfer of the power of God, how can it be demonstrated for people to believe (1 Cor 2:3-5). Satan cannot stand equal to God, he can only try to counterfeit it all through his lies and false spirit demonstration, and thus try to turn people away from God who will believe in his lies and deception.

So the message of the Gospel is that which glorifies God, and nothing else will glorify Him. All things must be done to lift up the message of the Cross and all about Jesus to glorify him in all things, within in the Church as well as outside it. The apostles actually prayed to God in the first century itself after the Pentecost, for God to move in power when they speak the Word of God, so that they might be able to speak boldly the Word of God in action before the world that wants to see it before they want to believe it (Acts 4:29-31; Mark 16:20; John 4:48).

Power of God is instant transfer by the gift of God through God's servants that does it's work in meeting the needs of the people. But transformation happen when a person who is Saved gets enrolled in the school of the Spirit to let God change his character for the rest of his life (Rom 12:2). Transformation Power saves a sinner for Eternal Life. But Power that is manifested for needs of humans, can only touch temporal needs may be even permanently, and in a earthly way. Both these should not be mixed and confused with transformation in people.

God's holiness of character is a model for believers' lives, which can mean: Reflecting God's holy nature in relationships with others, Loving fellow believers sincerely, Disciplining your mind, Living as God's obedient children, and Living out your time as foreigners here in reverent fear (Leviticus 11:44–45, 19:2, 20:7, 26, and 21:8; 1 Peter 1:15-16). This aspect of holiness gets developed in us, only as we walk with God in our day to day life, resisting sinful habits and thought patterns, to walk in the righteousness of God especially when we are alone. This is the process of salvation that might take years for it to get perfected in us, as we pursue the will of God in our lives and live a life pleasing to him always.

Power to meet the needs of people is only a divine public relation advertisement to the world from the Kingdom of God in heaven, to draw people to revive them and make them to realize their need for salvation. This does not point to the character maturity of the minister who practices the 'slaying in the Spirit' or even the spiritual maturity of those who receive the power of it to receive the benefits that the Spirit supplies physically. But rather it is a Kingdom demonstration of power, that God gifts his servants who are ambassadors, who work for Him to demonstrate the "powers of the world to come" (Heb 6:5).

So there is no guarantee that whether a minister of a gospel who practices the 'slaying in the Spirit' or the recipient who take part in it to receive the power of the Spirit, become any better in their spiritual life, until they personally choose to walk with God day in and day out after such spiritual experience. If any person will choose to be saved by humbling themselves before God as sinner in need of salvation, only then they will have received an eternal gift from God to become His children through their belief (John 3:16). Praise the LORD Jesus Christ!

But if not, the earthly benefits received from God through receiving the power of God, may be through being 'slain in the Spirit, etc...', can only benefit them temporally, but can do nothing to change the eternal destination of going to hell fire as every other born sinner who dies without repentance. But only when any sinner repent of their sins toward God to become a child of God, they will be able to live for God and be righteous to go to heaven to be with God eternally after their physical death on this earth, as they will die with faith in Jesus Christ which saves their soul eternally once and for all time, which will automatically make them get resurrected in the Rapture when Jesus Christ comes back to take his own from the earth to the prepared place for the Church in the New Earth and New Heaven (Heb 5:9; 10:17-18)


Much Blessings....


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Monday, July 15, 2024

Where Will The Church Be Raptured To?

Noah And Lot Were On Earth Delivered From Destruction, So Likewise Must Not The Church Also Be On Earth To Be Delivered?

Question: The Second Coming happens for everyone at the end of their lives. What’s the point of a rapture if you are already with the Lord? The resurrection is at the Second Coming. All the dead will be resurrected at the Second Coming, so ALL will experience it either in their lifetime or after death. God’s wrath is poured on the ungodly. Both Noah and Lot were on earth when God poured out His wrath.

Rapture to where? Even when the 10 plagues fell in Egypt, God didn’t take the Hebrews out of Egypt before the plagues fell. Our safety from the wrath of God isn’t dependent on location, but on being sealed with the seal of the Living God. Only those with God’s seal of approval will be spared when the wrath to come.

“And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree; but only those men which have not the seal of God in their foreheads.” (Revelation 9:4).

Answer: Greetings in Jesus awesome name! No when we die we go on to be with the Lord in New Jerusalem until Rapture takes place (2 Cor 5:8; Rev 5:9-11; Hen 12:22-23).

