Monday, September 17, 2018

What Should I Do For Others To Not To Get Stumbled Because Of Seeing My Problems?

Some People Have No Regard For My Ministry Because Of Personal Problems I Experience, How I Should Face This?

Question: Some people have no regard for my ministry because of the personal problems I experience because of sin and its resulting difficulties. When others see the personal problems of the minister of God, and do not have regard for our ministry life, what should we do?

Answer: Greetings in Jesus wonderful name!

Do not worry about how others see your life, it is more important to know and see yourself how God sees your life, and live rejoicing in that truth. Because when you have faith, God will make you see in reality how He is seeing through His eyes. You and God are always a winner and a majority. When we are in partnership with God, all things are possible. Believe and live, you will live what you believe!

When God's Presence came to Adam and spoke to Him after he and Eve fell in to sin because of their disobedience to the only command of God to keep, he complained to God that he felt afraid because of nakedness, and therefore hid himself from God
(Gen 3:10). So all of us as the son of Adam who are born in his image have the same problem of fear for getting in to God's Presence, and also hiding or isolating ourselves from God when we have sinned since that day our forefather disobeyed God (Gen 5:3; Rom 5:12). But our loving God and Father showed to both Adam and us who are his progenies to again approach in confidence by accepting the "the tunics of skin" which clothes us in God's righteousness by our faith in Christ Jesus (Gen 3:21; 2 Cor 5:21). The moment we approach God to accept his way out of our sins that come out of our sin nature, God makes us as righteous as He is and therefore there can be no longer any regret for our past, only thankfulness for our present and future.

Fear makes us resist God's solution given to us in Jesus Christ blood, by making us stay away in fear and hiding ourselves with our sin to resist confessing our sins to God destroys our fellowship and prosperity of life in God
(Prov 28:13). But faith makes us embrace the blood of Jesus and offer it before God as our heart felt prayer of faith in his power to redeem us which will make us always be justified before Him, and leave His Presence with confidence in our heart that we are forgiven of our sins by God (Luke 18:13-14; 1 John 3:20-24). Of course every believer should try to be perfect as the Father in heaven is perfect every day, living as His child to reveal his great character to the world (Matt 5:48). But as we are not just sinners by choice but by our very birth which makes us to grow with the sin nature of Adam and in it from our birth (Psa 51:5), the only solution and antidote to overcoming sinful habits and bondages that bring shame to our lives is to resist the devil's lure and then confess our sins to God as soon as possible, and ask Him to help us overcome those same sin and humble ourselves before Him in such a way of repentance that He might strengthen us to stand in faith and not become double-minded when we are tempted again and again (Jam 4:7-10; Matt 6:13).

The bottom line that God conveys to us through His word is, we may sin again but we do not have to live in shame for what we have done
(1 John 1:6, 7, 8, 9, 10; 2:1, 2), but can overcome it by the blood of Jesus and move forward in faith day by day for the purpose of God to be fulfilled through our lives by reaching out to live in the perfection of God like Him more and more (1 John 5:4-5), day after day (Lam 3:21-24; 2 Cor 4:16; 3:18; Eph 3:14-21), so that we could boldly say, 'Though I have not yet become what I ought to be, but I thank God and praise Him that I am not where I used to be.' Glory to God! We are in the process of perfection towards sanctification and are being perfected as saints until we die physically, and go on to be with the Lord after this to be forever in His loving and caring Presence in heaven (Heb 10:14; 2 Cor 5:8). And in the glorious new body which we will inherit from heaven, that is already prepared for us, we will not have sin nature to influence us anymore in heaven, but only a obedient nature of Christ which will work perfectly inline with His will for the Glory of God forever and ever (2 Cor 5:2-3). Praise the Lord! Until then let us be "confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work [(i.e.) santification through salvation (2 Thess 5:23-24)] in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ" (Phil 1:6). Amen!

