Is It God's Voice Or My Own Flesh?
Answer : Greetings to you in Jesus name! It is of course a right doubt that many of us have many times. When we feel that God is speaking, the doubt that arises in our mind often times is, "Is it God or my flesh?". See the one good thing in your way of thinking is, you are regularly reading the word of God and storing it in your heart. God and His word are one, so most of the times He will speak to us through His word primarily (John 1:1). We are actually born again in our spirit through the word of God (1 Peter 1:23). It is God's will that we become His children through His word Jesus who became flesh (John 1:12-13). Thus God has magnified His Word more than His very name (Psa 139:2).
Every time we are in need of God's healing, He sends His word to heal us physically and emotionally, and also deliver us from the trap of destruction that the enemy of our soul Satan and his demonic minions have set before us (Psa 107:20). Satan also knows that a strong saint will always depend on the word of God to fight against Him (Eph 6:17), so therefore he will try to use the word of God out of context to misguide and defeat us in our pursuit to hear the voice of God clearly in our soul. During these times of crises and doubt that arises in our soul because of Satan using Scripture to drive us to do his bidding, we will lose the sense of peace in our soul. Holy Spirit will guide us always, but Satan will try to drive us to do His bidding. In those times, we should depend on the Holy Spirit to help us do the will of God. When confusion and doubt arises because of such spiritual warfare, we should follow the following apostolic golden rule for overcoming it, "6 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; 7 and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus." (Php 4:6-7). Once peace returns, we know that we are in the will of God. When we hear the Scripture within us and the peace of God follows us within, we know that it is God who has spoken to us (Isa 32:17; Psa 119:165). God will speak and lead us through peace and never through confusion because Satan is the author of it (Prov 3:17; Matt 11-28-30; 1 Cor 14:33).
For example when Jesus was tempted in the wilderness, Satan tried his best to misquote and deceive Jesus, but as Jesus wholly depended on the Holy Spirit and not on his own understanding as a man, Holy Spirit gave another clear Scripture against the misquote of Satan that made him flee away from Jesus until an opportune time (Luke 4:9-13). The same thing will victoriously happen to us in our time of spiritual warfare against Satan and his demons in our heart if we too completely trust the Holy Spirit of God to give us the right Scripture again and again to dispel our doubts which creates confusion and stronghold of unbelief in our mind. This is a process in which we cooperate more and more with the Holy Spirit through communing with Him to become spiritually sharp with faith to do defensive war within our heart and offensive warfare against Satan and his demonic followers through the word of God spoken through our mouth (2 Cor 13:14; 4:13; Eph 6:16-17; Rom 10:10).
When you are doubtful, pray to God to give peace. When you are getting Scripture verses in your mind that brings no peace in your heart, it is not God who is bringing it, but your flesh that is self-seeking and even it may be the devil sometimes (James 3:14-18). But if peace follows a Scripture that comes in to your mind, it is God who is speaking to you. May God help you to grow more and more spiritually, and make you hear His voice like a trumpet inside you (1 Cor 14:7-8). May the God of peace make peace flow like a river in your life and thus cause you to Crush all satanic tactics that tries to diminish the voice of God in your life (Isa 66:12; Rom 16:20). May you hear the very word of God from His mouth always for the GLORY OF GOD! Be blessed and be a BLESSING!
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