Open your Bible and read about the righteous being resurrected by God (John 5:28-29). First of all understand this most important doctrine of the Bible.

Then what is the point of God's wrath which is only for the world, when it will happen according to you?

Great Tribulation is the second half of the Daniel 70th week after the abomination of desolation (Matt 24:15-22). On which point God's wrath will be poured upon the world to test it to find who is worthy (Rev 3:10), if the Church remains here through the Tribulation, how can God then be able to pour out His wrath (2 Thess 1:5-8; 1 Thess 1:10). I hope you understand. God cannot pour out His wrath or anger until the Church remains on earth (Gen 7:16, 17; 19:22). Example. Noah, Lot.

You are right, but it Noah and Lot were not a literal example that Jesus Christ gave to the Church, but as a spiritual example of the Rapture of the end time that God spoke about. Do you not understand, that Noah was lifted by the ark above the earth and was floating on water all the time (Gen 7:17). He is the perfect example of how the Rapture will make the Church saints who have already entered the ark of faith in Christ Jesus who is building it now, will soon after the Rapture will meet them all in the air, to glorify them in the New Jerusalem and then make them all to enter in to the New World of God in the New Heaven and New Earth (Gen 9:1). And righteous Lot was a warning to the left behind lukewarm people of what happened to Lot's wife might happen to them too, if they are not saved but remain religious because of their association with godly people that makes them think that they are saved (2 Peter 2:7; Luke 17:32-33), but such erroneous thinking is not true faith and cannot save them unless they are born again and have a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ (John 10:27-28).

You are right, when the Israelites were delivered from the slavery of Egypt through the Red Sea, then they crossed into a place of promise in the desert land to inherit the land flowing with milk and honey. But many died in the wilderness itself and were not able to enter in to Canaan's land. The Canaan land is the place of overcoming all the giants of sin to inherit eternal reward of power, glory and honor from God. Many who get saved live and die in the wilderness of sin without entering in to their heavenly reward and inheritance because of living by their rebellious nature and not the new one, so without crossing in to the promised Canaan land of victory over sin many will perish (1 Cor 10:1-11, 12-13).

Regarding Revelation 9:4, God protects the left behind Tribulation saints from the demonic torment of the Trumpet sound which will be stage managed by the two end time prophets Elijah and Enoch, and also protects those Israelites who were sealed as God's servants, along with all the believers who are saved and live in their flesh on earth, both Jews and Gentiles who have not received the mark of the beast at that time (Rev 7:3-4; Luke 10:19-20; Rev 13:8, 9, 10)

Regarding Rapture to where?


The beast out of the sea cursed God, and it cursed the name of God. It even cursed the place where God lives, as well as everyone who lives in heaven with God (Revelation 13:6).

It is very clear that John means angels and also saved humans… because in the Bible unfallen angels who serve God are present there, and also the more attractive meaning is that he means that those dwelling in heaven are men whose citizenship is now in heaven (Heb 12:22-24).

"But our citizenship is in heaven, and from it we await a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ." (Php 3:20).

Christians after their physical death are said to dwell in heaven in their spirit until Rapture takes place (Rev 6:9-11), because they belong to the future kingdom of God on earth (Luke 17:21), and now ’in Christ’ they have already begun to live the heavenly life (Eph 1:3, 17-23).

As God has revealed it through the Scripture saying, "and (God by His promise) raised us up together, and made us sit together in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus." (Eph 2:6).

But above all, in Revelation 12:15-17, we see the reason why Satan and his seed the Antichrist was enraged to curse the place where God lives, it was because the earth opened its mouth and helped the people of God to rise up in their glorious bodies to go to New Jerusalem and then there after, the marriage of the Lamb with its bride the Church will take place with a gala reception (Rev 19:7-8, 9), but mid-point of Daniel 70th week, Satan and his angels will be thrown out of heaven to the earth forever. .

So that immediately after these things, the Church will be taken again in a glorious state to get settled in the New Heaven and New Earth which will thereafter orbit in a new alignment with the New Jerusalem (Eph 4:13; 5:27; 2 Peter 3:13), which will come down as a bride prepared for the bridegroom of the New Heaven and New Earth to enlighten that place thereafter for eternity ahead (Rev 21:1-8). Glory!

Much Blessings.....


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Saturday, July 13, 2024

Zionism Is Right Or Not?

Can A Christian Support, Pray And Evangelise Israel?

