I was born in a staunch Hindu Family in a small village called Angurpalayam near the holy place of Hindus, Surulimalai in Madurai district. My father was a farmer. Once in every year we offered sacrifices at Surulimalai and proceeded straight to holy dip. Further I believed the words of my mother that there are thirty three crores of Gods. I stayed in a Hindu hostel and started my High School Education in a town near my village. There the teachings of Vivekanandar, Ramakrishna Paramakamsar, Mahatma Gandhi and the doctrines of Bagavat Geetha were taught to us every morning and evening. Even then bad words, lying, cinema going and the sins I learnt from the bad company grew in me slowly.After my High School education, I joined the American college at Madurai. There I enjoyed the worldly pleasures and read many story books and novels and went to cinemas. My Father expired unexpectedly during my first year of college education. I discontinued my college study. That was a difficult period for my family. An evil power which tortured my mind, started to attack my brain. I felt that my brain was melting during the day time. A thirst to find real peace increased in my soul. In this state I was appointed in a temporary job under kuntha power project at Nilgiris.
The fear of death and a kind of terror took hold of me when I saw accidents before me. Once I drank liquor without the knowledge of others. I fell in to adultery too. My life was very bitter. Then I got a clerk’s post in the department of commerce and industries in Tamil Nadu Government. I thought at least at Madras [now called as Chennai] I could live a happy life. But my spiritual problems and sinful life increased day by day. I sought the help of astrologers. I liked to hear the politicians very much. I read filthy books. All these things did not satisfy me. Even the doctors did not give any solution to my disease. So one day I went to Marina beach where I had a thought to drown myself in the sea. Later I changed my mind and returned to my room and prayed thus before I slept: “If there is a real God, He must speak to me.”
At about 3 O’ Clock in the night I saw a dream, where men and women with sticks and poles came to kill me and I fell on the ground. But nobody beat me. They had disappeared. But I was holding brass-like shining feet. When I lifted my head I saw Jesus Christ. His face was filled with Love. Only afterwards I read the same description of Jesus Christ in the book of Revelation in the Bible. Then I believed that the Lord Jesus would help me. Then I was transferred to Madurai. The owner of the room where I stayed knew the Lord. She introduced me to the Layman’s Evangelical Fellowship. I asked the Evangelist there, “Why God is so partial? He has given a good life to some and a life full of problems to others”. He turned to 28th chapter of Deuteronomy from the Bible and read out the blessings people get by obeying God’s word and the curses by not obeying God’s word. I saw my pitiable condition in Deut 28:28, "The Lord shall smite thee with madness and blindness and astonishment of heart.” This word touched my heart. I went to the Fellowship meetings. I deeply felt that I was sick and restless because of my sins. The Lord showed my sins through 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 which says, “Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And that is what some of you were. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.”
I confessed all my sins with fasting and prayer. I got rid of the story books, lottery tickets, pictures of idols and the horoscope. While listening to a message, God convicted me of some money which I have not returned to the persons from whom I had received it. I returned it. I was even convicted of envy. I asked pardon from them. I prayed to God to cleanse my sins with His blood. Many children of God prayed for me. The Lord spoke to me through Isaiah 44:22, “I have blotted out as a thick cloud thy transgressions and as a cloud thy sins, return unto me for I have redeemed thee.” I felt as though the current passed through me twice. My burden of sin rolled away. My heart was filled with the Peace of God, which the world could not give. Jesus Christ delivered me from cinema, cigarette, malice and greed. The disease of brain from which I was suffering for 5 years left me. I felt happy and it was so sweet to pray and read the Bible.
After my conversion the Lord blessed my Job. I was promoted to the post of Assistant Supervisor of Government Industrial Co-operative Society. I testified to Hindus and Christians. Then the merciful God called me unto His service. It was confirmed by Bro. Joshua Daniel, the servant of God. I resigned my Government Job and joined the Bible school of the Layman’s Evangelical Fellowship at Madras and was trained for 4 years. Since 1971 I have been working for the Lord in Erode, Tamil Nadu as a pastor and evangelist. “To Him be Honor and Glory forever and ever”.
For further information please contact the following address:
Pastor. Israel Ponnusamy,
[Near Railway Station, Next To ALTIS Lodge],
E-mail: israelponnusamy@gmail.com
Ph: (0424)-2253174, (0424)-2263756
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