Saturday, November 4, 2023


Does Begotten Son Means Jesus Was A Created Being?

Question: Does Begotten Son  means Jesus was a created Being?

Greetings in Jesus wonderful Name! 

I stand for unity with in the Church of God, but never at the cost of essential doctrines. In other words, unity in the essentials and diversity in the non-essentials. The essentials are the deity of Christ mainly, then the direct commandments of Christ like love, Trinity, etc...the non-essentials doesn't mean that these are not needed, but rather these are things like baptism in water, baptism in the Spirit, communion, holiness, etc.. which comes to each person through conviction and obedience which can only bring great and greater blessing to our spiritual life.

Most cults start by manipulating the essentials of Christology by the influence of deceptive spirits in the spirit world (demonic doctrine), they directly bring their secret heresies in disguise to deceive people by making Christ to be something that He is not. For example, they say Christ is just a man like any other prophets and apostles, others say that he is the highest angel, still others say He is a first-born son of God... which means he was the one who was first created by God before all. But these are the most essentials that should never be negotiated by all true Christians at any cost, as we all believe Christ as God the Son and the second person with in the Trinity. Because if Christ has not been God before the foundation of the world, he cannot either save humans from sin, nor be the Lord of Hosts over the angels who were created by God before the world began. Which highest angel will want to subject themselves to peer worship with out coveting the same for themselves, or which human will learn to worship the true God in and through a created being with out wanting to be a god as they are already created in His image, which in itself is idolatry?

The Bible clearly reveals, "No one has seen God at any time. The only begotten Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, He has declared Him." (John 1:18, NKJV). As Jesus the Christ is the foretold God of the Scripture, who incarnated to be a human in an Avatar, the above scripture reveals that this uncreated being who is the first cause, saw the other person's of the Trinity and was in discussion and agreement of His visit with one another before the world began, after which He declared about the true God to humankind amongst whom He is one. Please note the very important phrase, "who is in the bosom of the Father". This does mean, even though Jesus was doing the ministry of the Father God on earth, relationally he was still God as His only begotten Son. Begotten in the natural sense does mean, 'cause or bring about through reproduction,' but Jesus being already God in existence, being co-equal and co-eternal with the Father and the Holy Spirit, he need not be brought in to existence and so God caused him to come to earth through mutual agreement and discussion between them. So Jesus was in the same mode as God, but he let all his privileges to remain unused except that which the Father felt pleased to use through him. In this way, the pact of salvation with in the Trinity for the benefit of humankind was fulfilled righteously without sin, so that all humanity who would believe Jesus would be redeemed from sin eternally to become God's children. Praise the Lord!

The wrong doctrine comes in when people take the literal meaning begotten out of the natural sense to either say, that Jesus was just a man like any other prophets or even Adam who in expressed in the Bible as the son of God in a physical sense, to trample His deity. Even those who question that God cannot have a son, they do out of natural sense when God speaks to us in a spiritual sense to see our obedience to his instruction. Jesus is not just begotten, but is the only begotten Son, which means He is the one and only Mediator model for mankind, a Savior God who became a man. When God calls Jesus as His only begotten Son, it is in an anthropomorphic sense, which means he has expressed a doctrine of belief, understandable and relatable to human understanding. So our job is not to question God and stay in unbelief, but rather be obedient enough to accept what God says, so that we can be saved from sin and therefore could be able to build our faith in God. Hallelujah! We are not made to test God, but rather we are made to trust Him and build a relationship with Him for eternity. Praise the Lord!

Finally, in the New Testament, the only place where the very word 'begotten' was used, clearly reveals the real prophetic meaning that God intended, in the following verse, "God has fulfilled this for us their children, in that He has raised up Jesus. As it is also written in the second Psalm: ‘You are My Son, Today I have begotten You.’" (Acts 13:33, NKJV). In other words, Father begot Jesus on earth again when he raised Jesus again from the dead, in that, we have been guaranteed that we who believe Jesus now, not only get saved internally with a new spirit and a renewed soul, but also a supernatural body soon we will receive on the day of Rapture just like the only begotten Son of our Heavenly Father in heaven who was raised from the dead never to die again but live forever. Hallelujah! Glory be to God in the Highest. This is the true story of the only begotten Son, our dear LORD and Saviour who died for us and rose again as the Father's only begotten Son. Let none of you ever be misled by unbelief regarding the word begotten, because the true context points to Jesus resurrection and not His birth as a baby!

Much Blessings...... 


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