It is perfectly normal for a believer who is being perfected by God and sanctified for a holy cause to feel bad about sin and cry and bewail for deliverance from it
(2 Cor 5:4; Jam 4:9; Rom 8:26-27). Why we do this? Not because we want to die but rather live abundantly with the heavenly life of Christ to fulfill the purpose of God in this earth, and hoping to be further clothed with a body that is without sin nature and its trouble that troubles us frequently in this earth (Rom 8:21-25).

God takes us through shame so that we might learn to glorify in His name alone, that at the end of the ordeal, we will end up with double honor before men
(Isa 61:7). It is a small thing to bear the shame when we know that the joy and the eternal value of the reward which we will receive is always greater than a finite amount of time we have suffered or will have to suffer because of sin to inherit it, this too will pass before you realize, but the eternal reward and glory that you will inherit will stay with you forever and ever (Rom 8:18). Glory be to God!

Keep fighting the good fight of faith and continue to keep praying for the salvation of others who look down on you, you will never know when they too might get saved
(1 Peter 2:12).

Ask God to solve your problems by receiving His peace in your heart which is a sign that God has already heard your prayers and have accepted it, and then look towards living a overcoming life with expectation to please God through it all. Continue to pray and hold on to the peace that God gives continually.

It is not your ministry, it is God's ministry that He is doing through you for His Glory. So do not worry what others will think of your weakness as long as you know what God is doing through it all for your own good
(Rom 8:28), may the Lord God guide you through your weaknesses, and turn your trials in to testimonies for His Glory which He is specialized in doing. Confess your sins to God and continue to stand in faith. Leave the rest in to God's hand by praying through and receiving peace in your heart day after day as I have told before which I am reminding again because of its importance (Php 4:6-7). Always humbly acknowledge your mistakes, when you are questioned by others around you, and tell them that you are seeking for perfection and a overcoming life of victory over sin. If they still want to stumble in to unbelief because of it, do not worry, you have done your best to keep them from stumbling. Their unbelief will be their own mistake, because they have stumbled because of judging you for a speck in your eye for which you regret spiritually rather than seeing their own log of sin nature that blocks their spiritual eye sight from seeing the merciful Lord who rules over them, they are setting the required measurement and giving the Lord a scale to measure their own spiritual performance based on how they have judged you or any other person (Matt 7:1-6). You look to the Lord to be merciful towards others always, and you will never stumble as you stay humble in the Lord's sight to give him a scale set full of merciful measurement towards others which will be the same measure you will receive His favor over your life through it all (Matt 5:7)!   

When your time comes, you do not have to say a single word more in prayer to God for deliverance about those same thing that you have patiently waited for in prayer to see a complete victory, as God will step in and remove that which has bothered you, and you will glorify Him the rest of your life
(Psa 138:8). Praise the Lord! Your test will surely become the testimony that will lead others in to salvation for the Glory of God. Through your trial, you will see Triumph! God might use your trial for others to get saved and blessed, if you have held on to His hand in faith and trust, knowing, that you might leave his hand because of strengthlessness but His hands which holds you will not leave you as you have come to Him for help and deliverance in consistent faith (2 Tim 2:13; Jude 1:24). Glory to God!

"Shame is the sunset that we experience which leads us in to the night of darkness, but the sorrow of the night always will make way for a beautiful day of sunshine which bring God's favor more and more, which lasts for a lifetime when our hearts rest patiently in God through faith! Day after day, His new mercies are received to lead us in to a eternal day of sunshine within our heart, where night after night, his faithfulness shines as stars and moon in the darkness even when we see no noon immediately in sight during the night! Night and day are alike to God, and we who are His children learn to live outside of our temporary feelings which causes darkness of soul and learn to victoriously live in the eternal faith which causes a perpetual light to shine within us even when we have no light on the outside atmosphere of life continuously because of storms that keep the clouds hanging over our head with no respite to see the light of day. When you believe that there is a dark night of the soul, then you agree that there is a day light of sunshine that is about to break forth powerfully even if it gets delayed for a while!" — Abraham Israel

Much Blessings...


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