Question: I am a Zionist. Zionism is simply the belief that Israel is a Jewish state which God has promised to Abraham from the river Nile to Euphrates, and Israel will one day be in that. I am fully in support of Israel, and yes I know that they reject Jesus for now. Bible tells that they will one day accept him. My job is to support and pray and evangelize Israel. Is it right?

Answer: Greetings in Jesus wonderful name!

Do you know that the (NWO) - New World Order agenda is also the same, but in fact they want to use the Zionist to fulfill their agenda of one world religion, one world government and one world economy to be done. So as a Christian, we should support Israel the nation, not the political activism of NWO. In a spiritual way we should pray for the peace of Jerusalem, and should never be self deceived of political allegiance, instead look forward to the Rapture and Second Coming as the only solution for the peace of Jerusalem, which will have peace only through the Great King Jesus Christ's coming to the earth with the armies of heaven who are the Church coming along from the New Heaven and New Earth. Only this can provide at the best a permanent solution for a thousand years time. After which, Satan who has been bound for thousand years will be released for a short while (Rev 20:7-9), immediately like the sand of the sea, Satan will immediately influence the unsaved Millennium earth dwellers, to make them surround the camp of the saints and will try to kill them, but as they have been part of the first resurrection, they will be resurrected in their glorious body to enter the New Heaven and the New Earth where the Church has already been living for a millennium (Rev 20:9, 10). White Throne Judgment will take place in the outer space somewhere above the old heaven and old earth in which unbelievers and believers will forever be separated and rewarded for belief, the other unbelievers condemned to lake of fire (Rev 20:11-15).

Thereafter Satan and his minions will be forever thrown in to the lake of fire to be tormented for eternity, this old heaven and earth will be burnt and completely become gas (Rev 20:10; 2 Peter 3:10-11, 12-13). Hallelujah!

Christian Zionism differs from Replacement Theology, which teaches that the special relationship that Israel had with her God in terms of her national destiny and her national homeland has been lost because of her rejection of Jesus as Messiah, and therefore the Church has become the “New Israel”. The Church has then inherited all the blessings promised to Israel, but the judgments and curses still conveniently remain over the Jewish people.

Instead, Christian Zionism teaches from the scriptures that God’s covenant with Abraham is still valid today (Gen 12:1-3; 13:16; 15:5; 17:1-6, 7, 8-11, 12-15, 22). There remains a national destiny over the Jewish people, and her national homeland is her everlasting possession in fulfillment of God’s plans and purposes for her (Gen 17:8; 23:4; 28:3-5; Lev 26:12). The New Testament scriptures not only affirm the Abrahamic covenant, but they confirm the historical mission of Israel and that Israel’s gifts and calling are irrevocable (Acts 7:4-5; Rom 11:28, 29).

If Zionism is the belief in the Jewish people’s right to return to their homeland, then a Christian Zionist should simply be defined as a Christian who supports the Jewish people’s right to return to their homeland. Hallelujah!

As a Christian, every one of us can support Israel spiritually through prayer, and regarding evangelization, we can again supplicate, do prayers, intercessions and giving of thanks for all men which includes the nation of Israel, so that all people might get saved from sin and eternal hell fire through accepting Jesus Christ as their Savior and Priest of their life (1 Tim 2:1-6)!

Also if we as Christians continue to pray for the peace of Jerusalem, we have done the most important thing in our generation of the end, as we already know that the whole end time narrative of the Bible starts and ends there with the end of the world, which is the time which we are living in right now in our generation (Psa 122:6; Matt 5:35). Definitely there is a prosperity and peace within your walls and palaces of your home if you without fail pray and support Israel!

We should stop there with that spiritual support as Christians, and if you step in to the political forum of Israel to support it, then often we get confused and deceived by the prince of the power of air and the god of this world who manipulates this physical world system with his lies, and has put it all firmly in his control, under which all nations of the world now work (Eph 2:2; 2 Cor 4:4). Remember, antisemitism is on the rise like never before after the world war 2, that is, after the Holocaust, in our end of end times generation, the whole world is slowly turning in hate against the nation of Israel and its Jewish people. So as a Christian, we should not become confirmed to the thoughts and patterns of behavior of the world, but rather be transformed by the Word of God to renew our mind and live in the blessedness of heaven for the Glory of God by supporting the nation of Israel's right to exist in their own land, which God has promised them forever and ever through Abraham, as an everlasting possession through a everlasting covenant (Gen 17:7-8; Rom 12:1-2)!  

Political Zionism of (NWO) New World Order which teaches to go for a global outlook at the cost of our faith (Acts 4:19), or hate others who are not like us is wrong, Period! If you support and choose politics to exercise your right as a citizen of your country, it is not wrong, but most importantly you need to choose the right one by being led by the Spirit through your sincere prayers for the election of the right person that God intends (Rom 8:14; 1 Tim 2:1-2). So that God might be glorified through it all, and that the Gospel might spread in all the world for redeeming the time and hastening the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ to rule on this earth for a thousand years time (Eph 5:15; 2 Pet 3:12; Matt 24:14).


Much Blessings......


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Friday, July 12, 2024

Does Not All People Of Israel Today Are Considered As The Biblical Israel?

Replacement Theology: The Most Dangerous From The Pit Of Hell, Has The Church Replaced Israel?

Question: The truth of Jacob as the Israel of God in not replacement theology, this is what the Bible teaches. "For not all who are descended from Israel are Israel" Romans 9:6...Later Paul writes "I ask, then, has God rejected his people? By no means! For I myself am an Israelite, a descendant of Abraham, a member of the tribe of Benjamin." Romans 11:1. God has NOT rejected his people, such as Paul, an Israelite, BECAUSE Paul is a believer in Christ. What does the Bible say is Israel? "until the full number of the Gentiles has come in, and in this way all Israel will be saved" Romans 11:25-26. In other words all Israel will be saved because the Gentiles will be brought in. Do you understand? The Gentiles are brought in because they accept Jesus as their savior and in this way all Israel will be saved. God bless!

Answer: Greetings in Jesus mighty name!

Replacement theology, also known as supersessionism, is a Christian doctrine that has been a core tenet of Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, and Protestant churches for most of their history. It states that the Christian Church has taken the place of the Jewish people as God's covenanted people, and that the New Covenant through Jesus Christ has replaced the Mosaic covenant.

Replacement theology is from the pit of hell. But rather Jesus and the apostles spoke about the mystery called the Church, and the miracle called Israel that will be reborn at the end of end times and reestablishment of it for a thousand years of reigning over the world through the established and accepted nation of Israel (Luke 21:29-33; Hos 9:10; Jer 24:5).

Temporarily the remnant Jews were grafted in as the people of God with the Church (Rom 11:24; Gal 3:28; Eph 2:11-13, 14-18), but once the Church is taken up in Rapture then God will turn His face towards Israel and will take them into great Tribulation to reestablish them at His Second Coming (Jer 30:7; Rom 11:25-29, 30-32). So between the time of Israel and the Church, there will be a left behind offspring of the Church present here on earth during the Great Tribulation (Rev 12:16, 17; Rev 3:14-22). These will die, as Martyrs during the Great Tribulation (Rev 7:9-17; 13:6-7, 8-10, 16-18), and will physically be resurrected to live for a thousand years time and then after it is over and done, these will receive their new glorious bodies in the Second Resurrection as they will not have second death, but rather will inherit the new heaven and new earth forever and ever hereafter (Rev 20:4-6, 14-15). Hallelujah!

Israel as a nation, though it is still functioning in Blindness with a veil over the the face of the nation of Israel (2 Cor 3:11, 7, 13, 14-16), and walking according to the law of Moses which has actually become ineffective and ready to vanish away (Heb 8:13). The truth and grace aspect of the New Covenant has only been operative through the Church until now (1 Tim 3:15), therefore we as the Church recognize the reborn nation of Israel (Rom 11:25), but not their belief system which is related to religious aspect of harlotry (Rom 11:28, 30-31). And thus the third temple which will be built by Antichrist called as synagogue of Satan (Rev 3:9). Then during this time period, the Church has been promised, "Indeed I will make those of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews and are not, but lie; indeed I will make them come and worship before your feet, and to know that I have loved you." (Rev 3:9). In other words, God has not recognized the Jewish traditions of the elders as the acceptable form of faith, because He never instructed them to add on tradition to Moses Law which Jesus opposed when He was present on earth (Mark 7:5-13). Even today if someone seeks God intensely and tries to keep the commandments given to them through Moses with all their heart (Matt 19:16-24; Luke 7:29-30; Mark 12:29-34; Jam 2:10), they will without doubt end up finding Jesus Christ as God and their Messiah at the end of the road (Gal 3:24-25). Once the Church get married with the Lamb of God and the reception gets over and done in the New Jerusalem (Rev 19:7-8, 9), they will all as one family get settled in the New Heaven and New Earth with Jesus Christ as the cornerstone (Rev 21:1-8; John 14:1-6; 1 Peter 2:4-5, 6, 7, 8, 9-10).

Thereafter "Indeed (just as Jesus promised....He), will make (the Zionist end time religious Harlot of the NWO - New World Order) come and worship before (the Church saints) feet," because the spiritual authority over the world will be at the hands of the Church at that time even until the second coming of Jesus Christ, which will make the Zionist know that truly Jesus Christ has loved the Church through redeeming them all by His own death and have given them life, and have crowned them all with world ruling authority to be exercised over all the world (Rev 2:7, 10-11, 17, 26-29; 3:5-6, 11-13, 21-22). All the spiritual gifts and wages of reward that has been promised for the Church, is related to eternal authority to rule, honor to hold, and glory to reveal! The present chaotic angelic rebellious impostor authorities under Satan that has been in existence from the time when Adam sinned even to the present time, they will be thrown out from the heavens, right at the middle of Daniel seventieth week (Rev 12:7-12).

For the second half of the Daniel 70th week, these fallen angels will work with Antichrist and then will give one last try to keep their power by fighting against the left behind offspring of the Church on earth through imposing the 666 mark of the beast (Rev 12:4, 9, 17; 16:14, 16; 9:1-6, 7-12, 13-21), and these will by faith die as Martyrs rather than live on earth with it (Rev 13:7, 8, 9-10). Thus the Glory of God will be revealed through out the Daniel 70th week both through the Church, nation of Israel and the left behind offspring of the Tribulation saints (Rev 12:16, 17; 7:1-8, 9-17)! Hallelujah!

Once the Second Coming comes, Jesus and the armies in heaven which is the Church glorified [(i.e.) living at that time in the New Earth and New Heaven with New Jerusalem as its capital orbiting around it], clothed in fine linen, white and clean, followed Him on white horse (Rev 19:7-8, 9, 14).

Let no one be deceived by the replacement theology or the supersessionism, because these are man made theories formed for the Church to be deceived from the faith of the glorious eternity that God wants to reveal through Rapture.

Much Blessings.....


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Friday, June 28, 2024

Can Pestilences, Earthquakes, Famines Be Artificially Controlled By Elite Humans To Control People?

How Can Antichrist Control The Weather Patterns When God Is In Total Control Of It?

Question: We see that in Jer 5:22, "22 Do you not fear Me?’ says the LORD.‘Will you not tremble at My presence, who have placed the sand as the bound of the sea, by a perpetual decree, that it cannot pass beyond it? And though its waves toss to and fro, yet they cannot prevail; Though they roar, yet they cannot pass over it." Does this mean that Antichrist could not control the weather patterns and change the times if God is the one who is controlling all these things? Can you speak in details why you think that in the first three and half years of Daniel 70th week, you say that the Antichrist will control through seals and horses the weather, famine, storms, earthquake and pestilences...etc...when God is in control of it through and through? Thanks in advance!

Answer: Greetings to you in Jesus wonderful name!

We see in the Book of Job, whenever Satan got permission from God to do something, he went on to cause "Sabeans" to raid Job's oxen and donkeys to be taken away by the edge of the sword, then He brings fire from heaven to burn their sheep and servants to consume them, he caused the Chaldeans to again raid the camels and take them away by killing the servants too who took care of them, he also caused great wind to come to strike the four corners of the house in which Job's children were there to kill them all completely (Job 1:13-22). Thus all the property and children of Job were lost. Then again Satan asked permission from God, to completely destroy the health of Job, but God did not allow Satan to take the life of Job (Job 2:1-8). What do we learn from this, though God has all the power, many times He gives the devil the power to test humans and also to decide whether some one is worthy of his blessings or not.

In the end times, God Himself has told that He will send a strong delusion, to all the people who will not receive the love of the truth to be saved, so that these people may be condemned (2 Thess 2:11-12). The working of Satan will be with all power, signs and lying wonders during the time of the end (2 Thess 2:9). In other words, when the all powerful God gives His "all power" in to the hands of Satan, He will use it through his ministers of unrighteousness like the Antichrist and false prophet from Israel to produce "signs and lying wonders" to deceive them all (2 Cor 11:13-14, 15). Signs and lying wonders does not mean the power demonstration is an illusion of Satan, no, it is real, but the source is not God but from the power of darkness that rules the world. This clearly conveys to us, that bringing fire from heaven as Elijah did by the False Prophet from Israel, and Antichrist rising from dead like Jesus did after receiving mortal wounds will be allowed by God to be aped as signs and lying wonders to deceive the unsaved who have no desire to get saved through repentance from sin (Rev 13:3, 13).

We also know that in the Book of Daniel, God says in the time of the end, "many shall run to and fro in travel, and knowledge shall increase" (Dan 12:4), which again shows to us that previously all these technology that Antichrist will use and is using to control the weather, bring pestilences and famine and even earthquakes were really not available to humanity since the beginning, but has been allowed by God and given in wisdom to humanity for the purpose of God to be fulfilled, and for Jesus Christ to come and establish the Kingdom of God on earth as it is in heaven! This is the last of the last days and the very end of end times! Hallelujah!

Because these things that were supposed to happen in the first half of the Daniel seventieth week were foretold in the Book of Revelation, through the opening of the first seal and the white horse, we see a world control established through war that takes place by Antichrist (Rev 6:1-2). Then when we see the second seal opened, the next big red horse, the power of communism rise against the Antichrist to kill peace from the earth and instead cause people to kill one another through a great sword of communistic ideology which destroys the false peace of Antichrist and creates hate of one human against another greatly in all the world with nuclear threats and the likes of WW1, WW2 and WW3 (Rev 6:3-4).

Then the third seal which releases a black horse will cause great famine because it will be initiated by Antichrist in response to control the world through food embargo upon all those who oppose his world control, he will let the oil and wine to be exempted from the food list sanctions because of their own friends sake who deal in a major way in these trades like France and Saudi (Rev 6:5-6). Then finally the pale green horse of death and Hades which originated with the rise of Islamic terrorism in all the world will be used by the one world government to kill with sword (Pandemic & Lock down (1 Chron 21:16)), hunger and death, nearly one fourth of the earths population will be depopulated through this cycle which will bring the whole world in to the complete control of the beasts of the Antichrist and the False Prophet (Rev 6:7-8).

The fifth seal will cause God to speak to all the Martyrs from the beginning of time to make them clothed with white robe and wait for the Great Tribulation Martyrs to join them so that together they could be resurrected in the first resurrection of the time of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ to the earth (Rev 6:9-11; 7:9-17; 20:4-6).

Actually the sixth seal opening will cause great cosmic disturbances like a great earthquake, the blackening of the sun, the reddening of the moon and the fall of stars like the figs to the earth which might turn in to dust and ashes (Rev 6:12-17). This will cause great fear in the hearts of unsaved humans of what is going to come upon the whole earth (Luke 21:25-28, 34-36). God will convey to all those in charge of the earth as earth dwellers to know that the wrath of the Lamb has come! GLORY TO GOD! Before the trumpets of God could be operated by the two prophets Elijah and Enoch in the second half of the Daniel 70th week, the opening of the 7th seal by Jesus will cause heaven to become silent for half an hour which is a very short period of time, so that through the Trumpets of the words of the two prophets might start to demonstrate through their prophetic words which will cause the wrath of the Lamb to start in all the world because of sin (Rev 6:16-17; 8:1-6), this trumpets from God through the two prophets will be a clarion call of repentance to the whole wide world that the Kingdom of God is coming in all the earth for a thousand years time. Hallelujah!  

All the above exposition has been done to give a clarity to us the children of God, of how the end times will unfold according to the Scriptures that we read. So that when are told to watch and look up to the heavens in prayers, when all these things begin to take place (Luke 21:28), so that at the right time God has set for us the Church, we might be raptured out before the Great Tribulation which will take place on the whole earth in full swing (Matt 24:36-51). Hallelujah!

We know that God is in control of everything in this world, Satan and his son Antichrist cannot do anything more than what God allows. So they both are in the choke chain of God!

As God is the one who "changes times and seasons" (Dan 2:21), the weather of the season of end of end times cannot function fully without God, that is why when Antichrist intends and tries to tinker with the weather (Dan 7:25), God will allow it to malfunction even to the point of "blackening of the sun, the reddening of the moon and the fall of stars like the figs to the earth" (Rev 6:12-17). But all these could only be restored by the Lamb of God, the Creator of the world, Jesus Christ only, as He will become the desire of all nations as time goes on towards the Second Coming, that even all the tribes will cry and mourn in ecstasy and joy when they see Him coming back to the earth (Hag 2:7; Zec 12:10; Matt 24:30). Hallelujah! Maranatha! O Lord Come! 

Much Blessings...


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